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    posted a message on Area of effect troubles D:

    Hey there everyone,

    I have a custom unit with an AoE (area of effect) ability that causes damage. Unfortunately (and for some odd reason) its targeting all units, including allies and my own units.

    So my question is, does anyone know how I limit the ability to only effecting enemies? I was fairly certain you achieved this with Ability - Target Filters, and then add allies and players as exceptions, but when I do this the ability says, "Cannot target friendly units" when you attempt to use it, even if there are no friendly units anywhere near the unit using the ability.

    Thanks :D


    Also, having an issue now with the animation for the same ability... The animation, regardless of how I set the speed, refuses to slow down. It plays so fast all you see is a quick blip. Anyone know what could be causing this? Thinking of ditching the whole ability, its just being ridiculous with problems.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Halp] Making a unit appear to swim

    Thanks for the welcoming. :P

    Thanks for the information guys, I will probably use the 'region' method as I only have 3 units out of 12 that will emote swim when they're in the water. Thanks a bunch. :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Halp] Making a unit appear to swim

    Hello everyone, I'm in the process of creating a map where I have a portion of the map flooded. In regular SC2 maps, units can simply "walk on the seafloor," if you will, to move through the flooded areas. On my map, I have custom models who have animations built in for swimming, however its a matter of getting them to emote the swimming animations when they're in flooded areas, and revert back to walking animations when they're on land.

    Does anyone know how to do this? I'm completely at a loss, and any information or a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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