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    posted a message on Once more: Localization! How to get a Map multilingual for any desired Client!

    @Ousnius: Go

    Danke für deine Antwort und danke für's deutsche.

    Für ingame-Texte mag der SC2Localizer funktionieren, damit nicht Param/Value kommt, sondern der übersetzte Text - das habe ich oftmals gelesen, da ich aber nur Standard-Meleemaps erstelle, kann ich das nicht nachvollziehen/testen. Mir geht es wirklich einzig und allein um den Namen der Karte und deren Beschreibung. Also das, was du liest, wenn du auf Spiel Erstellen/Beitreten gehst und die Karten aufgelistet werden: Anstelle von Der Verschollene Tempel steht ja auch im enGB-Client dann The Lost Temple und die Beschreibung rechts unter der Kartenvorschau steht dann ja auch auf englisch da. Jedenfalls habe ich es aufgegeben, nach deutlichen Test liegt es am Ende an der Veröffentlichung. Lädst du die Karte mit dem deDE-Editor auf deinen Account, sind alle Texte auf deutsch, egal mit welcher Client-Version. Lädtst du mit enGB hoch, sind alle Texte in der Sprache, die du mit enGB benutzt hast, auch im deDE-Client. Nur im Editor selbst funktioniert die Lokalisierung. Natürlich für jeden Fall, dass man in der Map auch für die Sprachversionen Strings angelegt hat (was übrigens auch ohne MPQ-Editor geht, solange man die jeweilige Sprachumgebung des Editors installiert hat und damit die Karte nachträglich überschreibt).

    Danke dennoch!

    After advice I tried to translate above text into english:

    Thanks for your reply and thanks also for the german.

    SC2Localizer may work fine for ingame texts so there wont be a param/value problem but the translated text. I often read that it works in that case. But since I create only melee maps with standard trigger initializing my personal issue here is just about the map name and the description. Those things shown when opening or creating a game in the map list and in the right side of the window displaying the description of the map. Instead of Der Verschollene Tempel and its german description (using the deDE client) there is The Lost Temple displayed when using the enGB client, and even the discription is displayed in english. Now i just gave up, this whole thing doesn't seem to work for user created maps. After having done very specific tests I can say that the problem is about the publishing and not the map or datastrings of the map itself. If you publish (upload to account) a map it's a matter of which Editor locale you use when doing this. If you use deDE Editor and publish, your texts (name/description) will show up in german in every client locales, no matter if the correct strings for the specific locale are already integral parts of your map strings. Publish english texts for enGB and german texts for deDE via enGB Editor causes the map to show up in english even in deDE client. Publish german texts for deDE and english texts for enGB by using the deDE Editor the map will be german in name and description for any locale client. The localizations will work just for the Editors. Having enGB and deDE texts in your map enGB Editor will automatically provide english name and text. deDE will provide automatically german name and texts. It depends on which locales you provide for a map. By the way for this you don't need to use SC2Localizer or even MPQ Editors, the only thing you have to consider is to have the Editor installed in any locales you want your map to support.

    Sorry for my bad english and even sorry that I didnt translate this 1:1 - but thanks for the advice, it was a good training for using the english language. Have a lot of work to do in it - or on it?^^

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Once more: Localization! How to get a Map multilingual for any desired Client!

    Hello, I'm new to SC2Mapster and have read a dozen of threads about localization.

    I created some melee maps and I just want to have them shown ingame in the language for the desired client. Since I am german, i use the deDE client, but want to publish my maps with support for enGB and enUS as well. I have installed sc2 clients deDE and enGB. Maps have been created with deDE. I added manual localizations with mpq editor. The deDE editor shows up german language, the enGB editor shows up english language. BUT the enGB client shows still german language.

    All I want is the Map Name and the Map Description in the ingame map list or ingame lobby in the language of the game client in use. the localizations are available in my map, also I manually put additional parameters to the componentlist.sc2component. I even took a look at original blizzard maps to look up how it is set in their maps. My maps are 1:1 in structure but I still get only german language, even in the enGB client!

    Sorry for my bad english! :(

    Is there a solution or is it impossible to support more than one localization/language?

    btw: SC2Localizer adds all client versions to my map if used. Via mpq I edited the GameStrings.txt so that the text is in english. But this also doesnt work.

    Maybe I got all threats about localization problems wrong: In my case it's "only" about the Map Name shown ingame and the Description. They are standard melee maps, so they have no special text or triggers. Just melee. And I just want to have my maps multilingual, user friendly for other language regions so that everyone can read the map name and the description in her/his language.

    Thanks in advance for any answeres!

    Posted in: General Chat
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