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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from SouLCarveRR: Go

    All this thread does is give bigots the chance to mock others beliefs. It should really be locked... I didn't think SC2mapster or curse for that matter supported such ignorant attacks on individuals freedoms.


    Indeed, there was a name for the time when religion had its chance to run the world: it was called the dark ages. My means of fighting religion are limited to intellectual discourse, which I have made clear. Yet I seem to recall you physically threatening pretty much every non-believer on this forum. Are there no rules against that here? Either way, you're a dangerous idiot and a prime example of my point.

    The only reason you want this thread locked is because you want to prohibit OUR freedom of speech and continue propagating your intellectual slavery. I'm not Korean but maybe you should move to China if you want to be such a god damn communist.

    Quote from SouLCarveRR: Go

    Religion isnt so much about what they actually belief...... they are generally as a whole revolve around how to live your life.

    You can not tell me that the teaching's of Jesus Christ do not make the world a better place. If if you don't think he was a magic man. His teaching still hold values.

    Jesus also advocates child abuse, beating slaves and murdering those who don't believe as you do. Perfect moral teachings if you're a brutal bronze-age troglodyte. Screw Jesus and screw you.

    Religion is directly responsible for millions of deaths: http://teapotatheism.blogspot.com/2008/06/anonymous-wanted-body-count-total-so-he.html
    Final tally for theism: 2,229,074,100
    Highest possible atheism death toll with Stalin: 95,000,000
    Stalin shouldn't even count because his atheism was no more responsible for his actions than his communism or any of his other beliefs were.

    Yes, I think the world would be better off if all religion was eradicated. No, I don't plan on scourging heretics anytime soon, that's religion's job. The comfort that it provides people is not worth the atrocities that it brings and the years of scientific progress that it takes away. There is no such thing as moderate religion. Again, even my parents, my parents; friends, and my friends have expressed bigoted, anti-scientific beliefs. Shit, just look at what you people post in this thread. The world would be better off without these beliefs, but I do not blame these people. They are victims of childhood religious indoctrination, and that's another reason why religion is evil.

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?

    If religion and intellectual slavery is the "default" for humanity, then we are truly a sad species.

    I also find it ironic that none of the religious people here seem to have any problem with the murders and atrocities done in the name of God. They only seem to get offended that I have the audacity to criticize religion on an internet forum. My post on the genocide of millions of Indians gets ignored. People getting slaughtered because of a movie gets ignored. My multiverse & quantum physics posts get ignored. The religious right is apparently all that matters. Did I ever say that religion is entirely responsible for the world's evils? Did I ever say that I want to forcibly deconvert everyone? No, please stop hyperbolizing/trolling. I probably sound like a broken record, but again, if your faith can move mountains, it should be able to withstand criticism. It's a wonder why I'm forced to post funny pictures here.

    What I don't get about you guys is why you find the universe so damn boring? From the vastness of space to the vagaries of the microcosmos, you must really have no appreciation for the one life that we get and the world that we live in to think that it was all created by some magical man.

    “Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?” ― Douglas Adams

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    Still not sure if serious. I've seen stupid, but not this stupid.


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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from EternalWraith: Go

    lost the grounds of using morality against the bible(to disprove it) a
    long time ago.

    No, I just gave up on the argument when you kept making the same excuses for genocide like "these people were evil and deserved to die along with the children and animals because God is an idiot and can't resolve matters through simpler means". Or when your justification for rape and stealing wives away was "they were merely taking the wives away from their bad husbands to be taken care of!" ;D

    Or when you shut your ears and outright ignore the passages which clearly show rape and evil in your "most perfect book of all time". So yeah, I have no intention of revisiting that debate again.

    Quote from EternalWraith: Go

    Gradius becoming desperate now. Where does the bible command killing
    `Red Indians` or unbelievers? You must be mistaken for Islam Jihad.

    Dont even bother going to the Old Testament, because we`ve dealt with
    that. Also dont bring up the Jews being anymore special/favored, because
    God does not show favoritism and thats clearly seen in the bible.


    It's an example of a historical event. Nothing to do with commanding genocide. I know you guys were asleep during science class, but history too?


    The international community has not legally admonished the United States for genocidal acts against Native Americans, yet it is clear that examples of genocidal acts and crimes against humanity are a well-cited page in U.S. history. Notorious incidents, such as the Trail of Tears, the Sand Creek Massacre, and the massacre of the Yuki of northern California are covered in depth in separate entries in this encyclopedia. More controversial, however, is whether the colonies and the United States participated in genocidal acts as an overall policy toward Native Americans. The Native-American population decrease since the arrival of Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus alone signals the toll colonization and U.S. settlement took on the native population. Scholars estimate that approximately 10 million pre-Columbian Native Americans resided in the present-day United States. That number has since fallen to approximately 2.4 million. While this population decrease cannot be attributed solely to the actions of the U.S. government, they certainly played a key role. In addition to population decrease, Native Americans have also experienced significant cultural and proprietary losses as a result of U.S. governmental actions. The total effect has posed a serious threat to the sustainability of the Native-American people and culture.


