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    posted a message on Changing/Modifying buttons when upgraded?

    Ok, this is kinda hard to explain, I'll tell you about the ability. First, You can upgrade this 3 times. When you use this ability, it will increase the caster unit's life regeneration value & armor value. This ability has to be made by a BEHAVIOR, because an EFFECT doen't support these values. So I made 4 BEHAVIORS: for each level - Level0(default), Level1, Level2, Level3. The data link is like this: ABILITY - EFFECT(apply behavior) - BEHAVIOR(3 kinds exists for each level). Since the UPGRADE allows only 2 kind of BEHAVIOR values to modify, I changed the "EFFECT(apply behavior)" to link the upper level BEHAVIOR. So the link would be like this:

    (if no upgraded) ABILITY - EFFECT(apply behavior) - BEHAVIOR(level 0)

    (first upgrade done) ABILITY - EFFECT(apply behavior) - BEHAVIOR(level 1)

    (second upgrade done) ABILITY - EFFECT(apply behavior) - BEHAVIOR(level 2)

    The problem is, I'm trying to write values in a BUTTON.

    First, I tried this:

    <d ref="Behavior,Recovery,Modification.VitalRegenArray[0]"/>

    <d ref="Behavior,Recovery,Modification.LifeArmorBonus"/>

    By writing this script in a BUTTON, the value will be shown differently according to an upgrade. So I had to change the second name(behavior name) since the there are 4 kinds of BEHAVIOR to link. I went to UPGRADE tab and added BUTTON and modified the second name. I thought, in this way, the button description would be changed when an upgrade happens. But WTF? The default button value has been all changed to what I've set earlier in an upgrade tab.

    This would be a bug! So I decided to change the whole button when upgrade occurs. I used REQUIREMENTS to show/hide buttons. But when requirements doesn't match, the button turns into gray and prevents clicking other usable upgrade. The button has to be removed when requirements does not match, but I have no idea about this. Anybody knows how to solve this problem?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on adjusting missile height?

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    That's kinda tough... I'll try

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    posted a message on adjusting missile height?

    When missile launches from a unit, how do you adjust the height of it? The missile sticks to a ground and it looks weird.

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    posted a message on Nasty data editor bug - never copy a unit.

    @FuzzYD: Go

    When you get the same problem as above, save the map to .SC2Components, NOT SC2Map. Open you map and you should click "Save as..." to do this. Then you'll see a folder created instead of the Galaxy Editor file. Inside of that folder, look for EnUS.SC2Data>LocalizedData and there would be 4 .txt files - GameHotKeys, GameStrings, ObjectStrings, TriggerStrings. These are not xml files so all you have to do is just correct the data and save it. In my case, the actor's default name was the problem so I modified ObjectStrings.txt. All the default & custom actor names should be in there.

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    posted a message on Nasty data editor bug - never copy a unit.

    @Ahli634: Go

    Solved it! thx!

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    posted a message on Nasty data editor bug - never copy a unit.

    If you copy a specific unit(ex: lurker), all your base actor data will be messed up. It doesn't messes up your custom data, but the default data will be all corrupted. For instance, if you have a custom actor data named "ABCD" then copy and paste lurker in unit section. Save and reopen your map. And check the actor section and you'll see that almost all default actor's parent IDs changed into ABCD. I found this bug last summer and I wonder why it is still bothering me. Now I have to start all over again, thanks to blizz.

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    posted a message on Anyone know how to change a death model texture?

    I solved it. the death model "Hydralisk.m3" uses the texture "hydralisk_diffuse.dds", NOT "hydralisk_diffuse_blood.dds" When I imported the death model through 3D Max, it showed only "hydralisk_diffuse_blood.dds" in material thingy , that's why I thought... I guess 3D Max script is not trustworthy after all. (It's a great tool though)

    But still... the texture changing is a little slow. When I see it dies, it seems the color is like: black(alive) - brown(calling data actors, maybe) - black again(changed)

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    posted a message on Anyone know how to change a death model texture?

    I have succeed changing a unit texture, and now I have a black hydralisk. But when it dies, it turns to original brown color and it seems weird. Since "HydraliskDeath.m3" uses the "hydralisk_diffuse_blood" texture, looks like it's natural. So I made "hydralisk_diffuse_blood" texture myself (which is black colored) and I've tried to change it. I'm working on this for about 4 hours and it's still not working. Anyone knows how to change this?

    Posted in: Data
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