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    posted a message on Creating an upgrade that changes the weapon used by a unit.

    I'm not entirely sure what to tell you; I use the method as above and it works perfectly. The weapon box shouldn't flash if you are just doing a behavior swap.

    Also, if you assign the weapon to a turret, then yes, the banshee will not turn to face the enemy - it must be a standard weapon. I think part of what is going on here is that the weapons you are creating do not have default options - compare it to the regular banshee weapon (or hell, just copy it twice, then change the upgraded version to allow fire while moving).

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    posted a message on Creating an upgrade that changes the weapon used by a unit.

    The duration is infinite by default, if the duration field is set to "0." Also, sorry, I forgot to mention - you want it to be a "Buff"

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    posted a message on Morphing ability causing unit to stop


    I would think that just creating a Set Effect which has multiple effects and then having the ability call that would work.

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    posted a message on Movable AoE damage

    Basically what you'll want to do is create a Behavior that has an Effect - Search Area for the periodic effect. Then have that Search Area deal the damage. Apply this behavior to your unit however you'd like - either with a Apply Behavior ability, or an Effect + Apply Behavior and an Ability - Instant Effect. The former is easier, the latter allows you to have a cast time.

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    posted a message on Creating an upgrade that changes the weapon used by a unit.

    Okay, here's how to do this one.

    Create your units with NO weapons. None. Zero. Nada.

    Now, create the default weapon that you would like the unit to have. Then create a behavior with infinite duration. Go to the "Weapons tab" and have the behavior add the weapon to the unit when it is active. Now, go to the unit and give the unit the behavior. Let's call this behavior Weapon 1.

    That may seem like overkill, but I'll explain why this is necessary for a good, modular solution.

    So, step 2, you're going to repeat the above process for the other weapon that you would like the unit to be able to use. The catch is that with the second behavior, you also go into the behaviors tab and include disable Weapon 1.

    Alright, so that gives you your two behaviors. Now if you want this to be an upgrade, what you do is create a Requirement which is basically "Weapon 2 is Completed Or Better."

    With that, you give the 2nd behavior to your unit as well. What will happen here is that the unit will have the standard weapon, and then when the upgrade comes through, the Weapon 2 behavior will become active, enabling the new weapon and disabling behavior 1.

    The reason for doing this is that it's clean - the UI updates instantly and there is no lag in updating the weapon box. Also, a modular system such as this one allows you to do much more than change weapon on upgrade. I have created units which can swap between weapons in the field through abilities. And not just between two weapons, but as many as you'd like.

    To do that, you'll need some validators and some Ability - Behaviors. Or, you'll need some Effect - Apply Behaviors and some Ability - Instant Effects (depending on if you want a cast time, etc...the former is easier if you do not care)

    Aaanyways, I've rambled for a bit, but I hope this helps you. :)

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    posted a message on How to make a unit attack in all directions.

    @Selfcreation: Go

    Structures can't turn. It's assumed that their attack arc is 360. You do have a couple of options though:

    -Make an invisible structure, attach the model to it (Site Operations) and then designate it as a turret (Check the Missile Turret for an idea on how this works.)

    -Make it a unit instead which cannot move but can turn. (Easier, but then you don't get the grid.)

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    posted a message on How to make a unit attack in all directions.

    Snipe is a bit different in that it is a targeted ability rather than a weapon. I believe what you would need to do is go to the "Ghost - Sniper" ability, go down to "Flags" and uncheck "Require Target Vision"

    It's just a guess though, I'm honestly not sure if that would be the only fix. I suggest looking at the "Nexus - Chrono Boost" ability and seeing what the differences are.

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    posted a message on Move while Planet Cracker is Active?

    Turns out, it's a setting in the behavior. Unfortunately, it's not a setting that you have access to in the editor (Yeah, I just tried this.)

    So basically here's what you do: Make a new behavior, doesn't matter what it's named - you're going to delete it in a sec. Copy the "Modifications" Field, and paste it onto the Purifier Beam behavior's "Modifications" Field. Basically what you're doing is resetting it to a standard behavior that has no effects.

    That's it. The original thought of it being a behavior setting is correct - but I couldn't find any visible changes (in menu mode, Raw Data would likely show it). In any case, that's the quick fix, and it does work - I just did it.

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    posted a message on Ground-To-Ground Missle Pods

    I haven't tried this *exactly*, but I have a pretty good handle on the data editor...really need to get around to posting some units at some point...

    Aaanyways, I seriously recommend that you never dupe abilties. It's good to look at them to get an idea for how things fit together, but duping may result in some unexpected behavior.

    Having said that, here's how I would do this. As a general rule, try and break it down into smaller chunks. If you approach it from "I want an ability that does this," then you may have a great final concept, but not a good starting point.

    So let's look at it this way. You want to fire a bunch of missiles. Let's start with one missile.

    You'll need a Damage Effect for the missile. Then you'll need a Launch Effect and then the corresponding actors to put them together. Basically, are you able to make a simple projectile ranged attack?

    Obviously, tweak the values in your damage effect to allow for splash/damage bonus, etc.

    Okay, so you have a missile attack. Now you want a LOT of them. Fair enough. Make a Persistent Effect that fires as many as you'd like. (Adjust number of periods, only periodic effect needs to be the Launch Effect. Feel free to randomize period duration or what not.)

