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    posted a message on [UI] SC2Layout Files: Override method (Aiurchef method)

    @Sharicasmi: Go

    Do you mean the armor and weapon icons? mines actually stayed hidden O_o however they way ive done it might be abit messy 'cause i did not refer to the said icons specifically in my override file.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Patch 1.4.0 Is out ...
    Quote from Enexy: Go

    Triggers that reference "No Dialog Item" will return a warning in-game. This is not an error, just a warning. A very annoying one. Triggers that reference dialog settings with no setting will return a warning. For example, "If Minimum Value = 0" will return a warning if you did not ever give the dialog a minimum value. Many various other dialog warnings that come up

    this has been a PITA for me atm, im literally just scanning through my triggers, adding if then else checks to see if the dialog exists. =S what a day. oh well.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Ability that removes a behavior from single target - how to?
    Quote from Southpaw444: Go

    Here's the file, the abilities are called Tow Massive and Tow Massive Cancel. The ability only works on massive units and Tows them along with the caster.

    You should recheck your data fields before you upload, I find myself unable to cast Tow Cancel to test it =X . Turns out your target filters for Tow Massive Cancel excludes everyone (player, self, ally, enemy) so yeah. simply turning them all on will fix it just in case anyone else is also trying to solve the problem.

    As for your actual problem Southpaw444, it lies in Effect - Tow Massive Cancel (Destroy Persistent)

    basically at its current state, you are removing the Tow behavior for anyone within a radius of 500 around the caster =S

    A quick fix would be to set the radius to 1 and voila; only the unit towed by the caster is destroyed...at least for the battlecruiser.... this is problematic if you have units overlapping, or when the towed unit isnt directly at the center of the caster like for say your archon.

    What you really need however, is a way to remove the tow behavior directly from the target, without using a search effect (which you are doing right now). Now since ur using two different abilities to cast and cancel the tow... im not sure how you would do this, unless there is a way to link an ability's target to another ability; or make a toggle-able target spell -maybe someone advanced with the data editor would know.

    If i were you, i would do this with triggers. much more simple, at least for me. If u want i could upload a triggered version of ur tow skill.

    • Edit* Just remembered Nova's Domination ability. its a toggle-able target spell thank goodness, might wanna check that out if ur doing this triggerless.
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Battle.net Lobby Issues - Someone pleaseeeee help!
    Quote from GrimmySnarf: Go

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    I do that, and it all works fine so long as the players get into the game fine and stay in the game. For example, if I start a 3v3 game, and everyone stays in and plays, the two computer players treat each other as enemies just fine. But if I start a 3v3 game and one person randomly drops, suddenly it seems like my player 13 treat player 14 as enemy trigger fails to run and I don't know why. It's in a separate trigger under map initialization than my set alliances trigger.

    so when is this issue happening? early in the game or halfway? Judging from your description it seems like if someone drops in the loading screen or before the 'set alliance' trigger player 13 fails to recognize player 14 as an enemy correct? as if the trigger failed.

    well i think it might be in the trigger then, im not one who messes with game variants =S but im pretty sure it isn't the variants.

    Would help if u could post the trigger here? might as well take a look at it.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Tactical War - SEA Server

    I'm from SEA myself lol. But am busy with my own projects =X

    that said, i think most of the people here are from the EU or NA servers. You might want to also recruit testers directly from the SEA bnet forums.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on WASD vs Arrow Keys

    Why not both? lol. I do prefer WASD because its frequently used, plus with WASD you have the mouse to aim with. =D

    It kinda depends on the map you are making, is it multiplayer? If so, WASD might be better as detecting the arrow keys with triggers create lag, while with WASD you can put them as abilities in the unit's command card and detect when that ability is cast instead. Idk about this, i've seen a couple of movement systems developed by skilled people in this forum, you should check them out.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How do you Update an Imported sc2layout file
    Quote from Kenterik: Go

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    to me, it's hacky because the editor doesn't just grab the most recent version of the file, but is making a copy that I can't edit when it imports. I'm just nit-picky though.

    In regards to updating an sc2layout override file, ive only been doing it like:

    • Edit the layout on the notepad.
    • Import the new version into the map, it will automatically replace the old one. (you dont have to re-link stuff in the object edtior if its with the same name)
    • Save.


    i dont see how this is hacky =S and i dont get what u mean by the editor "making a copy that I can't edit when it imports"

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Need Help Hiding InfoPaneGroup
    Quote from Forge_User_03903326: Go

    @Zolstice: Go

    you can move it somewhat If I remember correctly, but it requires a specific setup I think:

    <Frame type='InfoPanel' name='GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel' file='GameUI'>
      <Frame type='InfoPaneGroup' name='InfoPaneGroup'>
        <Anchor side="Top" pos="Max" offset="500" relative="$parent/$parent"/>
        <Anchor side="Bottom" pos="Max" offset="500" relative="$parent/$parent"/>

    this anchors it to the ConsoleUIContainer instead of the InfoPanel.

    something like that. Sadly I do not have any time to check it. just posting this in a quick break at work ;p

    ahh, never thought i could anchor it to the parent of the parent. ill try it as soon as i get home. Thanks! =D

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Need Help Hiding InfoPaneGroup

    Ive read the tutorials on this site and had great success in modifying most elements of the UI. however im stuck on trying to hide the InfoPaneGroup; which from what i think is the thing that appears when u select a group of units, and their icons appear in rows and columns on the infopanel correct me if im wrong.

    for the most part i tried hiding it via:

    <Frame type='InfoPaneGroup' name='GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel/InfoPaneGroup' file='GameUI'>
    <Visible val="false"/>

    I also tried to move it offscreen via anchors, but it did not budge.

    A couple days earlier i did found a thread in which Helral said the InfoPaneGroup is hardcoded, and is pretty much un-editable.

    My guess is, either im addressing the wrong frame, or that it is really hardcoded. lol

    my current solution to hide it is to increase the height of the InfoPanel (the parent frame), to an outrageous number, and since the InfoPaneGroup seems to anchor itself to the top left of the InfoPanel, it would become offscreen. I do hope that this would not affect fps in any way (need confirmation)

    Its a really rough solution imo and I would like to know if there's a better way of doing this, i feel rather bad for stretching the frame outrageously high =(

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Maybe they know... console issues...
    Quote from Forge_User_03903326: Go

    @Helral: Go

    I dont use cinematic mode, so that wont bother, but it has the side effect of hiding the portrait panel :S

    edit : well i guess i dont really need the portrait panel, aite thx.

    hello, my UI is rather similar to yours (console panel is hidden but the portrait is still showing), but I am still able to issue orders to where the console used to be. Idk if this is right or not, im not much of a UI-pro and still experimenting, but i think you are missing these.

    <Frame type="Frame" name="MinimapStub">          
    <Visible val='False'/>        
    <Frame type="Frame" name="InfoStub">           
    <Visible val='False'/>
    <Frame type="Frame" name="CommandStub">
     <Visible val='False'/>

    Put these between the ConsolePanel's frame brackets. I think these are the frames Helral is referring to yes?

    Correct me if im wrong, but tbh, idk what these "stubs" are but those are the code lines that differ from my console modifications from yours. Hope this helps =D

    Posted in: UI Development
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