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    posted a message on Dota 2

    you are all arguing about the customer being wrong or right which is making me lol a bit considering it's all circumstantial =)

    if you want to apply the 'customer is always right' crap to business, then yes. the customer is always right. proziac, if you went to the cinema and said, can I have a medium popcorn? and the guy serving said, no, you can't. you can have a large popcorn because it's better value for money, would you be happy lol? of course not, and that's just an example of millions of times the customer is always right ;)


    if you apply 'the customer is always right' to game development, then fuck no, he/she can easily be 100% wrong lol. first of all, the company has made a game to profit from it normally, not to please everyone. they couldn't really care less as long as they are making money because the majority of people ARE happy with the game. secondly, your opinion could be simply ONE person who thinks something should be changed. are they going to change their game on what ONE person is saying? no, they are not.

    what I think all of you arguing for 'the customer is right' are trying to say, is that, if a large base of the users has a problem with something and they all get together to voice that problem, the game company should listen, and they should at the very least, see if they have the resources to fix the said problem or whatever. or if it's something in development then they should listen to what the majority of people want etc.

    just because you have bought or are going to buy a game, doesn't mean everyone one of your opinions about it are right does it?

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Map of the Week [Waiting new system before complaining]

    @Lonami: Go

    Quote from Lonami: Go

    I don't think first maps must be popular, I think they must be "good for becoming popular", that is, once we bump it, it stays at top.

    then surely battle planets is a terrible choice. i think the game is great, but we've been showed time and time again that the tops maps are about play time. there is no way i could spend an hour playing battle planets, but shove me into an element TD and the time flies by.

    i think unfortunately it's a catch 22, you are right to say this is about getting maps to the top that are not popular, but to give it an initial boost, you need to pick a map capable of gaining first page. i dont see how it's possible with a round based 'mini-game' like battle planets?

    i think personally battle planets is be a perfect candidate for after MOTW is on page 1 to test to see if swapping it for a mini-game map ruins it's popularity?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Trigger] How to create a basic minimap

    @Mille25: Go

    it's one of those things that they have hidden away a bit:

    Camera - Set the camera bounds for (All players) to Arena 1 (Do adjust the minimap)

    I do agree you have more freedom, but the trouble is, you are not making a map in your engine, by using the built in functions you are undoubtedly going to use less resources. So for me personally, I prefer to slave away trying to make the built in functions work rather than straight away adding more and more clutter to a map which could ultimately end up lagging or slowing things down for players.

    But I will agree if you can rotate you map and have more detail that you have no other choice and it's a nicely made solution as well of course!

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Trigger] How to create a basic minimap

    @Mille25: Go

    Quote from Mille25: Go

    ...The build in minimap always shows the entire map and all units on it...

    To my knowledge this simply isn't true. You can make the minimap only view a certain region with a single trigger I believe. You may well be doing other things but I think you'd be better off working with the built in minimap personally. Unless you are doing something clever like rotation?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Galaxy Blog FR

    haha indeed ;)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Galaxy Blog FR

    @houndofbaskerville: Go

    yup, i agree with you. but just like someone born into a poor family is inherently poor and someone born into a rich family is inherently rich, your culture and nationality is just simply something bestowed upon you by others, it's not a bad thing to experience it and remember it and enjoy it etc, but if could remove the language from the equation, i'm saying, from a personal point of view. I would. plain and simple. =) language is relative to how you translate it. you can in theory say anything in any language in some way or another.

    and remember language is largely a means of communication, the easier we make it to communicate, the better off we all are, is all i'm trying to say!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Galaxy Blog FR

    @houndofbaskerville: Go @Yaos01: Go

    you can think and say what you want, as that is the beauty of opinion, but you have both missed my point and taken offence at what i was merely stating as a perfect example (which we are all well aware will never happen, so pointless arguing for or against). the fact is, if you produce a blog in french, you are creating something which can be utilised by far far fewer people than if it were produced in another language. this language could be russian for all i care, my point is not to destroy french, or any language. but you cannot possibly argue the fact it benefits more people by being written in french.

    and i did not say french was obsolete, i said it was 'largely obsolete', which is a huge difference. and i don't believe I mentioned plato lol i also did not say anything about opening my mind, i was merely making an argument for a perfect world. as it happens I have studied french for over 6 years, so I would advise you to take what I say with a pinch of salt =)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Galaxy Blog FR

    although I'm sure the reasons for doing a french site are perfectly innocent, i really do think cultures should learn to change a little. french people a lot of the time like to speak french because they are stubborn and dont want to speak english etc because they are in a strop about it and think they are 'losing part of their culture', the fact of the matter is, languages like french are largely obsolete, and don't benefit the community as much as that site would in say english etc.