    The highest estimated death toll of the colonization of the Americas by "conquistadors" is 100 million. The reason that the Americas are largely Spanish-speaking is because the conquistadors felt it was their duty to spread Christianity and systematically destroy the culture, religion, and rights of the native Indians. They used tactics such as giving blankets ridden with disease, pretending to be Gods, etc. I mean...you've all been educated to this, no? -_-

    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    And on a final point, Actually today most Indians(Native Americans.) are

    Right, because they were subjected to the Conquistador's convert-or-die approach. It's surprisingly effective.

    Quote from EternalWraith: Go

    Funny, the article provided no knowledge or insight as to why the person
    thinks its superior. Other than there are some similar elements in all
    other religions. He makes a few good points on this and that, but the
    article itself doesn`t add up.

    I am aware that you're able to miracle up a "refutation" to any attack against your faith at any time. And if the guy that wrote the article about Hinduism's superiority was given a chance to respond, he would be able to as well. The key here is to see how flawed both of your very thought processes are, not argue batman vs. superman.

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from Deadzergling: Go

    Congratulations on successfully getting trolled by SoulCarverr, for actually taking him seriously, lol.

    I sincerely wish that were the case, but when it comes to religion, sarcasm and sincerity are virtually indistinguishable. I still can't tell if SoulCarverr is a dangerous fool or if he's just screwing with us. Anyway, since the thread has reached another all-time low, I believe it's picture-time again.


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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?

    Louis CK on gay marriage:


    Quote from SouLCarveRR: Go

    If you said so to my face Id make you eat dirt.

    Except you've already admitted that you're the type of coward who thinks he deserves credit for having the "balls" to pull the trigger on a firearm unlike those "pansy peace-loving homosexuals". That's probably because you wouldn't last a second in an actual fight from sitting behind the computer most of your life. You're a joke.

    Quote from SouLCarveRR: Go

    my god loves when i tell noobs to suck it .... I get over 9000 karma
    when i do it defending other people

    I didn't buy for a second that you were an atheist. That's why you're so offended by this topic and want it closed so bad. I knew nobody could forward such backwards & troglodytic beliefs, atrocious grammar & spelling, and unbridled bigotry without an agenda.

    Thank you SouLCarveRR. You are an atheist factory. ;D

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    Were you sheltered or are you really that naive? Why do we care? Why do religious people care that gay people should marry? It literally does not affect them in the slightest and yet this is what we see:

    Why did Chick-Fil-A sponsor anti-gay groups? How is what these people are doing not considered a hate crime yet? I just don't get it. Even my parents and their friends have expressed these beliefs. That's why there's no such thing as moderate religion. Everyone who believes is an extremist, and the world would be better off without religion entirely.

    Do I even need to mention that Muslims have been killing people over a half-assed movie that nobody had heard of before? Just watch this for a second:

    Such god awful production quality and acting. You think we care that much about religion because we post in a thread? 50 people died because of this movie. Is that "trolling" enough for you before you finally start to understand? That is, that the Islam religion gives no respect and deserves no respect?

    Yeah, religion is just a belief system. That's why we have people protesting at dead soldier's funerals, entire generations of kids being indoctrinated with anti-scientific beliefs, and I get tired of seeing articles like this pop up: http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/09/26/its-for-your-good-let-me-finish-afghan-canadian-told-police-she-stabbed-daughter-with-kitchen-knife/

    So yes, I care about the negative effects of religion very much. And you're a bigot if you don't. People may think there's nothing wrong with "moderate beliefs", but they don't realize that there are consequences that go along with that.

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?

    "Flee back to your masters Aldaris, and huddle with them in darkness! For your actions shall set us all unto the Zerg!"
    - Tassadar

    "Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm, and that you have been created to serve me."
    - The Overmind

    "You speak of knowledge, Judicator? You speak of experience? I have journeyed through the darkness between the most distant stars. I have beheld the births of negative-suns and borne witness to the entropy of entire realities... Unto my experience, Aldaris, all that you've built here on Aiur is but a fleeting dream. A dream from which your precious Conclave shall awaken, finding themselves drowned in a greater nightmare."
    - Zeratul

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from FDFederation: Go

    @Gradius12: Go

    En taro Adun.

    Bless you son, in the name of the Zerri, the Kerri, and the Holy Raynor. En Taro Adun.

    "And lo, on the 7th day of the 7th month, the Tychus of Findlay was freed from his shackles and decreed, 'Hell, it's about time!'"

    - Book of Gradius, revision 9, section 8, division 4, chapter 3, sub-section 14, stanza 12, sub-chapter 9, clause 19, verse 3

    ...provision 2

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?

