Debug Menu Advanced

Warning: This project is experimental. Its files will not synchronize across the CurseForge network.

Related to DR.Debug in the since it does the same thing, but this Debug tool is way more advanced


All non-official updates will be on github for sourcecode. 



Debug Menu Advanced V. 0.1 B23

Press Shift + Alt + D at the same time to open the menu.


Actions include:
Player groups (Use the action Add player to group to add any player by HANDLE ONLY to allow the use of the Debug Menu to certain players. Using the Add player to
player group action will allow you to specify which group you want them in.)

Hide tab for group (This goes along with the player groups, this action allows you to hide the tab for a certain player group such as moderator. Maybe you have a tab you
only want the owner group to be allowed to use.)

Console window (Use the action DebugConsole to add a coment in the console. The purpose of this is so in game you can know when a certain event gets triggered or so on.)

Console commands (Use the Add Console Command action to add a command that can be used in the text field in the console window for using cheats or other commands
in private without having to type anything into the public in game chat.)

Tabs (Add tabs with the Add Tab function, tabs will let you add buttons or other such things to them for use in cheating or debugging.)

Tab Options (Use the Set tab options action to change if you want that window to have a list of players that the buttons use when pushed. Mainly used as in give minerals to
selected player in player list. Tab options also lets you change the tab type.)

Tab Types
(The various tab types
Default - Just normal buttons
Icons - Buttons with photos
List Selection - Buttons in a list
Trigger editor - Special tab thats only function is to allow the turning on/off of triggers, as well as seeing how many instanes theyre are and if the trigger is on or off.)

Button and Icons (Buttons and Icons can be added to a tab to run a specified trigger, or give a specified amount of minerals or vesp to player.)


Map Creator, and Designer
SirStig (Two Good Gamers on SC2mapster)


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