    Now if you attach this effect to a weapon, you'll notice that you're firing all the missiles at the target and dealing damage equivalent to the number of missiles that you fired.

    Not what you want, I know. But that's okay, we're CLOSE. Go back to your Launch Effect and make sure that the "Impact Effect" Field is set to "Target Unit/Point." This is very important.

    That by itself won't change anything though, you need the missiles to strike randomly. No problem, go back to your Persistent Effect and add the Flag "Random Offset." Now go into your "Periodic Offsets" Field and enter your offsets. I typically use the center point (0,0), and then 12 points on a circle of radius (whatever).

    Here's a cheat sheet, your points should be as follows for my setup:


    That's for a circle of radius 1. If you want to scale it up, just multiply each value by your spread radius (Ex: 1.3,0.75 for a 1.5 radius circle).

    Now the turret thing I'm not 100% sure about. However, here's a thought:

    Look at the Hellion's Attack actor, and check the Launch Attachment field. Copy that Launch Attachment and put it in the Actor for your Launch Effect. I've used a similar trick before with the Battlecruiser.

    I'm in the process of doing something similar. I'll let you know how it turns out, but give this a go. :)

    EDIT: Yes, this just worked.

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    posted a message on Preserve behaviors through death and revive???

    Here's a quick and dirty:

    Create effects to apply those behaviors, and then create abilities which activate those effects when used. You'll want abilities to be of the type (Effect - Instant). Ensure that auto-cast is available and enabled, the ability is transient, and that you create a validator so that it only casts if the behavior is not present on the unit. Give this ability to your unit(s). However, DO NOT give it a button on the command card.

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    posted a message on [Data]Using 2 weapons in same time.

    Ah yes, age old dilemma. There are a few ways out of this one. Are you trying for a multi-target solution on this? That is to say, the lasers should attack things that might not be your primary target?

    I'm actually in the process of developing what I would call a "super-cruiser," so I have a couple of solutions for you.

    1) Make an ability, set to autocast, you don't even have to make a button. Make it a targeted effect and then set the Effect to <laser> Launch Missile or whatever you have named the effect. You can adjust the arc on the ability and the cost field for cooldown (period).

    2) Make a persistent buff which periodically performs a Search Area effect and then fires the laser at a target. Note that if you put a value other than 1 in for the Search Area, you will fire the laser at that many targets. If you only have the single laser, as you do, then it's not a problem. If you put in n > 1 for targets, you'll notice that it works beautifully well as far as attacking goes. Unfortunately, all the projectiles fire at the exact same time (doesn't look good), and once you have < n units, you effectively lose firepower, as the instruction is basically "fire 1 shot at up to n targets," NOT "fire n shots at up to n targets." But there are ways around that.

    Okay, so the above two should give you an idea. I'm going to elaborate on what I've done with my own cruiser as it may give you a couple of ideas.

    For reference, my cruiser currently has 4 auto-targeting, coordinated anti-ground batteries, 2 auto-targeting, coordinated anti-air torpedo launchers, a main cannon which will autofire at priority targets or be manually controlled (linked to right click via smart cast). Additionally, it also has 2 bomber squadrons (6 each) and I'm working on the fighter wings now.

    Here's the neat thing: My cruiser has exactly 0 weapons that actually fire. A "weapon" is actually quite restrictive. The anti-ground laser batteries and anti-air missiles were created via the 2nd method I mentioned above. Every stack of the behavior is another turret. The "coordinated" part is handled via an apply behavior, validator, and target sort. Basically when these periodic effects go off, the attack action includes a "claim target" effect which prevents the other turrets of the same type from attacking it, unless there is no other target. Weapons cannot do this - they have a "target acquire" field, but NOT a "target sort" field, which is the only way I have found to do this. Also, so that the bolts don't fire at the same time, the behaviors actually periodically call a Persistent Effect which have a random period to simulate the min/max weapon variation. Works very well.

    In the case of a slow firing weapon, but one you want to have pick up targets immediately, then what you need to do is make the period on your behavior very quick, and then create a "Reload" behavior which prevents the periodic from going off when that behavior is on the unit (apply the behavior when the weapon fires).

    The bomber wings also exhibit the same behavior, they have abilities which allow them to coordinate strikes and then a validator count to determine when to reload (return to the ship, then fly back out)

    Anyways, the bomber launching and the main cannon are handled via abilities, as the 1st method I mentioned above. For a "Use Magazine" type action, the applied behavior won't work, there's just too much going on. However, you can fool with it enough to allow fighter-style units to launch while moving. The main cannon is an ability simply because I wanted the player to have control over it.

    Oh, and that part about 0 weapons that fire? It does have "weapons," which have scan ranges and weapon ranges, but no effects. This allows for the creation of engagement distance rules (via disabling one weapon or the other through an ability or behavior). It also ensures that the "attack" stance becomes set and that the cruiser doesn't run away.

    Sorry for the ramble, point is that either way will get you there, takes a bit of work, and there are different advantages to each. If you're looking for an auto-targeted bombardment-style weapon, I'd be happy to go over it step by step if need be. I wish I had a video of my monstrosity available offhand, apologies that I don't, but it's generally half-broken most of the time anyways...it's quite likely more than 40 pieces of data entry and gets unwieldy to add more to while keeping combat behavior proper.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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