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    posted a message on Any maps like the old Line TD from SC:BW?

    Hello. I have never stumbled upon a map like the one from SC, where the enemy were using one lane and all of the players had to cooperate to kill them.

    Let me elaborate. there was one vertical lane and the enemy were coming from both sides - top and bottom. Every player (i think it was a 5 player map) had a place where he could build his base. Everyone had to build units near that one line and hope to kill as much of the enemy as possible. If one unit from one side gets through all of the players and reaches the other side, it's over. Anything like this in SC2?

    Granted, i have not looked through a lot of maps, but it just feels like most of the are competitive TD's where everyone gets his own lane, but i remember that there were a lot of cooperative TD's in SC. Anyone remember that one where you could build only turrets and at the start of the game, everyone rushed their builders to where they wanted to build and then you had to save up for hero units like that one marine that could solo almost everything :)

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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