• 0

    posted a message on Button does not show up

    I looked for it and only thing i found that has to do something with requirements is in Abilites tab -> Drone - Morph Unit (Drone ->Zerg Buildings) -> Ability: Info -> double click on "Mutate into Nydus Worm", which brought me to what i see on screenshot. I tried changing some things there, somehow i made the button appear and don't know how i made the drone mutate into nydus worm output...


    What i did next was check how it's set when i create empty melee map... turns out the ability "Mutate into Nydus Network" is used, that does not even exist in my map which uses campaign data... Sounds like i will have to deal with using op campaign version of nydus or look for another workaround :/


    Thanks for help

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Button does not show up

    Thanks for answer, i tried to look around abilities sections but i'm still unable to make it work. You can see how my abilities for drone look like on first screenshot. Ability 3 is morphing unit to zerg building and when i check that in abilities tab, it already has nydus worm under 'button' and 'units' (second screenshot). Ability 7 is what i tried to create (first screenshot), but that one instead of morphing from drone it just creates greater nydus worm anywhere on map...


    I tried changing ability command in command card from "Mutate into greater nydus network" to "Mutate into nydus worm" (screenshot 3), but then that button does not even appear.

    You then need to check the Show parts of any requirements used by the ability to make sure they are not hiding the button.

    I don't quite understand this, where do i find it? From what i understand, if requirements are not met, button should just be greyed out?

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Button does not show up

    I'm trying to set drone to be able to mutate into nydus worm... just like in any meele game. For some reason editor with campaign data has set greater nydus network as default building instead and i'm just not able to change that back. I attempted to do that by adding a button just like in attached screenshot but that buttons just does not show up ingame, as if it did not exist. (no triggers disable it)


    Data module rookie here, how do i set this up, please? I just want to be able to mutate normal nydus worm.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Campaign units -> turn back to melee

    So i started making a mission map with option to include campaign data, because i wanted to use some units from campaign... and after quite a few hours spent on it i realized that every unit (playing as zerg) is actually changed to campaign settings. Roach is unable to morph to ravager, hatchery larva spawns are way faster, queen works completely differently and hundreds of other changes which i did not realized will be implemented. Not only it would take me hours to change all that in Data module, but my knowledge of data module is very basic so far to get that done.


    Is it possible to turn everything (all unit settings, abilities...) back to standard melee settings? I really don't want to waste hours of work done on that map and start everything from the scratch. Am i able to add just one or two campaing units like abberation somehow? 


    Thanks for answers.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0.944738389182834

    posted a message on New project

    Update: After 2 months and after i contacted support, i finally managed to get my project approved... apparently both - SC2Map file and RAR archive won't get through processing state and is invisible to staff. The moment i uploaded ZIP archive with map, it was set to 'review state' within seconds and approved just minutes later.


    It's quite old thread, but still - thx for suggestions & thx to support for helping me solve this.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on New project

    Oh, i uploaded sc2map file in both cases...


    Well, i just uploaded archive file of map to that project. Both are in 'Processing' state.


    edit: 1.5 month later - not even indication of any update... welp, i'll look for different site

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on New project

    So... i reuploaded it. Two days+ later, still nothing :/

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on New project

    My project was not appoved yet too and i uploaded it on september 10th... is that normal for new uploaders?

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Help with AI rebuild


    Yes, i made sure that AI has 500k starting resources & some resources in base and all requirements. I tried to play around with those triggers, sometimes ai kept rebuilding it indefinitely, sometimes not at all. I will try experimenting with it a bit more, but for now i just go with no rebuilds. I originally planned to make AI rebuild in higher difficulty levels of map, but if it's something that players don't really like, maybe it's better to design future maps without AI rebuilds - will try to go with it, thanks!



    That sounds like good workaround. For me (=editor newbie) it sounds quite complex to do, but i will try to look into that. Thanks!

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0.945903195191395

    posted a message on Foster Clan Campaign Feedback

    Thanks for checking it out and for feedback! I did not expect full gameplay video, it was extremely helpful (and entertaining) 25 minutes to watch. I will definitely try improving my map with your suggestions, like tooltip for hideout and other details. Also i should make timer window a bit bigger as well :D


    About game lenght, i don't really aim for specific lenght of mission, i'll just see what i end up with during testing. Like i'm currently working on second chapter and that turns out to be at least 40 minutes long. 


    I'm glad you enjoyed the map :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
  • 0.945800316957211

    posted a message on Foster Clan Campaign Feedback



    I'd like to ask for some feedback on one of my first public story projects i work on - 'Foster Clan Campaign: Chapter 1- New Hope'

    Since people that are approving maps here decided to ignore my uploads for some reason :(, you can easily find the map ingame arcade when you search for 'foster'.


    Note that i'm very new to editor, spent past few weeks figuring out all the work with triggers, data, cinematics... and while this is not some innovative mindblowing map, i believe it is at least 'enjoyable to play'. I started working on this project simply for a friend, to make sort of funny story to it and slowly fell in love with it. I want to continue with creating story campaigns & improve my galaxy editor skills and i decided to give this feedback thread a try.


    Something about story:

    Terran-only story campaign, of which i intend to make 3 chapters:


    This is the story about 'Foster clan' - clan of alcoholics. Unforunately their home planet is all out of beer! For past few years, foster clan is desperately trying to acquire some beer, without any success. But today, foster clan captured unknown signal which is believed to lead to ancient beer recipe. But it won't be so easy - planet is occupied by other clan as well, clan that is happy about no-beer situation - for Foster clan known as 'Teetotallers' - and they will do everything in their power to keep their planet 'clean'. Take control of Foster Clan and help them acquire some beer!


    You may find some more info in ingame description & loading screen.

    I'm also sorry in case of any grammar errors, as english is my second language. 


    Thanks for any potential feedbacks & testers :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
  • 0

    posted a message on Help with AI rebuild

    I need help making AI rebuild pre-placed buildings and units on map as i want it to.


    I tried to set it up by going to properties of unit and making rebuild count 13 - AI still did not rebuilt it not even once.

    I tried to set it up with trigger with "set default rebuild count" to 14/14/14/14 - AI ignored that as well


    I'm fairly new to editing, but this is second map in which it does not work how i want it to. What am i doing wrong? How do i set it up properly, please? Thanks!

    Posted in: Triggers
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