    Like parallel universes?

    Unbelievers are not obligated to believe in parallel universes. We're patient enough to live with uncertainty instead of making up answers that bring comfort. But again, nobody made up parallel universes as an answer to ultimate origins. These theories arose naturally from the need to solve problems in science and they were formulated with math and existing knowledge instead of stone-age irrationality and superstition. That's why if I was impatient enough to demand an answer right now I'd go with parallel universes. But I don't. That's what seems to be so hard to convey.


    Another thing, its pointless you bringing up Zeus, Odin etc anymore.
    Unless you want to show me its equal warrant for belief or greater
    compared with the bible, then you`re not making good arguments.

    They all have equal warrant for belief because of the lack of evidence. The bible is no more credible than these religions because the only thing it has to fall back on is....the bible.

    Here's an article which discusses why Hinduism is superior to other religions: http://western-hindu.org/2008/05/28/hinduism-is-the-eternal-way-and-the-true-religion/

    In a nutshell, Hinduism has a constant stream of revelation and is eternal. There was no Christianity before Jesus and no Islam before Muhammad. Try to see the world through the eyes of the person who wrote this article. He is much like you. He feels very strongly about his religion. There is only one key difference. He was born in India and therefore his religion is opposite to yours.


    That's why I've joined the church of blasphemy,



    Actually, our patriarch is Judicator Aldaris:

    Instead of getting damned to the 19th layer of hell, you simply get purified from high orbit. You are only given only once chance to recant and make peace with Adun.

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from TheZizz: Go

    The train of thought that concludes I am trying to prove something with
    a self-admitted lack of presentable evidence is the very same that
    constitutes blasphemy as "a little criticism."

    Why else would you post something that has no value for the rest of the posters here? So you had a magical experience and now you have the right to believe in God. That's great. But we can neither feel the things you did nor experience them for ourselves. We've all heard of miracles before and have no choice but to add your account to the rest of the unverifiable claims we've all heard.

    Anyway, I've come to accept that all criticism and disagreement is blasphemy. That's why I've joined the church of blasphemy, and feel compelled to warn you that complaining about blasphemy is actually blasphemy against the church of blasphemy. ;D


    But I know you are keenly aware that the crux of the Christian faith is
    that no one else can prove it for you.

    No. The crux of the Christian faith is that Jesus's claims are self-evident and you have to accept them: http://carm.org/christianity/christian-doctrine/christianity-one-true-religion


    Well said. But I'm not convinced that these commonplace optical
    illusions are in the same league as a head-pounding magnetic metallic
    ringing pulse, like someone flipped a breaker switch directly connected
    to the crown of your head, followed by a pair of luminescent eyes
    floating on a backdrop of stars localized entirely within your bedroom.
    It was the very night I reconciled with my brother after months of
    estrangement, having cursed his name to the pits of hell.

    Dude, I don't want to take anything away from your faith, but that sounds like a serious medical emergency.

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    posted a message on (Solved) transparent tree?

    Never tried it myself but I think the "Art: Occlusion" field in the model data type is what you're looking for. The tooltip explains how to use it.

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from TheZizz: Go

    Just because I have no evidence for you, doesn't mean I wasn't given undeniable evidence. The ironic thing is I was actually minding my own business when the mindfuck occurred, nothing close to prayer or anything like that. So, call it doubly lazy if you like.

    That's fantastic. Too bad that such claims have zero weight when it comes to rational discourse. Why are you trying to prove yourself to us? Again, if your faith can move mountains, it should be able to withstand some criticism.

    PS: I've got this awesome evidence which would totally dismantle your position, but I left it at my other computer. :P


    It might serve you to entertain the notion that he just wants nothing to do with you, for whatever reason.

    Personally I'd be relieved that that genocidal/infanticidal petty ego-maniac God described in the bible wants nothing to do with me.

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from TheZizz: Go

    I suppose you'd chalk it up to coincidence that these things happen to be on the cutting edge of scientific understanding. In truth, they are both examples of observable phenomena, meaning that they are seen but not understood.

    That's unlikely at this point.


    It has since become clear, however, that the uncertainty principle is inherent in the properties of all wave-like systems, and that it arises in quantum mechanics simply due to the matter wave nature of all quantum objects. Thus, the uncertainty principle actually states a fundamental property of quantum systems, and is not a statement about the observational success of current technology.


    Most scientists today agree that quantum mechanics is a complete theory. This paper shows that you can't have any extension to QM, hidden variables or not, that would increase its predictive power: http://arxiv.org/abs/1005.5173.

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?

    RIP Chris Hitchens:

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/QbBVB66DC5k?fs=1
    Quote from TheZizz: Go

    Effect without cause doesn't make sense to me.

    Not everything in this universe has a cause i.e. quantum tunneling & virtual particles.

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