Mission 6B mothership attacks base while invincible #42

  • Noobasaurus729 created this issue Feb 26, 2023

    Bug Map


     Mission 6B (Terran) where you have your own forces plus Omega squadron backing you up.

    Bug Description

    Several minutes in, a protoss mothership warps onto the map and then slowly moves toward your base.  It's easy enough to knock down its shields and start chipping away at the hull.  However, when the hull gets between 1/4-1/2 health it suddenly replenished its entire shield bar almost instantly and then proceeds to steamroll my entire army and base.  It's pretty much invincible while it does this; I can use the Magellan EMP to knock down the shields again but the mothership immediately repairs them to full in less than a second.  Any other units can't even scratch it with that shield recharge rate. 


    I was thinking it might be a bug because one of the characters mentions something about the mothership warping back to its base right around when the insane shield recharge happens.  But, instead the mothership simply continues its attack while invincible.  I also thought it might be a bug because the Torrasque in mission 6A doesn't keep attacking while invincible.


    I've tried completely uninstalling Mass recall and reinstalling and the issue still remains.  Any help would be much appreciated.  Thank you


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