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    posted a message on My map deleted from Bnet :(

    What was halairus is I played it the first time, and I was like "woa- the units formed that symbol..i wonder if thats why it got taken out? Nahh..Thats ridiculous"..I stand corrected. I understand Thats offensive to people, but units on the minimap can form whatever symbol they want to! lol..its blizzards pathing system! lol...at least it wasnt the words that got it taken out.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Map Ideas Thread

    Great! And even if you are making a map, feel free to post it here and just make it clear you don't want anybody stealing the idea. At least it will give us some ideas. =] One good thing- blizzard reset popularity so we should have some fresh maps to play.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Map Ideas Thread

    anybody....? we really need some games other than tower defense....

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Zombie Apocolypse

    Im not sure what you are looking for really. IF you want a tutorial on a zombie attacks check out this http://www.youtube.com/user/OneTwoSC#p/p this channel has a few video tutorials on zerg attack AI and also on a zerg invasion type map. They might be useful to you.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Data] Moving from World Editor to Galaxy Editor (part 1)

    This is part 2: http://forums.sc2mapster.com/development/tutorials/6090-moving-from-wc3-editor-to-sc2-editor-part-2-trigger/#p2

    Note, I did a way better job with part 2. You dont have to have read this to read part 2. (Because its part 2 of the tutorial series, not the tutorial itself)

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Data] Moving from World Editor to Galaxy Editor (part 2)

    reseved in case I need more space<<

    comments? questions? requests?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Data] Moving from World Editor to Galaxy Editor (part 2)

    Transitioning from wc3 editor to sc2 editor

    By zeldarules28

    Note- you don't have to do part 1 to start this! This is a part 2 to my previous tutorial. This is meant for people who understood the Warcraft 3 World Editor and would like to move on to Galaxy Editor. What will be covered in this part- differences in the new trigger system from the old one part 1- http://forums.sc2mapster.com/resources/tutorials/5868-data-moving-from-world-editor-to-galaxy-editor-part/

    part 2- this tutorial

    part 3- http://forums.sc2mapster.com/resources/tutorials/6610-data-moving-from-wc3-editor-to-sc2-editor-part-3-abilties/

    part 4- http://forums.sc2mapster.com/resources/tutorials/7199-data-moving-from-wc3-editor-to-sc2-editor-part-4-upgrades/

    part 5- http://forums.sc2mapster.com/resources/tutorials/8014-data-moving-from-wc3-editor-to-sc2-editor-part-5-custom/

    The new Trigger System

    Open up your map and hit F6 to open the trigger editor. The basics of the system are still the same. Events trigger the actions, as long as all the conditions are met.

    First Things you will see different

    1) To edit data fields in triggers, you will use the nice little box at the bottom of the window instead of double clicking on the event to edit it.

    2) The search box is much more easily accessible now. Its always in the top of the event box.

    3) Local Variables!! There is a section for them right under events. These are so nice, but I'll get to them later.

    The awesomeness of Local Variables

    note- I have been told these were usable in wc3 editor but only through code. This is still helpful info, anyway.

    What is a local variable? It is basically a variable just like the ones from wc3, but it is unique to that trigger. So basically, lets say you wanted a trigger that picks 5 units for the triggering player, assigns them to a variable, and then moves them all somewhere. Well in Warcraft 3, if multiple people triggered this, the variable would be assigned a new set of units and mess up the trigger. But if you have a local variable, it is unique to each time the trigger is run. So you could have 10 of the same trigger running at the same time, and only need 1 local variable.

    How you can use local variables

    You can use them for something as simple as a loop. Make a local variable called X. Then add the event 'for each integer'. You can use X for this integer. This would be a problem back in the days of wc3, because the variable would get reset to 1 if another player ran the trigger half way through.


    These are basically a tool to organize your global variables. Global variables (to clarify) are just normal variables, like in wc3. Think of records as a box that hold other variables, like a folder. SO you can put, lets say, 10 integer values in the record 'rec1'. All you have to do to use these is this: 1) Right click on the left half on the window (where the trigger list was in wc3) and click "new record."

    2) Select the record and you can add variables to it in the top right part of the window.

    3) Right click on the left side again, and hit 'add variable'

    4) Set the variable type to Record, nae it rec1

    5) it will automatically link the variable and the record together for you if you only have 1 record. otherwise, just select the record you want.

    6) To use the record, for example you can use the set variable action. Set variable 'rec1' and member 'your variable here' to 3. By member, I mean any variable inside the record.

    How records can help you

    They are more of an organization tool. You can do anything without records you can do with them. But say you had 100 integer variables for your TD map. Since variables are now displayed along side triggers, that would be quite a mess.

    New actions. Yes, you can make your own actions.

    That is correct. You are no longer limited to the pre made actions! Here is how:

    1) Right click like before, but choose 'create custom action' Name it "kill X units"

    2) Now you have a lot of options in the top right corner. Don't get overwhelmed, its simple. Right click on "parameter" and choose "add new parameter"

    3) Parameters are like variables the user can change when he/she uses the action, like the variable in 'set variable' or the words to be used in "send transmission". Set this parameter to an integer value. Here you can set minimum, maximum, and alot of other options for the allowable imput, but leave it for now.

