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    posted a message on (Solved) Warcraft 3 build animations

    Hey all,

    I have a build ability that creates a structure linked to a WC3 model.  The build time in the ability is 5 seconds.  The animation that comes along with the model however has a 'birth' animation which is 60 seconds long.  I fixed this by setting:

     - Set Time Scale Global 12
    Actor Creation
     - Timer Set 5 Birth
     - Set Time Scale Global 1

    However upon doing this, the builder creates the building for 5 seconds, and then the animation plays for 5 seconds. I know there is an actor event:

     - Animation Play Birth

    but I can't seem to get this to work either.

    Anyone encountered this?  I just want the Birth animation to play during the construction instead of after!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Detach unit from region

    For the life of me, I can't seem to figure out how to detach a unit from a region without deleting the unit or the region... I just want to move the unit and attach it to the region it moves to, but I don't want it to also be attached to its original region.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Check if Mouse Clicks a Region

    Update: I made a local point variable returning the 2D position of my mouse click. I suppose I could make 64 'if' statements to find which region that point is in, but hopefully there is a better way?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Check if Mouse Clicks a Region

    I'm trying to check if when the player clicks the mouse, if the x & y position is inside a region. I have many regions (over 60), and I have to know what region they click. Perhaps also save that region as a variable so I can perform actions with the unit attached to that region..

    I'm familiar with the x & y mouse position trigger but can't seem to relate it to region bounds..

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Hero Revival Actor (Solved)

    Nevermind I got it working! I had to create a whole new actor of the 'model animation style one shot' type and found a way to link it to the behavior turning on.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Hero Revival Actor (Solved)

    @onslaughtbear: Go

    Well if it was only a death animation then that would work easily! But since the unit is only going into an 'incapacitated' state, it never actually dies and therefore never actually plays a death animation. What I've been trying to look for is something in the events tab that plays this death animation when the incapacitated behavior is turned on!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Hero Revival Actor (Solved)

    I originally tried this using triggers but I figured there is an easier way in the data editor..

    When my hero becomes "incapacitated" from the pre-programmed hero death prevention behavior, I want the protoss spirit death model animation to run. I actually couldn't even get this to work via triggers, but I'm assuming I can just add something to the events for the behavior?

    For example: Behavior.Incapacitated.On - Play spirit death animation

    I tried to do this but couldn't figure out how and there's like 600 options in the events tab so I had no idea where to even start looking.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Requirement that's not there?

    I have an ability with a requirement which allows a unit to learn an ability every 2 levels:

    • Can Learn "_"
    • Use
    • Greater Than or Equal To
    • Count Behavior 'Level' Completed at Unit
    • Sum
    • Multiplication
    • Constant 2
    • Count Ability "_" Completed at Unit
    • Constant 1
    • Show

    For all my other abilities I use the same requirement and when the requirement is not met, it says "higher level" required.

    For this particular one, it has a different entry though: Requires level 2 and the first level of the ability.. ??? I have no idea where level 2 came from, I don't have a requirement needing that at all in my game, nor do I have it check to see if it has the first level of it... So I have no idea why this requirement text is showing.. My requirement works at you can only upgrade it every 2 levels, but why would the text be wrong??

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Players/Teams Problem

    So my map is a 4v4 with an extra '5th' computer teammate for each team. I privately published it so me and a few friends could test it but a huge problem with teams occurs.

    I have players 1-4 on team 1, and players 5-8 on team 2. Player 9 is the computer for team 1. Player 10 is the computer for team 2. When I went to test it with one other person, even though I put him on the bottom team, it didn't view him as player 5. Rather he was always player 2 no matter what computers I put between me and him..

    This made him allied to me since I have players 1-4 allied not allowing him to attack me through alliance, or attack the enemy since he's on that team.. I have little experience with the map options and game variants tab but I really want to start testing! Help?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Levelable Ability with Changing Buttons

    @Kueken531: Go

    Yes I am! Both of my passives, a double attack and evasion.. I auto cast these on learning them.. These are the only two abilities causing the problem as well.. Is autocasting a passive bad?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Levelable Ability with Changing Buttons

    @Kueken531: Go

    Another problem arose, probably pretty simple to fix though... When the game starts, my 'predator' works fine, by which I mean you can click 'a' and then a point on the map and the attack function works properly... Once I learn any ability using my 'train predator' ability, this function stops working for some reason...

    When i click 'a' and then a point on the map, my unit will run to the point, but wont attack any units that pass by him.. He may recognize they are there, and run to them for a quarter second, but quickly turns around and goes back to the point at which i clicked...

    Normally I would think it is just a weapon configuration problem with scan range or something, but it starts messing up after I use an ability which has no effect on its weapon...? I don't think its glitching either because I've restarted my editor and it still happens.. Ideas?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Levelable Ability with Changing Buttons

    @Kueken531: Go

    It works beautifully! This way is definitely more efficient as it's only one ability... Thank you!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Levelable Ability with Changing Buttons

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Any ideas?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Levelable Ability with Changing Buttons

    @Kueken531: Go

    It looks like the last post he had was over a year ago! It might be interesting to PM him to see if he is still interested in working on it.. Regardless, I plan on pushing forward with this as I have spent a decent amount of time with it already and plan to dedicate much more time! This is one of my hobbies :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Levelable Ability with Changing Buttons

    I have uploaded the map up top.. It's certainly a work in progress so be gentle :P trying to re-create hero wars from wc3 because there is no quality project actually on sc2 yet..

    the requirements are all sorts of messed up i'm sure, they might not even be linked properly... As for testing, if you want to see the problem ive explained up top, when you run the map, there will be 10 heroes on the bottom lane that you will see. The predator is the first and only hero I've worked with so far in creating custom abilities..

    He has a passive double attack and evasion which work perfectly.. Its just the hunt command I'm having trouble with and you will see when you run it.. For quick testing, type " -exp2 " to quickly put predator to level 2, -exp4 for level 4, -exp6 for level 6, -exp10 for level 10. You need to do this as the level requirements do work.

    Thanks for the help guys!

    Posted in: Data
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