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    posted a message on How many Active Mappers?

    Glad to hear a lot of good teams, wow though, Arcane, still working on NOTD2 , i remember when you did a run through of NOTD 1 with me 2 years ago to show me the technical details of it, haha!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Lobby trolls, kick features and starter accounts

    BTW, i think we NEED these fucntions, i advocated for them.

    You know why? Because when someone join the game that is a known troller and the game doesn't have auto kick feature, and i hosted the game, why can't i kick before it's a problem? Besides sometimes its a known spammer, troller, not to mention if someone is one that lags the whole game out and joins it every time anyways, ya i'm going to kick him if i'm hosting, If he wants to play he can host his own lobby, who cares.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on WASD - Lag_Free - Data Only - 8 directions


    as far as i can tell, it's very lagless online. No noticable delay really. Mayb,e not as response as clicking still, but it's hard to compare that without clicking something in the same game.

    but there is however, a very "grid" like movement in how the character moves with this system he seems very stuck to moving at a minimum, -1, or 1, or 1.375 if moving diaginal, or w/e the numbers are it doesn't seem like you can do anything less than the data is set to move, but .1 might make the character feel slow to play so, it's a different challenge, but very delayless

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on How many Active Mappers?
    Quote from Zolden: Go

    Yea, this all shrinked alot. I remember very alive forums full of titans like Kueken and Dr. Super Evil who could solve any editor mistery, irc channel full of 24/7 talking people, including blizz empolyees, weekly stream Mozared, Tya and Almighty have been making interviewving mapmakers, weekly trigger and data little competitions. Now it's quiet. Even though we have art tools and improved editor and tons of new models, and competitions with cool prizes. But Starcraft isn't much popular, there's no constant stream of incoming new players and new mapmakers, so the community suffers.

    What could help? The only way I see to revive mapmaking activity is that Overwatch becomes extremely popular, and united blizzard games launcher provides some diffusion of players between other blizzard games, so Starcraft gains lots of new players. I've seen some meme-generating tracer butt scandal on reddit and other nice marketing attempts, so I hope Overwatch will be a big thing. Then we'll see.

    I myself can be considered as almost active mapmaker, because I have plans to continue working on my map in editor, and maybe create something new. It depends on me being able to create a game in Unity that would gain me some constant income, then I'd be happy to do something in editor. Also, even though I'm working in unity, I use what I learned in editor, so every game I create uses a battle system based alot on sc2 editor data architecture. No matter is it a strategy I'm creating or 3d action, there's still effects, behaviors, validators, units, weapons, missiles, abilities, and so on, and they have the same fields we use in sc2 editor, and they are connected the same way they are in sc2 editor. So, when I create a game in unity, I first create a data-alike battle system, and then create everything as I work in editor, and therefore I never get rusty away of sc2 editor. So, learn data, everybody.

    wait, you, start working? DID UNITY FAIL YOU ? NOOOO

    Ok, i read your post, that makes sense. I hope you find something. For me, i have a fulltime job that pays well. Very well for me. I don't do much with my money, sometimes I travel the country, but mostly sit at home. So i have ok time to dedicate to mapping as a hobby, not as a job.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How many Active Mappers?
    Quote from JacktheArcher: Go

    @JayborinoPlays: Go

    Some changes are definitely needed for sure. I think a large overhaul or a new site would help increase traffic of mappers but it's unrealistic. People just don't have the free time to be spending on maps these days it seems.

    We're all too old ! Even now i work, i type , and my gf makes dinner, and i will have to go soon, only working for 2 hours, which it takes an hour for me to collect thoughts on how i was progressing... haha!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How many Active Mappers?

    Hey I just have an idea,

    Why not post a small snipet of what you're working on? Whether or not it's a sc2 map, or a unity game, or whatever, and maybe a little about it. Arcane, i'd love to hear about your new project. What type of game is it, survival, rts, etc. HOw many people on the team?

    For me, i'm working on a "bloodline champions" type map similar to it anyways, with WASD movement and left click auto attacks, all abilities are skill shots , even heals! tough challenges, but fun to work out the tech behind each step.

    Quote from JayborinoPlays: Go

    This site was strongest in the WoL 2010-2012 days. Currently, I believe many folks visit, but not as many participate as in the past. We're actively trying to increase that, specifically by getting the poll and current events updated after they've been stale for quite some time. The community testing thread is new and an effort to bring folks together to test maps that might go under the radar.

    I do think there's a lot to offer here though and there are some of us doing our best to make it known that there is still a lot of activity here so others will come visit :)

    Hey great to hear from you as well friend. Well for me I'd like to see more of a collaboration on the channels, the sticky at the top of the general has "ventrillo" info that doesn't exist anymore, IRC is usually dead but i'm not opposedto still working with that, i'm loving discord, but the mumble is dead as well. Why don't we create a new sticky that talks about where the community is "hanging out" so we can help answer newbie questions?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How many Active Mappers?
    Quote from ArcaneDurandel: Go

    I'm still here. Just busy with work.

