• 0

    posted a message on GAx3 Trigger Source Code? Dependency Problems

    Thanks for all your help, I already wrote a quick script to clean up that file.  (Of course I can re-link the GAx3 on Battle.net, this is more for educational purposes.)


    input_filename = 'GAx3.Galaxy'
    output_filename = 'GAx3_formatted.Galaxy'
    TAB = '\t'
    indent_level = 0
    line_buffer = ''
    with open(input_filename, 'r') as fin:
       with open(output_filename, 'w') as fout:
          for line in fin:
             for c in line:
                if line_buffer == '':
                   if c.strip() == '':
                      line_buffer += TAB*indent_level
                if c == ';':
                   line_buffer += c
                   fout.write(line_buffer + '\n')
                   line_buffer = ''
                elif c == '{':
                   line_buffer += c
                   fout.write(line_buffer + '\n')
                   line_buffer = ''
                   indent_level += 1
                elif c == '}':
                   indent_level -= 1
                   line_buffer = line_buffer[:-len(TAB)]
                   line_buffer += c
                   fout.write(line_buffer + '\n')
                   if indent_level == 0:
                   line_buffer = ''
                elif c == ',':
                   line_buffer += c + ' '
                   line_buffer += c
             if line_buffer.strip():
                fout.write(line_buffer + '\n')
                line_buffer = ''



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    posted a message on GAx3 Trigger Source Code? Dependency Problems

    Oh dear me, I thought I had checked both files... Aieee


    Ahah! Now I see the issue.  I really hoped I wasn't that stupid...  The first line of that file is hiding almost all the function definitions.  At least on my system (Windows 10, Notepad++), line 1 is 18K+ characteres long.  I scrolled right past all the important code.

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    posted a message on GAx3 Trigger Source Code? Dependency Problems

    Oh wow! Thanks Talv.  I tried various options on that pulldown menu and couldn't find it, but I didn't try "Map/Mod Name" for some reason.


    If that's really the library source, is it being obfuscated in a sneaky way?  I read through that file pretty carefully before, it looks something like this for me:


    // Library: GAx3
    // Variables
    string[256] libGAx3_gv_cC_Cheats;
    string[256] libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatIcons;
    bool[256] libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatNoNeedManual;
    int libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatCount;
    string libGAx3_gv_cC_File;
    string libGAx3_gv_cC_FileOver;
    int libGAx3_gv_cC_Player;
    int libGAx3_gv_cC_List;
    int libGAx3_gv_cC_Edit;
    int libGAx3_gv_cC_Button;
    bool libGAx3_gv_display_Mode_All;
    int libGAx3_gv_cC_UI;
    void libGAx3_InitVariables () {
        int init_i;
        init_i = 0;
        while (init_i <= 255) {
            libGAx3_gv_cC_Cheats[init_i] = "";
            init_i = init_i + 1;
        init_i = 0;
        while (init_i <= 255) {
            libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatIcons[init_i] = "";
            init_i = init_i + 1;
        init_i = 0;
        while (init_i <= 255) {
            libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatNoNeedManual[init_i] = true;
            init_i = init_i + 1;
        libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatCount = 0;
        libGAx3_gv_cC_File = "Assets\\Textures\\ui_button_navsmall_right_normalpressed_terran.dds";
        libGAx3_gv_cC_FileOver = "Assets\\Textures\\ui_button_nav_right_normaloverpressedover_terran.dds";
        libGAx3_gv_cC_Player = 0;
        libGAx3_gv_cC_List = c_invalidDialogControlId;
        libGAx3_gv_cC_Edit = c_invalidDialogControlId;
        libGAx3_gv_cC_Button = c_invalidDialogControlId;
        libGAx3_gv_display_Mode_All = true;
        libGAx3_gv_cC_UI = c_invalidDialogId;
    // Function Declarations
    void libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord (string lp_cheat, text lp_description);
    void libGAx3_gf_CreateOneWaySightBlocker (point lp_point);
    // Trigger Declarations
    trigger libGAx3_gt_LetsJustBugOutAndKillThemALl;
    trigger libGAx3_gt_InitCC;
    trigger libGAx3_gt_Data;
    trigger libGAx3_gt_CCUI;
    trigger libGAx3_gt_CCDisplay;
    trigger libGAx3_gt_CCItemSelected;
    trigger libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmit;
    trigger libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmitShorcut;
    trigger libGAx3_gt_ResumeXPGaining;
    // Custom Script
    // Custom Script: Custom Script
    include "TriggerLibs/GAx3"
    void libGAx3_InitCustomScript () {
    // Functions
    void libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord (string lp_cheat, text lp_description) {
        // Implementation
        libGAx3_gv_cC_Cheats[libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatCount] = lp_cheat;
    void libGAx3_gf_CreateOneWaySightBlocker (point lp_point) {
        // Implementation
        UnitCreate(1, "OneWayLOSBlocker1x1", c_unitCreateIgnorePlacement, 1, lp_point, 270.0);
    // Triggers
    // Trigger: LetsJustBugOutAndKillThemALl
    bool libGAx3_gt_LetsJustBugOutAndKillThemALl_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) {
        // Conditions
        if (testConds) {
            if (!((GameIsTestMap(false) == false))) {
                return false;
        // Actions
        if (!runActions) {
            return true;
        return true;
    void libGAx3_gt_LetsJustBugOutAndKillThemALl_Init () {
        libGAx3_gt_LetsJustBugOutAndKillThemALl = TriggerCreate("libGAx3_gt_LetsJustBugOutAndKillThemALl_Func");
    // Trigger: Init CC
    bool libGAx3_gt_InitCC_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) {
        // Conditions
        if (testConds) {
            if (!((GameIsTestMap(false) == true))) {
                return false;
        // Actions
        if (!runActions) {
            return true;
        TriggerExecute(libGAx3_gt_Data, true, true);
        TriggerExecute(libGAx3_gt_CCUI, true, true);
        TriggerEnable(libGAx3_gt_CCDisplay, true);
        TriggerEnable(libGAx3_gt_CCItemSelected, true);
        TriggerEnable(libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmit, true);
        TriggerEnable(libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmitShorcut, true);
        TriggerDebugOutput(1, StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_2CE456A8"), false);
        return true;
    void libGAx3_gt_InitCC_Init () {
        libGAx3_gt_InitCC = TriggerCreate("libGAx3_gt_InitCC_Func");
    // Trigger: Data
    bool libGAx3_gt_Data_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) {
        playergroup auto6109461D_g;
        int auto6109461D_p;
        int autoD74E8256_ae;
        int autoD74E8256_ai;
        int auto0AC15BE7_ae;
        int auto0AC15BE7_ai;
        int auto37B9C984_ae;
        int auto37B9C984_ai;
        int auto1A078F8D_ae;
        int auto1A078F8D_ai;
        int autoCDEBBED9_ae;
        int autoCDEBBED9_ai;
        int auto6FC15A65_ae;
        int auto6FC15A65_ai;
        int autoCC430D97_ae;
        int autoCC430D97_ai;
        int auto18BA06AE_ae;
        int auto18BA06AE_ai;
        // Variable Declarations
        playergroup lv_pG;
        int lv_p;
        int lv_i;
        // Variable Initialization
        lv_pG = PlayerGroupActive();
        lv_p = 0;
        lv_i = 0;
        // Actions
        if (!runActions) {
            return true;
        auto6109461D_g = lv_pG;
        auto6109461D_p = 1;
        while (auto6109461D_p <= PlayerGroupCount(auto6109461D_g)) {
            lv_p = PlayerGroupPlayer(auto6109461D_g, auto6109461D_p);
            if ((PlayerType(lv_p) == c_playerTypeUser)) {
                libGAx3_gv_cC_Player = lv_p;
            else {
            if (lv_p == PlayerGroupPlayer(auto6109461D_g, auto6109461D_p)) {
                auto6109461D_p = auto6109461D_p + 1;
        if ((PlayerRace(libGAx3_gv_cC_Player) == "Prot")) {
