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    posted a message on Question about the Starcraft 2 map editor.

    Well, the StarCraft 2 editor is not the easiest to use, but there are some tutorials online. Be sure to checkout the wiki at https://sc2mapster.fandom.com/wiki/SC2Mapster_Wiki for help. You can also look around this forum, but there's a lot of spam as of late. Java won't help you much here, the GalaxyScript code used for triggers has similar syntax to C but that's about it. Most of the editor work is going to be in Data if you're working on a mod, Triggers if you're working on an arcade (or maybe mod too), or Terrain if you're working on an arcade or melee map.

    You can't really "present" a StarCraft 2 map or mod, it's not a video, presentation slides, text, or a speech. Your URL also doesn't lead anywhere. 

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Procedural Generation

    Pretty sure you already asked the same question here:

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    posted a message on Buying starcraft 2 question.

    SC2 (WoL campaign, co-op missions, versus, and all custom maps/games/arcades) is free to play. LotV is its own separate purchase without HotS. If you want all three campaigns at the same time you can buy the bundle pack instead. People who bought WoL got free HotS. I'm not sure about HotS being turned into LotV. Also, f2p happened 5 years ago in November 2017. Why are you asking now?

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    posted a message on Unity Books

    If you're referring to the Unity Game Engine, then there are plenty of tutorials online. I'm not aware of any Unity books though.


    Also @lawrencenixon shut up spammer

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    posted a message on Help With Easy Editor project

    You can use the "Catalog Field Value Additive Bonus" action in order to change the cost of units at runtime. I don't really see much reason to change the cost of a unit at runtime. If "4 random units" is the same 4 units every time you play the map, then you can change the "Cost" field of the unit you want in the data editor. Unit training, building, morphing, and army value should respect that cost value provided that no modifier was applied on the specific abilities (Which I don't believe there are any on the default units.)

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    posted a message on Taking over a dead custom?

    You should try to get in contact with anyone who might have the map file (original or new dev, friends of the dev, etc.) Then they could send the map file to you and you can start working on it. If they locked the map then there isn't much you can do to get the map if the developers won't give it to you. Otherwise if the map isn't locked (which is usually what I upload my maps as), you can just open the map in the editor and start working on it.

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    posted a message on Question regarding getting into starcraft 2

    StarCraft 2 is usually considered to be pretty hard, that's why it doesn't have that many players. I generally see salt/toxicity once every about 10 games, so it's not too bad. There's lots of pro gamers on youtube that have made tutorials for beginners.

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    posted a message on best custom campaign map makers?

    What do you by wol, hots, and lotv, and co? If you want someone else to make a map for you, you can try again posting in Map Suggestions forum (https://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/player-zone/map-suggestions-requests) instead. 

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    posted a message on Procedural Generation

    You can definitely make AI in the SC2 editor. Not sure about machine learning though. I don't think the SC2 editor has the ability to connect to other online services, but people have made crazy stuff in SC2. Also, what do you mean by procedurally generating maps? Do you mean using AI to completely automate the creation of maps? If so, then you can try to look at the structure of an SC2 map file (it's just a zip file, make sure to save maps as a components folder). You shouldn't try to make replays outside of SC2. There's no point in that.


    Finally, there isn't much official documentation on the editor, save/map/replay file formats, or the engine itself. Most of the info comes from the community.


    Don't post random links if you want to look professional. (I've been seeing a lot of random links injected throughout forum posts. I wonder if the forum's been hacked.) 


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    posted a message on Question for arcade map makers...

    Don't post duplicate posts on an alt account. (Or maybe don't copy a post if it's only a few weeks old?)

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    posted a message on Question for arcade map makers...

    I think it could be the opposite. The SC2 editor is much easier to upload and share than SC1. SC2 editor also has a lot more information and tooltips as SC1 mostly relied on third-party software. I'd say there are more people trying the SC2 editor than trying to make SC1 maps but maybe the number of publically published maps is a lot lower because of the higher quality bar from big arcades already published. It's definitely harder to make a nice-looking SC2 map than SC1 simply because SC2 allows you to place much more stuff on your map.

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    posted a message on Hello, sharing tips?(also helping with publish)

    You answered your own question. You can debug the map by publishing it privately so that only you can create lobbies for the arcade. That way you can create a lobby in-game, and then invite anyone you wish to debug with you. In the Publish Document window, select Release: Private. Also, select locked mode if you don't want others to be able to edit your mod even if publically published.

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    posted a message on How / Where to make a Sc2 map?

    What kind of game do you want to make? There is a huge variety of SC2 maps out there. You should first know where to find the editor. It's on the battle.net launcher above the play button. See the image attached below.


    Then you should decide what kind of game you want and then plan out what features you want. It's like starting any other creative project. You can search online (or in this forum) or make more posts if you need help. In terms of map design, you can make pretty much whatever you want. Some people have made really crazy things like first person shooters, 3rd person games, or flight simulators that don't really seem possible in SC2. For a beginner, you should stick with something simple that can reuse the features of the SC2 engine. 


    Lastly, don't post random links.

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    posted a message on How / Where to make a Sc2 map?

    In reply to jenniferoverstreet:

     Doesn't really answer OP's question. I don't think OP was looking for online casino games. 

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    posted a message on How to make a weapon miss a target?

    It's nothing to do with target sorts. You need to change the

    (Basic) Target: Impact Location^ +

    field from 

    (None):Target Unit:Unknown


    (None):Target Point:Unknown

     on the Launch Missile effect (sometimes called LM).

    Posted in: General Chat
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