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    posted a message on Crimson Moon (Single-player campaign)

    It crashed for someone else too at the exact same moment, so it's not just you. I shall look into it myself.

    EDIT: Yep, it crashed for me too. I did make some changes to mission 8 without testing it. I thought they were so minor it wouldn't be a problem, but I guess I was wrong there!

    EDIT 2: I think they crash because of the attack wave triggers, which all start to run at about 1:03 after the opening cinematic is finished. There are 5 of them in total, which I split into 15 and separated by 1 second, but it still crashes. I might have do them all over again.

    @ DEFILERRULEZ: Should you try it, you might have the same problem with mission 9 as with mission 6. I will try to fix that too.

    EDIT 3: Nope, it still crashes. It noticed the soundtrack kicks in at the same time. It might be that.

    EDIT 4: It's now fixed. It appears it was the soundtrack. For some reason, it crashes when I ask it to fade out, which is the most random thing ever. I will play out the rest of the mission later to see if there are more bugs, but I doubt that.

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    posted a message on Crimson Moon (Single-player campaign)

    Mission 6: You're saying it works now?

    Mission 7: You'll just have to look around. The hint is in the mission tip. Once you've seen the recording, there should be someone moving in the shadows, providing you with subtle directions.

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    posted a message on Crimson Moon (Single-player campaign)

    If nothing else works, I just might. It's not vital for the missions to have snow. But it looks so awesome. Maybe I'll just wait for HOTS and use Kaldir.

    By the way, the version I uploaded might still be troublesome for US players. The reason the "Param/Value" error happens is because of language localization or something. The editor does not support multiple languages or something, so a map created by a person in one area might not function completely when played by a person in another.

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    posted a message on Crimson Moon (Single-player campaign)

    I've done some extensive research and may finally have stumbled upon something that fixes it. It mainly seems to happen with the snow levels (6 and 9), which uses the tileset Niflheim.Everyone whose has had a problem with "Param/Value", download the file and try. The map is designed for feedback only, so I will need to know if it worked or not, Once I know enough, I will add it to the main file. If it doesn't work, I may have another solution, though my editor is being a bit uncooperative at the moment, so it will have to wait for the time being.

    @ Bilxor: As far as number 9 goes: you're not thinking like an infiltrator. You can't just charge in the main opening.

    Link 1: http://www.sc2mapster.com/media/files/666/745/Veil_of_Frost__EU_.SC2Map

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    posted a message on Crimson Moon (Single-player campaign)

    The double units: I think this happens because the trigger runs twice, therfore creating twice as many units (note how there is only one Janus, as he isn't created in the trigger). I checked the editor and found out that this is very likely the problem, so I added a condition which makes the trigger run only once, no matter what. This was a mistake I made a long time ago as well, where I learned that if you don't use such a condition, and have a trigger that creates an enemy Nydus Worm when one of your units enters a region, you will get a lot of Nydus Worms, seeing as they will be created every time a unit enters. Imagine how terrified I was bringing a little 10-unit brigade into the region and getting 10 Nydus Worms popping up, having expected only 1!

    I have fixed this one. The reason I didn't do it earlier is because it doesn't always turn out that way.

    The text thingy is probably what I hate the most. It suddenly started to happen with me as well one day, which almost made me quit the entire campaign, as I thought the maps had been bugged or something. For me, there is a chance it happens if I make changes to a map and then test it. Opening a map and not making any changes never induce the bug. I have done some research, and it appears it is common when a player from one region plays a map from another region. But doesn't explain why it happens with you, as you're Italian. Try restarting the map or opening it from the mission launcher.

    Thanks for pointing out stuff like this. I truly despise errors, but I guess they have to be adressed. As I don't do much fancy stuff (no mods, for instance), I guess I'm lucky in the regard that I don't get a lot of bugs.

    I assume that because you didn't mention it, the cinematic for mission 5 didn't crash for you?

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    posted a message on Crimson Moon (Single-player campaign)

    That's not a priority. People can do what they want.

    I'm still waiting for your new terrain, by the way.

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    posted a message on Crimson Moon (Single-player campaign)

    People can skip to the last mission no matter if I make a launcher or not. They can just open the map in the editor, you know? :p Might as well make it fancy.