            libGAx3_gv_cC_File = "Assets\\Textures\\ui_button_navsmall_right_normalpressed_protoss.dds";
            libGAx3_gv_cC_FileOver = "Assets\\Textures\\ui_button_navsmall_right_normaloverpressedover_protoss.dds";
        else {
        if ((PlayerRace(libGAx3_gv_cC_Player) == "Zerg")) {
            libGAx3_gv_cC_File = "Assets\\Textures\\ui_button_navsmall_right_normalpressed_zerg.dds";
            libGAx3_gv_cC_FileOver = "Assets\\Textures\\ui_button_navsmall_right_normaloverpressedover_zerg.dds";
        else {
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Ally", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_74104E47"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("AllianceDefeat", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_6662D06E"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("AllianceControl", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_2003D5FF"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("AllianceGiveHelp", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_BD146345"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("AlliancePassive", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_248B4183"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("AlliancePushable", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_A2A6333B"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("AllianceSeekHelp", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_E484E3BA"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("AllianceSpend", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_6ECF02E9"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("AllianceTrade", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_945FA06D"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("AllianceVision", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_C558CE62"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("BehaviorAdd", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_8CE64BDA"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("BehaviorDuration", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_D914F285"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("BehaviorRemove", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_8339737F"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Effect", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_CF3F6819"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("DestroyPersistent", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_C4FB2E6E"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("DeathAll", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_AA199127"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("DeathExcept", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_37F36C69"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("DeathSide", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_6BE08DAA"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("DeathUnit", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_3F8D05F1"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Fidget", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_E16D7882"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Loot", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_0AF8F24F"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("MakeUnit", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_9866BE82"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Move", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_F99380C4"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Order", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_B6DCD12B"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Owner", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_4A215279"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("SetAll", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_AAA7FAB3"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("SetLife", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_A7870B22"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("SetEnergy", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_16C1C528"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("SetShields", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_E95B09A0"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("SetResource", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_B10B7E4E"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("XP", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_680C9C82"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Charges", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_0016EBF9"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Cooldown", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_5F8537AA"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("FastBuild", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_2E3BFE94"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("FastHeal", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_735FB644"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Free", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_9EE1FA64"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Food", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_C0111595"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("God", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_B64A3867"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ShowMap", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_F871D6AB"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Speed", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_7A81A696"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("TechTree", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_B2006209"