    4) Now go the actions part and add an action, just like in a normal trigger. Add "pick each unit in unit group". Set the group to 'units in region matching condition'. Then change "at most any amount" to your parameter. So click on any amount, choose the parameter tab, and pick your parameter.

    5) Now add (under the 'pick units and do actions') kill unit (picked unit).

    6) IF you want, change the grammar text field to "Kill X units". Then highlight X with your mouse and select your parameter at the bottom. This way, X will be what you click on to pick the number of units to kill. This is optional, but it looks nicer.

    7) Thats it! Your action will now let you enter a number, and then it kills up to that many units randomly. Try it! Go to the default melee initialization trigger and add your action. It will be located under the "general" category. Cool, huh?

    How actions can actually help you

    Lets say you were using a combination of 20 actions over and over in multiple triggers. Just add all those actions into a brand new action, and use the new one in all your triggers. It saves you alot of effort. For example, you could use this custom action we made when ever the player had more than 20 units.

    A quick note about what I left out

    1)Presets are handy when used to make your own actions. I don't fully understand them yet, but for example, lets say you had pres1. (a preset). Inside it were the values "lol","rofl",and,"brb". You can make the value of a parameter in your action a preset. So the user will choose either lol rofl or brb when they are using the action. Again, I don't fully understand presets yet. I might explain them later when I figure them out..

    2) I believe it is also possible to create your own CONDITIONS and EVENTS!!! Now, I have clue how these work, but you create one just like actions. Sorry, again, I'll add them in here if I figure them out.

    Closing Remarks

    This is almost everything thats new about the trigger editor. It is a bit different than wc3, I know. I hated it at first, but now I'm in love with it. I cant even use wc3 editor any more because of how clunky the trigger editor it is compared to this. Trust me, its a really nice new system. Good Luck!

    random fact for this tutorial- Did you know that the most money ever paid for a cow in an auction was $1.3 million. :D

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Confuzed

    Change the default aquire mode to defensive. Its under the heroes unit properties in the data edtior . By default its offensive. Switch it to passive or defensive and it will be different.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on (Idea) Laser Drill Tug o' War

    That is the wierdest thing ever. your shooting a lazer at a floating giatn pylon that folows u around. If they had giant lazer, just shoot the enemy!! lol

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Map Ideas Thread

    To get it started, I have an idea for anybody who is willing to develop it. Prepare for wall o' text.

    Its a 5v5 match. Team A controls a large fortress at the top of the map. I mean large as in "half the map" kind of large. The fortress has several structures inside of it the players need to make use of. Team B tries to assault that fortress and take out the command center in the very center. The base has lots of weak spots that Team A will need to defend. For example, the perimeter gate has a tough energy shield and turrets guarding it. Team B COULD try to take it out with brute force, or they could take a more sneaky route and attack the outer generators to disable the shields for the door and de-activate the turrets. Now, if you are ok with the player controling some units other than the hero, then heres what else you could do. There are several key structures inside the base that, over time, spawn units for each player. Like, there is a barracks that every 20 seconds creates a marine for each player on Team A. Now, team B can destroy this structure to make it harder for Team A. Or there is a healing machine that team B can take out, forcing Team A to heal at a machine farther back from the fight, delaying them. If you want, you could have Team B spawn minions over time (like Dota) that were NOT player controlled. These minions would be relatively weak, but since there are many of them Team A must micro its more powerful units and heroes to hold off the assault. Team A wins if they can hold the fort for X amount of minutes. Team B wins if they destroy the command center before X minutes.

    So, like I said, anybody is free to use this idea but I wouldn't mind my name in the map. Anyway, anybody else have ideas to give?

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Custom Minimap??

    I just enabled the UI, never mind then.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Map Ideas Thread

    Ok, I have noticed that a huge amounts of maps on the internet are tower defense maps, nexus wars maps, or DoTA. Sure, they all have a few twists, but we need some unique, varied maps. I started this thread to try and overcome this. What I am hoping for is this:

    Basically, we all post creative ideas that could be used for UNIQUE maps that would be fun. For example "what about a map where you control a hero and you have to ...." Even if you want to make the map yourself, go ahead and post it just to give some ideas to others. If you want your idea not to used by by others, please add [DO NOT STEAL] at the top of your post. IF we all contribute ideas to the same area, I'm sure we can get some good map ideas and have some new and fun maps out on battle bet. Thanks!

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Cutscene chitchat in the box? how to make

    You must use triggers. Send Transmission (NOT simple, dont use the simple one). From unit type marine. Its all in 1 function. If you need help, just open up the map you took that screenshot from in the editor.

    EDIT- you wont get the nice dialog box if you don't enable cinematic mode. There is a tirgger for this. If you do not, the text will still appear.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Tank moving/attacking woes

    Well the problem is you want the unit to behave stupidly instead of intelligently. Im not sure if you can change that. It might be some internal GE setting that says: if you can attack and move at the same time, why not? Lol..Sorry.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Battle.Net 1 Second Delay

    If you used the events 'mouse pressed' 'key pressed' or 'button pressed' that might be your problem. I am trying to make a 9 player WASD map and Im reconsidering it due to the possibility of lag.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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