Behavior Type: Buff - Moving up
set Effect - Initial: Move Offset Up (Persistent)
because the Effect Type: Switch - Switch Direction 4 Ways is going to buff the effect anyways?
also i tried doing the tutorial and testing the downloaded map, but the stalkers go around.
it seems that the direction became relative to facing direction of the unit.
Highly probable cause would be that my editor apparently doesn't have the "target +" for effect type:issue order
Effect Type: Issue Order - Move To (Issue Order)
Target +:
Isn't this redundant?
Behavior Type: Buff - Moving up set Effect - Initial: Move Offset Up (Persistent)
because the Effect Type: Switch - Switch Direction 4 Ways is going to buff the effect anyways?
also i tried doing the tutorial and testing the downloaded map, but the stalkers go around. it seems that the direction became relative to facing direction of the unit. Highly probable cause would be that my editor apparently doesn't have the "target +" for effect type:issue order
Effect Type: Issue Order - Move To (Issue Order) Target +:
What is my issue here and how can I fix it?