    I PM'd you the details of what happens in the missions you missed. I'm sorry it crashes, I don't know how to fix it.

    The tip is just a spelling error.

    Who said there is just only one pick-up? I found more than that. Janus has energy by default, as with hold fire. Janus' attack speed, his life, all the other units' life is just as they should be. It's not an easy mission, but not impossible either. I wanted to up the difficulty a tad, seeing as it's on the back half of the campaign, so no medics this time around.

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    posted a message on Crimson Moon (Single-player campaign)

    You can download it here now. Instructions on the main page.

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    posted a message on Crimson Moon (Single-player campaign)

    Okay, it's finially finished! I worked on this for over half a year. I don't think I've worked on anything for that long, certainly not a custom game campaign! I'm really happy with how it turned out (especially the action-filled ending to the ninth mission). The campaign should be playable without any noticeable bugs (though some might still appear here and there).

    So, what's next, I wonder. I don't think I'll be making another campaign right away, though I wouldn't be surprised if the desire to create another suddenly arised. Seeing as there certainly is room for it, I might make a follow-up, though I also have the outlines to a Protoss story in my head as well. I'm certainly not doing anything before the release of HOTS, which hopefully will bring some inspiration, as well as new tilesets, units and other cool stuff to play around with. In the end, though, making a campaign is a TON of work (I'm not going to deny I was close to giving up some times, though it got easier the closer I came to the end), so I'll have to think it through.

    I've also toyed with the idea of working with other people, which might take some of the load of my shoulders and also give me the opportunity to do things that was harder before (voice acting, custom art, etc).

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    posted a message on Your favorite custom singleplayer map?

    Having play-tested The Black Khan so many times, I've begun to agree that some of the rooms are far too long (the original rooms were even bigger!). :D I am still mostly satisfied with it, though. It was an experiment, and I think it gives the campaign "that little extra". Should I make another campaign, I'd certainly do something like it again, though I'd certainly learn from my mistakes! I had to learn so much when making this, and it was somewhat of a "learn-while-doing" process.

    Glad to see such great feedback. I finished the campaign yesterday. I hope people will play it through.

    Now, to the topic. I too like the remake of the SC1 campaigns (though it's obviously not original an original story). I have some problems, though. Much of the terrain is too loyal to SC1, where terraining works in a completely other way. In SC2, there is a lot more detail, for instance.

    As for original campaigns, I like Brood the best.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Crimson Moon (Single-player campaign)

    Haha, well... glad you could make it work! :)

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    posted a message on Crimson Moon (Single-player campaign)

    A showdown at last...

    The campaign is pretty much finished now. All that remains is some polish. It should be up sometime this week! I really hope people play it through to the end and leave feedback!

    Also: I've asked before, but didn't get an answer, so I'll ask again: How do I remove a file? I have two now, and will end up with three with the release, but I'd prefer just one.

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    posted a message on (Solved) Making two nearly similar units

    I'll try to keep that in mind next time!

    The thing turned out pretty great, though!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Making two nearly similar units

    That would be much simpler. I'll see if I can't do that.

    EDIT: Could you show me how do it, specificially? I tried it, but it wasn't so easy. I have created the new weapon, but I'm stuck at behaviors.

    EDIT EDIT: I actually fixed it! I just had to use the "new weapon" trigger. I had some trouble at first, mainly because I used a weapon that didn't work, so I just reconfigured Tosh's weapon, which behaves mostly the same as the spectre's.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Making two nearly similar units

    I'm not well versed in the data editor, so I'm hoping to get some assistance here.

    I have a map where I use a spectre unit in the game, but there's a cinematic where I want the unit to be firing his weapon faster and have a longer range. Now, I know how to do that, but the problem is I essentially need two units. One regular for the gameplay, and another modified one for the cinematic. The data editor won't let me copy units with ctrl+C, which is fine, because I can duplicate with ctrl+U. But the problem now is that the new unit won't respond to triggers. I want him to attack, but he doesn't, which sorta leaves me in the wind, as that was the main purpose of his existance.

    Anyone know of a solution? If there is a simpler way than creating two units, please feel free to share that too. I just essentially need the spectre to have a regular weapon for the gameplay, and another one with a shorter period and longer range for the cinematic.

    Posted in: Data
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