Soccer, TPS Battle, Final Disaster

Soccer Galaxy Cup by progammer

I've been newsing for two months and there are still completly different maps popping up each day, this is quite impressive. Today I'm going to feature a soccer map. It's at the moment an early proof of concept but has a great potential. You can pass or shoot the ball depending on the power, switch player and move around with the ball. If you want to help progammer: I'm desperately need help on map terrain. If you are good at terraining, modeling and willing to help, please contact me.

TPS Battle by iWaNN

Another pretty cool concept: a battle system where you can play any unit individually in third person mode. Always dreamed to revive the Metal Gear Solid rocket controlling experience, this map is for you.

Final Disaster by flydaggar

Proof of concepts are fun but playable maps are better! I've already newsed Final Disaster, it has evolved a lot since the first release. Heroes now have fun spells, many new bosses, items ... have been added.



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