    One thing to note is that yes, people like me who are pretty involved in the editor tend to be insanely busy, because we often volunteer for relatively big projects, which just chew up time.

    Hey Pariah, I should know you're around, i still see you login to battle net often. I am glad you are still mapping.

    Quote from TheZizz: Go

    Hey Draktok, nice hybrid!

    I'm not much of a presence here these days (if ever) but I'm still actively mapping, and at this very moment. Although SC2Mapster is less than comprehensive these days with the new tools features, it is still a very useful knowledge-base from time to time, a precious relic from days gone by. That is why I'm talking to you now!

    The way to make SC/2 great again is how it was always done: With awesome unique games that would not exist in any other context. Although there is little chance of rekindling exact former greatness, there is always a way to new greatness, which in SC2's case will most likely favor quality over quantity. Here's to a whole new chapter in epic "Blizzard" modding!

    Hi Zizz, good post, thanks for your update! Glad to hear from so many people so quickly. <3 you all

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How many Active Mappers?
    Quote from Hockleberry: Go

    Well we have the bi-weekly map test.

    We finally changed the poll after 4 years

    We finally changed the Current Events to go from 2012 to 2016

    The Custom Campaign Initiative has 13 complete campaigns and 12 being actively worked on. Check that out.

    Jayborino streams campaigns maps and other fun stuff pretty regularly.

    DeltonLive is live-testing maps for new people.

    Still going strong!

    Ironically the current event is why i remember to check back more often, i was on hiatus for a year or so.

    Custom campaign, hey neat, good to see. The bi weekly mapping test is updated? I quit following when it was turning into more of a bi-annual test.

    I will look up jayborino / deltonlive.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on WASD - Lag_Free - Data Only - 8 directions
    Quote from LeonSed: Go

    Hello, and first of all, thank you for posting this - I have been working on something similar for ages and never got it to work this well.

    However, I was wondering whether this is actually less resource (network-) intensive than using triggers (or a hybrid). After all, doesn't using this technique mean that multiple players are constantly casting abilities? Then again, chances are that abilities and triggers are not handled the same way when it comes to sending information to the server, data is probably a lot more efficient.

    I might setup a small, private map later where both systems are in place and can be toggled on and off - monitoring the network usage and ping times should be quite straight-forward(?).

    As far as I know, number of triggers cause the map itself to think more than the connection between the player and server, typically speaking data driven events cause less lag as the map itself isn't doing the thinking and sending that to players. That's a shitty explination but it's my observation in general between triggers and data.

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on How many Active Mappers?

    I try not to look at last log in date as i search threads, as i know most people have moved on, but then I wonder, how many people are still active? Most of the mods that are in the sticky up top are few and far between log ins, many days the IRC has 1-2 messages all day long, the discord set up has like 23~ people in but most don't log in to that, the original big mappers seem to have mostly disappeared, save for Zolden, Tya, Funky, Soulflicher, maybe some others that lurk more than post I'm sure egod / bounty / korbin are still around..

    is there still a healthy community here? Is there mappers anywhere else? I miss sc2 mapster popularity :) also, the mapping tools are at an all time high, and i hoped to see a resurgance of activity, but i don't see it. How to make sc2 great again?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2Mapster Discord Server

    Hey, just bumping this thread. THere's a good amount of people on the discord.

    the great thing about it, it has multiple chat rooms. SO, we can have a "chat" room, and an assistance room, and a testing room. Not to mention, it has voice chat, although no one has used it yet i think.

    Another thing is that the chat doesn't disappear. IE, you can ask a question when no one is on, and when someone gets on that might know it, they can answer, and you can see it when you get back on.

    not ot mention, it has great mobile apps! Looking forward to more people joining. PS, we need someone good with actors to help answer a question for this guy :D

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Modifying UI

    @Renee2islga: Go

    Hmm, I can't figure out how to get the editor to allow me to edit your UI. I try to change and it doesn't allow me. I'm using the mod, so maybe I can't edit hte mod. I could try copying it all i guess. That's tedious though

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on Modifying UI

    Hi Renee,

    Thx for your great work, I use your mod very much.

    Question; I like how the buff shows up under the character and if it's a time buffed like divine shield, it shows the ability with the ring going around it. I want to move those buffs to above the ui, though - above the character portrait. Is it possible?

    I want to modify your whole ui actually, but i am having a hard time determining how to develop a ui, so i wil stay the same for now ... :)

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on Getting up to speed.. Again...

    TYya, i am waiting for your library of abilities to release before i bother working on another map. You will save me much time. I will be happy enough to wait for that tbh.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on IRC / Tya's Maps Questions

    I can't connect to IRC for some reason, gives can't connect to server error. Actual question...

    I'm sure most people have played Tya's maps (X hero siege, Hero line wars starlight, nexus strike, etc) ... are his abilities available anywhere to use ? I'd love if it was packed in a library to use. Tya also made like desert strike and zerg defense or something other games, i'm looking for his abilities on his new wc3 games - they all use the same ones.

    Posted in: General Chat
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