
Some brainstorming and general ideas of what to do... basically what I am already terrible at, lol.

Ok, one of the goals of evolution is that every unit should have at least one unique upgrade (as in an upgrade that only applies to that unit, is not one of the "normal" SC2 upgrades and is preferably weird). At the moment I suffer from a lack of ideas, even if I have come up with some. The ones I have done so far:

  • Roaches attacks with poison, so whoever they target will loose health over time for a little while.
  • Banelings can jump up and down cliffs.
  • Banelings can move underground.
  • The damage dealt by fungal growth is tripled.
  • Brood Lords attack with 4 broodlings instead of just 2.

Ideas of what to do:

  • Zerglings are fast and agile units... so they could get an upgrade so they get a, say, 25% chance to dodge attacks.
  • Terror is just huge and terror-like... so he could maybe get some sort of "scare" ability.
  • Upgrade that makes so the lurkers gets a chance of stunning the ones they hit.
  • Upgrade that makes mutalisks run around and attack like the pheonix.
  • Upgrade so that corruptors can slow units (sort of like concussive shells, but for air).
  • Upgrade so that the malgan can spot burrowed and invisible units.
  • Could add an upgrade so that ultralisks will heal while they attack (imagine that they "eat" the ones they attack).
  • Hydralisk attacks could be made to ignore armor, which could help against very armored units (something that will appear on the map).

That is it for now, at last in terms of upgrades. Other ideas I have is to add weather affects, if possible. A day-night cycle may be added as well.


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