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    posted a message on Bank noob question

    @BasharTeg: Go

    Sorry I misunderstood what you meant by "direct". Using the words "literal string" or "hand-typed" would have been more clear in that context I think. Just sayin' :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger Mod?

    @kongkim82: Go

    I copied/pasted all my triggers into a library, exported it. Then I imported it into a new map and deleted the existing Map Initialization trigger. When I try to run or save the map, it won't compile and is complaining about missing elements of a global Record. Is there something special I have to do to make a library of triggers available to several maps?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Triggers in a Mod

    I want to apply many triggers to several maps and I would like to maintain one codebase so when I make a change in the triggers, all maps that use that mod are automatically updated. I know you can do this with Data, but when I start a new Mod, the editor doesn't seem to allow me to create or copy Triggers. Are triggers possible in a mod and if not, am i SOL as far as being able to have one codebase for my triggers? I have already abstracted the code from the map and it's ready to be copy/pasted into a mod if possible.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Library] STARCODE v1.4

    If you've already published a map and people have used your banks (using the encryption key and order of variables in version 1 of your map) and now you want to publish version 2 of your map which contains more information in the bank, do you store that in a separate key value? So in other words for every public update you make to your map, you have to add a new key and store your new strings in a new StarCode string...is this correct? Or if you simply add integers to the end of your existing StarCode string, will that work okay without breaking old values?

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on Bank checksums/signatures

    Another bank noob question: I realize banks are totally insecure....hopelessly so until Blizzard completely revamps how they are handling them. Who knows if this will ever happen.

    In the meantime, we do the best we can by using something like StarCode to encrypt/compress. The next step is, of course, doing hashing or checksumming and then using that value to verify that a Bank has not been tampered with. Is there consensus on what is the best option for this layer of security?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bank noob question

    Spent some time on this. It turns out you can't pass variables in for player integers either. That seems to be the problem. So I'll have to have a case statement that checks a parameter and then hard-codes the values of player number in. Is this normal?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bank noob question

    @BasharTeg: Go

    I was afraid you were going to say that... :(

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Observer UI as a Dialog Item

    @TacoManStan: Go

    Common sense?

    I found grenegg's post really helpful.

    Now I just need to know how to manipulate which players it is including/displaying....?

    SOLUTION: To add/remove players during runtime, use Set Player Flag...there's a flag for them appearing on the "Leaderboard" which can be turned on/off arbitrarily.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Bank noob question

    @BasharTeg: Go

    I don't believe you are correct that you can't reference bank names as variables...I have a bank file with data in it on my hard drive and I watch it get updated using the code above. I know everyone says what you're saying, but it's incorrect. Blizzard must have fixed in recent update, because otherwise the SC2Bank would not be sitting there on my HD. AGAIN: I can read/write to my bank. The problem is that the game is requiring the Save function before the Load function will return anything other than a null string.

    CONFIRM: Replacing with hand-typed strings has no effect on my problem.

    If you'll notice, recPlayer is an array of records. Each player has its own bBank member of that record, so they are definitely separated. You'll notice I also am passing in the player ID as a parameter, so I believe everything is correct in that regard.

    Thanks for your posts...keep those ideas coming if you have any more :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Use the observer UI

    @grenegg: Go

    Oh....lol. Nice. Well it's gonna take me a bit more time but I'll figure it out. If anyone else can give me the shortcut, I sure would appreciate it.

    SOLUTION! http://forums.sc2mapster.com/resources/tutorials/21698-observer-ui-as-a-dialog-item/

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Larva spawning

    @Darkenesis: Go

    Sorry for delayed response. This is on a hatchery generated via Trigger (Create Unit Facing Angle). I am not using the standard Melee trigger functions at all. The custom effect described above should work on any hatchery regardless of creation method afaik.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bank noob question

    @BasharTeg: Go

    I already tested that idea with just triggering my functions using chat commands like "load" and "save". I am getting 100% consistent results with this: if I try to run the load functions before running save in a given game session, load always returns empty strings. Once I run the save functions, though, it's all good. And the bank file definitely exists and holds the correct data before launching the game and after closing the game. The problem is when loading before saving in a game session. Attached are relevant parts of the code. This shows absolutely every "Bank" function I'm using.

    Keep in mind all of this is being done by using Test Document on my local machine. Also note that I have SC2 installed on E: drive instead of the default C: (Bank files are on my C: drive though in My Documents) ... neither of those should have any effect but I did want to mention my special cases here since we're dealing with runtime-generated files.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Replacing Black Mask once discovered.

    @Keldrif: Go

    Cant his be done at runtime via a trigger? It will be triggered at arbitrary times by individual players. Thanks!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bank noob question

    @BasharTeg: Go

    I *am* using StarCode, which I indicated in my original post.

    The problem is with pulling data from Banks on map init, not with StarCode functionality. I am indeed preloading/syncing and then opening. However, this refuses to happen on map init or by calling directly *unless* I've called my Save function first in that game session. Is there anything off the top of anyone's head that would cause this? It makes no sense to me why I should have to save something before loading it - totally defeats the purpose of Banks.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Un-researching

    @xKenneth: Go

    Thanks but I need to change this at arbitrary times during runtime, so if I understand the suggestion correctly, it would effect every marine in the game regardless of anything else. This is ever worse than the current situation, unfortunately. Please correct me if I'm misunderstanding.

    Could I create an effect that would produce the same results but callable during runtime via trigger? Sorry I'm a Data noob.

    Posted in: Triggers
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