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("NoDefeat", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_6E7F6F65"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("NoVictory", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_AE4991AA"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("TimeOfDay", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_03441D78"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("TimeOfDayRate", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_41894981"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Creep", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_54CF3EC2"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Uncreep", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_FD8CA178"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("DamageDealt", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_994E0B23"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("DamageTaken", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_A8D1848F"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Minerals", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_99454316"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ResourceCustom", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_2642A6A3"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Terrazine", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_CD293DFA"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Vespene", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_83E9B544"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Upgrade", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_08695022"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Defeat", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_8F8055F3"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Tie", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_4AFD2C5B"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Undecided", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_5B9BCB40"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("Victory", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_1F08BAAA"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("TrigDebug", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_311389DC"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("TrigRun", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_2DFC30DF"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorCreateAt", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_960DED7A"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorCreateAtCursor", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_6C86273A"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorDumpAutoCreates", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_810FD26B"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorDumpEvents", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_EF7414B5"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorDumpLeakRisks", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_7A2BEBC6"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorDumpLive", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_B61F6DE5"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorScopeDumpLive", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_8111ADDE"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorFrom", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_69F52A3B"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorFromActor", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_73E1A370"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorScopeFrom", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_65D3840B"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorKillAll", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_D3FF0AA9"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorKillClass", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_88ED5D2E"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorKillLink", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_236CC0B9"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorScopeKill", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_95316250"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorScopeOrphan", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_1F7C1079"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorSend", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_D1BEF5C8"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorSendTo", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_7D65C2FB"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorScopeSend", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_8058BAE2"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorUsersDump", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_D727D905"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorUsersFromHoverTarget", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_B4834524"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorUsersFromPortraitGame", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_3B87B5CA"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorUsersFromSelection", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_3F1A32B4"));
        libGAx3_gf_InsetCheatRecord("ActorWorldParticleFXDestroy", StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_A9514F2B"));
        autoD74E8256_ae = 10;
        autoD74E8256_ai = 1;
        lv_i = 1;
        while ((autoD74E8256_ai >= 0 && lv_i <= autoD74E8256_ae) || (autoD74E8256_ai <= 0 && lv_i >= autoD74E8256_ae)) {
            libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatIcons[lv_i] = "EditorData\\Images\\TriggerLabels\\PlayerGroup.tga";
            if (lv_i == autoD74E8256_ae) {
