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    posted a message on Shared Control of Units

    Instead of describing a more complex situation, let me just ask a question:

    Is it possible to allow other players to control my units while my own commands are ignored by my units?

    I can turn Shared Control on so all of us can control my units, but now I want to have my units ignore my own commands. How can this be accomplished?

    SOLVED: Believe it or not, turning off Shared Control on yourself actually works. This is done via Player - Set Alliance Aspect.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Lost Temple Observers

    UPDATE: This project has been discontinued and replaced with the PEEPMODE series of maps. Shattered Temple included (not Lost Temple).

    See http://forums.sc2mapster.com/player-zone/map-feedback/21475-peepmode-ultra-spectator-maps

    Introducing Lost Temple Observers, a map that allows 14 players to compete in 1v1, 2v2, and FFA melee matches on Lost Temple while other players observe. Builds on features of other observer maps such as the popular "1v1 Obs - Xel'Naga" by Slime. I am actively seeking player feedback...I would like to hear your rants, raves, and bug reports.


    • Hero-ish team selection
    • Declare your league (optional)
    • Betting / ranking system
    • Cinematic observer mode (up to full-screen)
    • Zoom out for wider view
    • Cinematic chat, silent chat, other chat options
    • Auto Cam follows the action
    • Detailed event log with filtering
    • Voting and personal options
    • Now featuring Charlie Sheen as the "...winning!" token
    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Unit Colors in Patch 1.3.2

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    Thanks for your post but it does not seem like you understand the problem. It is solved now based on BasharTeg's suggestion.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit Colors in Patch 1.3.2

    @BasharTeg: Go

    I just put "UI - Lock ally color settings for players in (All players)" in init and it has fixed the problem.

    Since I've verified this issue happens with very old versions of my map and I never had to worry about this before patch 1.3.2, I'm fairly certain that Blizzard must have changed a default such that the action above must be called explicitly if you want to do anything custom with unit colors. This seems strange but it is the only logical conclusion I can arrive at given the evidence.

    Thanks very much for the help. If you have any other thoughts on this issue, please share.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit Colors in Patch 1.3.2

    Since the latest patch 1.3.2 (Apr 18), it seems that I can no longer control unit colors. They are either always white (even if I explicitly set a unit color to something different), or they are different colors than their owning players (such as player 1's units always being green even though player 1 is red). Another tidbit is that units appear *different colors* to different players, which seems to defy logical game mechanics. I went back several versions of my map and verified that this appears to be a game issue, not a code issue. Can anyone confirm/comment?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on "Create melee starting units" and larvae
    This is the easiest way I've found to do this:
    • Open Data Editor, go into Effects section
    • Duplicate the Effect "Queen - Spawn Mutant Larva (Apply Spawn Behavior)"
    • Name the duplicate something like "Spawn 3 Larva"
    • Open Behavior tab and set Behavior Count to 3.
    Now just use the action "Environment - Execute Effect" (using the hatchery in question as the source and the target for your new effect). Works like a charm and it even produces a nice visual where the larva jump from the hatchery instead of appearing next to it. You may want to Clear All Tips after executing this as a blank tip will come onscreen when the effect is executed.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Larva spawning

    @BasharTeg: Go

    Found an even simpler solution. Made a duplicate of the Effect "Queen - Spawn Mutant Larva (Apply Spawn Behavior)" and changed the count to 3. I then just use Environment - Execute Effect (hatchery producing the effect on itself). Works like a charm and it even produces a nice effect where the larva jump from the hatchery instead of appearing next to it :)

    Thanks much for the help.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Larva spawning

    @BasharTeg: Go

    That's an idea but would it get "attached" to the hatchery properly? I need the waypoints and everything to work....I've never done anything like this with transferring abilities. If it's fairly easy would you mind sharing some code? Thanks.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Larva spawning

    I'm using "Melee - Create Zerg melee starting units for player at point" to create a base and 6 drones for a zerg player. This happens at arbitrary times. My problem is that when this happens, the 3 larva that you normally get in melee games are not there. You must wait for the larva to spawn. If I explicitly spawn larva next to the hatchery, they do not "register" with the hatchery, meaning the larva icon in the command card displays 0 instead of 3...only the larva that the hatchery spawns seem to increment this number.

    Is there any way I can either get these larva to spawn and/or "register" with the hatchery? Thanks.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Lost Temple Observers
    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Screencasting

    What's the best screencasting software to use in Windows 7 to demo a map?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Lobby Issues

    How can I remove the option to include AI players (the button at the top of the player list in the lobby for game host?)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Lost Temple Observers
    UPDATE: This project has been discontinued and replaced with the PEEPMODE series of maps (including Shattered Temple). See http://forums.sc2mapster.com/player-zone/map-feedback/21475-peepmode-ultra-spectator-maps Introducing Lost Temple Observers. 2 to 14 players. Supports 2v2, 1v1, and FFA (default is Random). Builds on features of the popular 1v1 Obs maps by Slime. Currently seeking 15-30 testers for scheduled test events before public release. Please email [email protected] with in-game name and friend code to participate in testing.
    • Graphical team selection (maximum team size = 2)
    • Random, 2v2, 1v1, FFA modes
    • Cinematic Mode (up to full screen)
    • Auto camera follows the action
    • Camera zooming (wide angle)
    • Customizable Match Log
    • Help system
    • Betting system
    • Cinematic chat; silent chat
    • Votable and personal options
    Posted in: Map Feedback
  • 0

    posted a message on Modify Player Score

    @jcraigk: Go

    Bump - someone has got to know how to reset player scores! :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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