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    posted a message on Exploring Map Creation and Gameplay in StarCraft 2

    Hello Community Members,


    I want to tell you all that I found what I was looking for on the StarCraft 2 Map Editor wiki (https://sc2mapping.fandom.com/wiki/Starcraft_2_map_editor_rpa).


    It's a fantastic resource with detailed guides and tutorials on map creation and gameplay mechanics. I've been exploring different map design elements and scripting events, and this wiki has been incredibly helpful in understanding the intricacies of StarCraft 2 map development. Highly recommend it to anyone diving into custom map creation.


    I am also waiting for your insights on my query.




    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on My problem with Call Of Duty

    In reply to warzillay:


     Hey warzillay,


    I enjoy games and helping others with gaming tips and strategies. Thank you for sharing this message.


    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Hello

    In reply to _ForgeUser1577:

    Hi Remy,


    I am happly that you like the website. Currently, there's a small community interested in SC2 editing here. Your idea of a precompiler for .galaxy sounds intriguing and could enhance the development process. Good luck with your SC2 AI exploration!


    With Regards,


    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Exploring Map Creation and Gameplay in StarCraft 2

    Hey Community Members,


    I am diving into the world of map creation and gameplay tweaks, and I'd love to hear about your experiences and tips.  Share your favorite design principles, Terrain Editor tricks, and any custom game modes or unit modifications you've tried.


    Also interested in helpful community resources and how you've tackled challenges in map creation.


    Feel free to share screenshots, videos, or links to your projects. I am excited to see what everyone is working on and to learn from your experiences.


    Looking forward to some great discussions.




    Posted in: General Chat
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