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    posted a message on Island Race (wc3 map) Help!

    I've been having a go at making a map similar to Island Race (I think that's what it was called) from warcraft 3. I'm by no means experienced and whilst I did play around with the map editor back in warcraft 3, I wasn't amazing at it (I understood some basic triggers and what not).

    For those that don't know, I'll try my best to describe the map, then present to you seasoned mapsters my problem.

    The map is a race to complete a set amount of runs across two platforms with the unit you're given. There are two runways like this:

    | x                                          o |
    | o                                          x |

    All players spawn at the x's and run to the o's, where they spawn at the next x and run to the o, and so on until someone completes, lets say, 50 runs.
    What makes the game so novel and fun is that every time you respawn at the next runway, you are a new and random unit with some kind of ability. You may have a stun, you may be very small and fast, you may be extremely slow, etc.

    You can't fly over to the other runway if you are given a flying unit.

    If you happen to be killed, you respawn back at the x you just popped out of.

    Now, with my very basic understanding of triggers, I've been able to make the two runways, a long rectangular region at each side and create the trigger which spawns a unit at one side and removes that unit once it reaches the other side and instantly create another unit on the other runway, whilst panning the camera. To test that it worked, I just put in a zergling and ran it around.

    It is once I got to this stage that I ran into my problem: Even if I made a bunch of custom units for the purposes of this game, I wouldn't know how to create a random unit from that pool of custom units that I made into the start region!

    I thank you in advance.

    **TL;DR: Is it possible to make some "class" of units from which random units can be picked from it and created into the game?**

    EDIT: I've somewhat overcome the problem by creating a region and putting a bunch of neutral units in there and having the game select a random unit in that region.

    Now the next hurdle that I have yet to cross is creating custom units; I just have no idea how to work the data window. I thought it would be similar to w3 but boy, was I wrong!

    My question now is, how would I edit things like movespeed and vision radius and such on a unit? Thank you in advance.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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