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    posted a message on Netstorm: Islands at War

    This has me pretty excited. I thought about making a Netstorm remake in SC2 a few months ago but never got the drive to do it. I hope this works out well and I'll definitely be following this project and playing it if it goes well.

    One thing I noticed was that you can arbitrarily build platforms for units, I assume as a workaround to a building placement issue. With platforms you could theoretically simply build platforms instead of bridges taking out the necessity for bridging entirely. Do you plan on refining the bridge and unit placing system to be identical to Netstorm's or are there technical issues that would make that impossible?


    • Units can only be built on open bridge ends.
    • Destroying a unit causes an explosion that damages adjacent bridges.
    • Damaged bridges cannot be built from, but fall down after a short time. Stops a player from immediately replacing / rebridging destroyed areas.
    • Units need to be placed within range of the proper number of aligned generators, with a path connecting them. This seems like it's done and awesome looking.

    Some units like thunder cannons and acid barricades allow you to rotate them to be placed facing a fixed direction, another UI issue to figure out.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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