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    posted a message on Issue in creating a mineral field using Asteroid cliff Asset

    Hello Everyone! 


    Since few days, I try to create a new game using as a base the map of the Hearth of the Swarm Campaign "with friends like this".

    I converted a repair bot as a probe that can be used for mining in space. That's worked. I would like also to create a new type of mineral field with model of an Asteroid cliff (that is a doodad). An asteroid but clickable and that can be mined. I understood that to change the aspect of a unit, I have to take as source a other model and use it as a actor for the clickable unit. I tried many differents things but I didn't succeed and I don't know why. The item created is invisible or as a n/a sphere. Or it is writen this:


    [2/14/2024 3:09:09 PM] Warning: USER: [ 477 16] CActorUnit[MineralField] Model Assets\Doodads\AsteroidCliff\AsteroidCliff_00_03.m3; Unable to create this model.


    Does someone could help me? It would be very appreciated. I am new in this forum and I don't know where to ask my question. 


    Thank you very much! 



    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Problem in using asteroid cliff as a model/actor for mineral

    Hello Everyone! 


    Since few days, I try to create a new game using as a base the map of the Hearth of the Swarm Campaign "with friends like this".

    I converted a repair bot as a probe that can be used for mining in space. That's worked. I would like also to create a new type of mineral field with model of an Asteroid cliff (that is a doodad). An asteroid but clickable and that can be mined. I understood that to change the aspect of a unit, I have to take as source a other model and use it as a actor for the clickable unit. I tried many differents things but I didn't succeed and I don't know why. 


    Does someone could help me? It would be very appreciated. I am new in this forum and I don't know where to ask my question.


    Thank you very much! 



    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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