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    posted a message on Need help from someone who uses 3DS Max. EASY map.

    Its called DukeCraft, and the game will have only 1 active unit, which is Duke Nukem and they will all look identical in the fashion of Duke Nukem 64/3D.

    The map will be a remake of the Red Light District (level 2 on 64/3D) and will work like this:


    Only the classics, such as the Ripper or RPG. Shrink Ray sounds cool, but no clue how to make this one happen, so I'll avoid it for now.

    Game mode:

    Team death match, there will be aggressive NPCs such as the Octabrain or Enforcer running around attacking anyone.


    Straight from Duke Nukem 64/3D.


    Will display ego instead of score, if the ego drops below a certain amount then that team loses.

    I have posted the map for approval, but would like to not let the approval time stifle the process of making this map. If anyone here can bind the bones to the model and add glasses, then you have already done half of what is needed. As stated, all Galaxy editor portions can be done on my end, and who ever can help will be given full credit. I just don't want to release a demo where the main model is the marine with a Duke Nukem voice.

    PM me if you are interested in helping. This is a really epic idea, and if anyone wants to be a part of it I will not be stingy. If college and university permit, I would like to release a beta next week. The mapping portion is really just a matter of tracing the original, I could even use a bitmap SCM legacy transfer.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Where are the Animations?

    I'm a little lost, I'm working on a mod that will require me to change the skin of a model, and make general modifications as well. When I import the m3 to Autodesk or use previewer it only shows a standing animation, I'm afraid that if I modify the character (IE: add a weapon model to it) it could mess the animation up. So my question is, where are the animation sequences and why arent they in previewer/autodesk?

    edit I wanted to mention that when I paste the model in the map and start, it has full walking animations, I just do not see the animations on the previewer/autodesk.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Importing Quake Models?

    @DeathsSilkyMist: Go

    Thanks, i'll look into it. I was hoping for some Blender stuff, but I'll see if anyone I know uses 3DS. I literally need 1 model ported over (with animation).

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Importing Quake Models?

    Not necessarily Quake IP, but the original formats for Quake, Q2, Q3..

    What I want to do is import some custom models for the Quake games into galaxy editor.

    (I'm not actually new, had another account with a ridiculous name XD)

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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