            lv_i = lv_i + autoD74E8256_ai;
        auto0AC15BE7_ae = 31;
        auto0AC15BE7_ai = 1;
        lv_i = 11;
        while ((auto0AC15BE7_ai >= 0 && lv_i <= auto0AC15BE7_ae) || (auto0AC15BE7_ai <= 0 && lv_i >= auto0AC15BE7_ae)) {
            libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatIcons[lv_i] = "EditorData\\Images\\TriggerLabels\\Unit.tga";
            if (lv_i == auto0AC15BE7_ae) {
            lv_i = lv_i + auto0AC15BE7_ai;
        auto37B9C984_ae = 43;
        auto37B9C984_ai = 1;
        lv_i = 32;
        while ((auto37B9C984_ai >= 0 && lv_i <= auto37B9C984_ae) || (auto37B9C984_ai <= 0 && lv_i >= auto37B9C984_ae)) {
            libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatIcons[lv_i] = "EditorData\\Images\\TriggerLabels\\Gear.tga";
            if (lv_i == auto37B9C984_ae) {
            lv_i = lv_i + auto37B9C984_ai;
        auto1A078F8D_ae = 47;
        auto1A078F8D_ai = 1;
        lv_i = 44;
        while ((auto1A078F8D_ai >= 0 && lv_i <= auto1A078F8D_ae) || (auto1A078F8D_ai <= 0 && lv_i >= auto1A078F8D_ae)) {
            libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatIcons[lv_i] = "EditorData\\Images\\TriggerLabels\\Environment.tga";
            if (lv_i == auto1A078F8D_ae) {
            lv_i = lv_i + auto1A078F8D_ai;
        autoCDEBBED9_ae = 58;
        autoCDEBBED9_ai = 1;
        lv_i = 48;
        while ((autoCDEBBED9_ai >= 0 && lv_i <= autoCDEBBED9_ae) || (autoCDEBBED9_ai <= 0 && lv_i >= autoCDEBBED9_ae)) {
            libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatIcons[lv_i] = "EditorData\\Images\\TriggerLabels\\Player.tga";
            if (lv_i == autoCDEBBED9_ae) {
            lv_i = lv_i + autoCDEBBED9_ai;
        auto6FC15A65_ae = 60;
        auto6FC15A65_ai = 1;
        lv_i = 59;
        while ((auto6FC15A65_ai >= 0 && lv_i <= auto6FC15A65_ae) || (auto6FC15A65_ai <= 0 && lv_i >= auto6FC15A65_ae)) {
            libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatIcons[lv_i] = "EditorData\\Images\\TriggerLabels\\Code.tga";
            if (lv_i == auto6FC15A65_ae) {
            lv_i = lv_i + auto6FC15A65_ai;
        autoCC430D97_ae = 83;
        autoCC430D97_ai = 1;
        lv_i = 61;
        while ((autoCC430D97_ai >= 0 && lv_i <= autoCC430D97_ae) || (autoCC430D97_ai <= 0 && lv_i >= autoCC430D97_ae)) {
            libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatIcons[lv_i] = "EditorData\\Images\\PreviewerActor.tga";
            if (lv_i == autoCC430D97_ae) {
            lv_i = lv_i + autoCC430D97_ai;
        auto18BA06AE_ae = 31;
        auto18BA06AE_ai = 1;
        lv_i = 11;
        while ((auto18BA06AE_ai >= 0 && lv_i <= auto18BA06AE_ae) || (auto18BA06AE_ai <= 0 && lv_i >= auto18BA06AE_ae)) {
            libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatNoNeedManual[lv_i] = false;
            if (lv_i == auto18BA06AE_ae) {
            lv_i = lv_i + auto18BA06AE_ai;
        libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatNoNeedManual[15] = true;
        libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatNoNeedManual[16] = true;
        libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatNoNeedManual[22] = true;
        libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatNoNeedManual[24] = true;
        return true;
    void libGAx3_gt_Data_Init () {
        libGAx3_gt_Data = TriggerCreate("libGAx3_gt_Data_Func");
    // Trigger: CC UI
    bool libGAx3_gt_CCUI_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) {
        int auto8CDDA841_ae;
        int auto8CDDA841_ai;
        // Variable Declarations
        int lv_i;
        // Variable Initialization
        lv_i = 0;
        // Actions
        if (!runActions) {
            return true;
        DialogCreate(500, 500, c_anchorTopRight, 0, 100, false);
        libGAx3_gv_cC_UI = DialogLastCreated();
        DialogSetVisible(libGAx3_gv_cC_UI, PlayerGroupAll(), false);
        DialogControlCreate(libGAx3_gv_cC_UI, c_triggerControlTypeListBox);
        libGAx3_gv_cC_List = DialogControlLastCreated();
        DialogControlSetSize(libGAx3_gv_cC_List, PlayerGroupAll(), 500, 400);
        libNtve_gf_CreateDialogItemButton(libGAx3_gv_cC_UI, 200, 50, c_anchorBottomRight, 0, 50, StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_8FDE3C4A"), StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_03DCD302"), libGAx3_gv_cC_FileOver);
        libGAx3_gv_cC_Button = DialogControlLastCreated();
        libNtve_gf_SetDialogItemImageType(libGAx3_gv_cC_Button, c_triggerImageTypeEndCap, PlayerGroupAll());
        libNtve_gf_SetDialogItemImage(libGAx3_gv_cC_Button, libGAx3_gv_cC_File, PlayerGroupAll());
        DialogControlCreate(libGAx3_gv_cC_UI, c_triggerControlTypeEditBox);
        libGAx3_gv_cC_Edit = DialogControlLastCreated();
        DialogControlSetSize(libGAx3_gv_cC_Edit, PlayerGroupAll(), 300, 50);
        DialogControlSetPosition(libGAx3_gv_cC_Edit, PlayerGroupAll(), c_anchorBottomLeft, 0, 50);
        auto8CDDA841_ae = libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatCount;
        auto8CDDA841_ai = 1;
        lv_i = 1;
        while ((auto8CDDA841_ai >= 0 && lv_i <= auto8CDDA841_ae) || (auto8CDDA841_ai <= 0 && lv_i >= auto8CDDA841_ae)) {
            DialogControlAddItem(libGAx3_gv_cC_List, PlayerGroupAll(), (StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_B8402168") + StringToText(libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatIcons[lv_i]) + StringExternal("Param/Value/lib_GAx3_371E79DC") + StringToText(libGAx3_gv_cC_Cheats[lv_i])));
            if (lv_i == auto8CDDA841_ae) {
            lv_i = lv_i + auto8CDDA841_ai;
        DialogSetImageVisible(libGAx3_gv_cC_UI, false);
        return true;
    void libGAx3_gt_CCUI_Init () {
        libGAx3_gt_CCUI = TriggerCreate("libGAx3_gt_CCUI_Func");
