Blizzcon Decals, Raynor Party, Battlefield: Egypt, Blues

Blizzard responded to Rodrigo about Nexus Word Wars ban giving examples of bad words and saying that he could upload his map back once all the bad words have been removed.

Blizzcon Decals by HeroLief

HeroLief just found out that in the latest patch the Starcraft 2 Blizzcon goodies: custom decals.

Raynor Party by Blinn

Making a minigames map looks easy to do but it's in fact quite hard. Raynor Party is a really polished map that is fun to play. It has been released worldwide so you must test it :)

Battlefield: Egypt by Bounty_98

This is another map from Bounty_98 using WASD movement. This is a shooter game using bullets that move into a 2D plane in order to avoid all the hitboxes troubles. You can already play it on and it's up to 8 players :)

Blue Posts

Three interesting questions of ZeroAme have been answered by Blizzard :)


(ZeroAme) - Is there any way to make a mod that would allow, or map that is larger then 256x256 and would it be playable on

The game is optimized to play 256x256 maps and increasing this limit would affect performance as well as require significant development time. We're aware of the desire to create larger maps and would like to support it but it may conflict with other needs.

(ZeroAme) - Can you please add support for users to create/use more then 3 cliff heights.

We'd like to allow more than 3 cliff levels for map makers and will add support for it if we have time.

(ZeroAme) - Would it at all be possible to make it so water can be bent or painted almost like terrain so that we can have a river that say goes from a body of water, down hill, levels out and then back into another body of water.

Our current implementation of water is optimized for rendering. It would be much more flexible if water was a more important part of StarCraft. To achieve the look you are describing, it would probably be best to create a custom model.

(Khalint) Can we please get the ability to hide units and doodads by player, and perhaps hide terrain in a region?

We'll look into adding support for per player actor visbility. Generic per player actor properties would work too but may require too many changes to the current system.

(Riley) - Could you please add an ability flag that will allow an auto-cast ability to interrupt a directed attack order?

Could you more specifically describe the problem you are trying to solve? We could support if it was important, but adding a flag like this wouldn't be trivial amount of work. You also might be able to emulate this using triggers.

(payne) - Why don't you allow map-makers to detect if a unit is within a region instead of just letting them detect if a unit entered or left it?

Use the Unit in Region trigger function to check if a unit is within a region.



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