    i do understand that is offensive, but don't take this as an english person, wishing you would speak english, i personally couldnt care less. I would just rather everyone spoke the same language, as it means I could communicate with more people, utilise more information from different cultures and places and many many other things. if this 'world' language turned out to be dutch for example, then i'd learn dutch like everyone else and english to me wouldnt exist any more as i would have no use for it.

    i would however vote for english or spanish as the world language as music is a huge part of my life and i think music translates much better into those languages ;-)

    oh and im well aware this world language wont happen so good luck with your site anyway! but do try to continue sharing your knowledge in english as well (as i've seen you do before) as it will ultimately benefit more people =)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Darkness in Darkshire

    Yea what Nebuli2 said is pretty much how I feel. If it's for a SC2 melee ladder game then yeah, it's too cluttered, but if it's for a realistic RPG then it looks pretty god damn awesome if you ask me. It's all relative to it's use =)

    And either way, you've obviously got talent, so I look forward to Warcraft: Legacy of the Damned ;-)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Troubles with radius.

    When creating the pathing blocker or invis unit can you select it to 'Ignore Placement' or something like that, I'm sure you can when creating a new building.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Hlp?

    I believe by copy he meant to create a new requirement based off a pre-existing one. So you wouldn't be overwriting anything in any case. I presume it's just easier than creating from scratch (as most things with the editor are!)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Map of the Week [Waiting new system before complaining]

    @jstoffer: Go

    I welcome this dedication, but the fact of the matter is, the vote would be more accurate and possibly larger, if each map was detailed without even having to load it.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Map of the Week [Waiting new system before complaining]

    @RodrigoAlves: Go

    Yes I can see the amount of hard work gone in to the OP, that's undeniable. However, I'm speaking from both sides, as a player and as a creator. I want to be able to vote in maps on merit, not simply because the other ones didn't have a video so I couldn't really see what they are about. It's more about telling people, look, you have submitted your map, good on you, but it's got a crappy description and no screenshots, so you are never going to win the vote. Save them from themselves in a sense and don't even allow them into the vote until they have taken the time to accurately represent their map.

    Yes agreed about the advertisement as well, and being on the first page, however this isn't just about the players. Being on first page pop is great advertisement to _players_ but I think it still needs easier access than a forum post for organisers and creators. Forums are great for discussion, but votes, organisation and usability are seriously lacking at the moment. Please don't take that as an insult though as what you have done so far is very commendable. I just think the whole idea would benefit from it's own website and custom set up.

    And I'm not just telling you to go do it. I'd be happy to help on that side of things, I've hobbied/worked in web design for over 10 years now.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Map of the Week [Waiting new system before complaining]

    I don't think petty bickering is really going to help this idea. I'm looking at grenegg and lotsofcolors. The fact of the matter is there is a poll and I think you need to learn what they represent grenegg. Your opinion is only part of a bigger picture. All maps should be given a chance no matter of various peoples personal opinion.

    That being said. The whole point of Map of the Week is to get maps that are currently not popular... popular. So with that in mind, I think we can assume that lots of the maps in the current vote have not been played widely by people. I suggest we have a minimum requirement of at least a video and X screenshots and a description thread etc, as without literally loading up StarCraft and trying to play the map (which we all know in most cases is pointless as we won't find players) I cannot find as much info as I would like on each map. Therefore how can I really vote if each map isn't shown to its fullest extent?

    On a side note. We are obviously a community of creators. A lot of the players do not frequent these forums, I suggest thinking about more advertisement in the future like a website dedicated to the idea. I'd be more than willing to help out with that of course.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Countdown to D3

    if you don't like it can you simply just, oh i don't know.. NOT buy the game?

    if you liked diablo the old way and wanted this to be the same and are now upset you can't play it the way you want to, then please, for the love of god, go cry in a corner on your own and stop moaning on a forum. see Zarrak's post for a nicely constructed, sensible view.

    if you think blizzard are money grabbing, then you seriously need to go learn what the word 'business' means, as it sure as hell doesn't mean 'make small minority of hardcore fan boys happy and make less money'.

    nuff said.

    Posted in: General Chat
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