    // Trigger: CC Display
    bool libGAx3_gt_CCDisplay_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) {
        // Variable Declarations
        bool lv_state;
        // Variable Initialization
        lv_state = DialogIsVisible(libGAx3_gv_cC_UI, EventPlayer());
        // Actions
        if (!runActions) {
            return true;
        DialogSetVisible(libGAx3_gv_cC_UI, PlayerGroupAll(), !lv_state);
        return true;
    void libGAx3_gt_CCDisplay_Init () {
        libGAx3_gt_CCDisplay = TriggerCreate("libGAx3_gt_CCDisplay_Func");
        TriggerEnable(libGAx3_gt_CCDisplay, false);
        TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(libGAx3_gt_CCDisplay, c_playerAny, c_keyGrave, true, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore);
    // Trigger: CC Item Selected
    bool libGAx3_gt_CCItemSelected_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) {
        // Variable Declarations
        int lv_index;
        // Variable Initialization
        lv_index = DialogControlGetSelectedItem(libGAx3_gv_cC_List, libGAx3_gv_cC_Player);
        // Conditions
        if (testConds) {
            if (!((EventDialogControl() == libGAx3_gv_cC_List))) {
                return false;
        // Actions
        if (!runActions) {
            return true;
        DialogControlSetEnabled(libGAx3_gv_cC_Button, PlayerGroupAll(), libGAx3_gv_cC_CheatNoNeedManual[lv_index]);
        libNtve_gf_SetDialogItemEditorValue(libGAx3_gv_cC_Edit, libGAx3_gv_cC_Cheats[lv_index], PlayerGroupAll());
        if ((lv_index <= 10)) {
            libNtve_gf_SetDialogItemEditorValue(libGAx3_gv_cC_Edit, (libGAx3_gv_cC_Cheats[lv_index] + " -1 " + IntToString(libGAx3_gv_cC_Player)), PlayerGroupAll());
        else {
        if ((lv_index == 38)) {
            libNtve_gf_SetDialogItemEditorValue(libGAx3_gv_cC_Edit, (libGAx3_gv_cC_Cheats[lv_index] + " " + IntToString(libGAx3_gv_cC_Player)), PlayerGroupAll());
        else {
        if ((lv_index == 48)) {
            libNtve_gf_SetDialogItemEditorValue(libGAx3_gv_cC_Edit, (libGAx3_gv_cC_Cheats[lv_index] + " 10 " + IntToString(libGAx3_gv_cC_Player)), PlayerGroupAll());
        else {
        if ((lv_index == 49)) {
            libNtve_gf_SetDialogItemEditorValue(libGAx3_gv_cC_Edit, (libGAx3_gv_cC_Cheats[lv_index] + " 0 " + IntToString(libGAx3_gv_cC_Player)), PlayerGroupAll());
        else {
        if ((lv_index >= 55) && (lv_index <= 58)) {
            libNtve_gf_SetDialogItemEditorValue(libGAx3_gv_cC_Edit, (libGAx3_gv_cC_Cheats[lv_index] + " " + IntToString(libGAx3_gv_cC_Player)), PlayerGroupAll());
        else {
        return true;
    void libGAx3_gt_CCItemSelected_Init () {
        libGAx3_gt_CCItemSelected = TriggerCreate("libGAx3_gt_CCItemSelected_Func");
        TriggerEnable(libGAx3_gt_CCItemSelected, false);
        TriggerAddEventDialogControl(libGAx3_gt_CCItemSelected, c_playerAny, c_invalidDialogControlId, c_triggerControlEventTypeSelectionChanged);
    // Trigger: CC Cheat Submit
    bool libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmit_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) {
        // Conditions
        if (testConds) {
            if (!((EventDialogControl() == libGAx3_gv_cC_Button))) {
                return false;
        // Actions
        if (!runActions) {
            return true;
        ConsoleCommand(libNtve_gf_DialogItemEditValue(libGAx3_gv_cC_Edit, libGAx3_gv_cC_Player), true, true);
        return true;
    void libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmit_Init () {
        libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmit = TriggerCreate("libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmit_Func");
        TriggerEnable(libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmit, false);
        TriggerAddEventDialogControl(libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmit, c_playerAny, c_invalidDialogControlId, c_triggerControlEventTypeClick);
    // Trigger: CC Cheat Submit Shorcut
    bool libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmitShorcut_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) {
        // Conditions
        if (testConds) {
            if (!((DialogIsVisible(libGAx3_gv_cC_UI, libGAx3_gv_cC_Player) == true))) {
                return false;
            if (!((DialogControlIsEnabled(libGAx3_gv_cC_Button, libGAx3_gv_cC_Player) == true))) {
                return false;
        // Actions
        if (!runActions) {
            return true;
        SoundPlay(SoundLink("UI_BnetDefaultClick", -1), PlayerGroupAll(), 100.0, 0.0);
        TriggerExecute(libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmit, false, false);
        return true;
    void libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmitShorcut_Init () {
        libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmitShorcut = TriggerCreate("libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmitShorcut_Func");
        TriggerEnable(libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmitShorcut, false);
        TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(libGAx3_gt_CCCheatSubmitShorcut, c_playerAny, c_keyR, true, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore);
    // Trigger: Resume XP Gaining (Fix)
    bool libGAx3_gt_ResumeXPGaining_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) {
        // Actions
        if (!runActions) {
            return true;
        return true;
    void libGAx3_gt_ResumeXPGaining_Init () {
        libGAx3_gt_ResumeXPGaining = TriggerCreate("libGAx3_gt_ResumeXPGaining_Func");
    void libGAx3_InitTriggers () {
    // Library Initialization
    bool libGAx3_InitLib_completed = false;
    void libGAx3_InitLib () {
        if (libGAx3_InitLib_completed) {
        libGAx3_InitLib_completed = true;

