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    posted a message on imported models require textures?

    Thanks for the advice all.

    I am interested in both new textures and models. I'm primarily interested in Protoss and Terran right now, kind of a for fun project that evolves unit design rather than adding new bad units, and I'm fluent in Solidworks so that's why I'm starting there...

    In particular I feel that Blizzard made some unfortunate, if necessary mistakes with SC2 art design. They definitely tried to make SC2 appeal to Warcraft and LoL fans by making Protoss units busy, fancy, ornate, and a bit less sci-fi that I'd like. Protoss units got too complex and insectoid looking in SC2. They used to be purer and cleaner in BW (overall). I'm a professional product designer and I like how blizzard took an evolutionary approach with the protoss buildings. They did a great job there, with the cybernetics core, gateway, etc. I just think they fell short on the unit end of things.

    EG Here's a quick Carrier I photoshopped the other day. The idea is to evolve the BW carrier but make it cleaner and less busy in the back, and less bejeweled. It sill needs some work, but I think the direction has promise.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on imported models require textures?

    @Leruster: Go

    Thanks for the reply Leruster. I'm running OSX on a maxed out MBP. I'm fluent in creative suite (photoshop, illustrator, etc) and solidworks, but I don't know Gimp. Is that OSX friendly or is there an OSX equivalent?

    EDIT: Just downloaded GIMP for OSX. It appears that was only recently availabel.

    So between Solidworks and GIMP, what else do I need to make a unit from scratch? Blender for importing solidworks files? AM I missing anything?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on imported models require textures?

    First post on this site, but fellow professional Solidworks user. Is 3DS max required to make a model and get it into SC2 with textures? Is there any way to honestly get it free or near free?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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