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    posted a message on Some Newb Help With Cinematics

    Greetings Forum,

    I've been looking through misc. threads and maps and flailing with the editor for a while. I have a small dedicated team of newbies to try to put together a machinima series to light but we all need to be introduced to some of the basics of design. I have just a few basic questions.

    What are the best downloadable machinima maps? The site has no sort by most downloaded or anything like that, so some obvious suggestions would be helpful. I've looked through 15 maps here and some of the campaign missions but nothing has really stood out as something like what I'm trying to do.

    What is a great introduction to camera controls or any advanced material? I've looked to the popular youtube videos by the guy who created the WoW camera but I really would like to learn the camera in and out for some really spectacular effects. It's my opinion that since you are so limited in unit gestures, that you need to compensate with great cinemetography and directing.

    Thanks for any and all help.

    Peace, -The Living Alchemist

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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