     It really doesn't seem to be doing much, but I could have missed something.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on GAx3 Trigger Source Code? Dependency Problems



    Some years ago I published a map to Battle.net using the GAx3 dependency.  Now that dependency is no longer available.  However, some game patches have caused bugs in my map, which I would like to fix.


    This means I need to re-create all the functionality that I was using from GAx3 for myself.  I was wondering if anyone knows how I can obtain the galaxy code for the functions defined in GAx3, perhaps by extracting something from the GAx3.SC2Mod file, which I was able to find on this site and open with Ladik's MPQ editor.  I looked around for the code there, but it seems it may be saved in an XML format instead, or somewhere else.  I'm not exactly sure where it is.  If anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be great.


     Is the file named "Triggers" (no extension) just an XML encoding of the source code?  Perhaps I should attempt to decode that and then I would be able to recreate the functions I need.


    Edit: I've looked a bit more into the Triggers XML file, I think it's just declaring all the functions and parameters, but not defining them.  So where is the source code?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Moving the Mission Timer

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    Awesome, thanks!

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Moving the Mission Timer

    Still looking for an answer......

    Also can whoever deleted my other post and moved this to the wrong section kindly fuck off?

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Moving the Mission Timer

    Like so many others of my questions on here, this one seems doomed to go unanswered.

    Perhaps a year later someone knows...?

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Editor Won't Let Me Change Library ID??

    Lol wow you're right... I thought it was blocked from being checked but the keyboard worked, it just seems to be blocking mouse input.


    Unfortunately I already rewrote the library functions that I needed myself instead, but thanks for the reply.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Editor Won't Let Me Change Library ID??

    Halp I'm going crazy... I can't use a library I'm trying to import because I can't even see or set the ID. The "use shared ID" is unclickable, as are the text boxes to type in an ID.


    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on lighting area

    @kenva24rus: Go

    Such a simple question and still no answer... I wish I knew how to help you out on this one but I don't even know if it's possible. Good luck, I hope you figure it out.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Set Dialog Image for Pulldowns

    Does anyone know how to make this work? The base image is working but the hover image doesn't do anything. (It just looks normal once I mouse over it)

    Another question while I'm on the topic of pulldowns... Is there a way to set the selected item for a pulldown without firing the Dialog Item Selection Changed event?

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Make A Unit's Model Rotate Persistently

    Any approach to solving this problem is fine - data driven, trigger driven, or a combination of the two.

    I would like to make a unit's model rotate constantly, while still allowing the unit to be issued move commands and reacting appropriately. The rotation should not disrupt the normal movement in anyway, nor vice versa.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Make Unit Fly in a Wave Path

    @Photoloss: Go

    Thank you for your continued help.

    The current issue I'm having is that I'm able to execute the launch missile effect via a trigger action, but I'm not sure how to set the target, so the missile is not moving anywhere.

    Environment - Execute Launch Wavy Drone at (TopMiddle offset by 9.0 height) from player AIPlayer

    Launch Wavy Drone is a Launch Missile effect using a "Fly Wavy" mover that I created.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Make Unit Fly in a Wave Path

    @Photoloss: Go

    This sounds perfect - exactly what I was trying to do, I just wasn't sure how to make the unit a missile instead of a unit. I will give it a shot. One trajectory is enough, I don't need to redirect it mid flight.

    Follow-up question: how do I create this effect via a trigger action and set the target point to anywhere I like (e.g. a randomly generated point in a region).

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Make Unit Fly in a Wave Path

    Perhaps I can make it a little easier by explaining in more detail what I want to achieve.

    I will be creating a unit controlled by a computer player via triggers. Upon creation, I will make the unit immediately start flying in some direction in a wavy path. While flying, I need some way to test if it collides with units owned by the user players. Once it enters a certain region, I need this wavy flying unit to be destroyed.

    Posted in: Data
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