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    posted a message on [Ability/Effect/Validator] Autocast Train SCV Ability?

    Is it doable? The autocast must only happen when:

    1. slots are empty or only 1 SCV is currently training and is about to finish
    2. current food is no more than the maximum food allowed (200)
    3. current mineral is no less than the cost of an SCV (50)
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Order] Trigger error ability command should not have a target

    The ability command is called "ResetPriority(0) Target: 4#1", if it helps. ResetPriority is the ability name. (0) is the command index, I think. Don't know what is Target: 4#1. The number before the # changes every time.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Order] Trigger error ability command should not have a target

    I get this error when I try to order a unit to cast an effect-instant ability using after existing orders. The error goes away when I use replace existing orders, but I need to use after existing order because I want to queue the order. How to fix it?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to sort an array?

    Ok, thanks for the help

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to sort an array?

    How to sort an array of real numbers, in ascending order?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Game Issued Order Problem

    Sorry about my English. Let me try that again.

    What happens is this:

    • user tells a unit to attack a point (order count on unit is 1: attack point) ->
    • unit moves towards that point and sees an enemy unit ->
    • unit attacks the enemy unit (order count becomes 2: order 1: attack the enemy unit; order 2: attack point;) ->
    • my trigger kicks in and order unit to move (order count becomes 3: order 1: move; order 2: attack the enemy unit; order 3: attack point;)

    What I want:

    • user tells a unit to attack a point (order count on unit is 1: attack point) ->
    • unit moves towards that point and sees an enemy unit ->
    • unit attacks the enemy unit (order count becomes 2: order 1: attack the enemy unit; order 2: attack point;) ->
    • my trigger kicks in and order unit to move (order count remains at 2: order 1: move; order 2: attack point;)

    So as you can see, I want to ignore order 1: attack the enemy unit, because it was issued by the game and not the user. User ordered attack point and my trigger ordered move. I'm not sure where order 1: attack the enemy unit came from, but it's there when my trigger kicks in, and I don't want it; I want my move order to replace it.

    But to do so, I need to make sure it's not issued by a user. If it's issued by a user (or a trigger), then I want to keep it. So the problem is, I need a way to check if the order is issued by a user.

    This doesn't seem any simpler than my original post, but I'm not really sure what's going on, so I can only describe it to you. My English sucks, but hopefully you can see what I'm talking about.

    Let me know if it's still not clear.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Game Issued Order Problem

    I don't know if I understand it correctly, but it seems that when you order a unit to attack a point, and the unit acquires a target along its way to that point, the game inserts another order before your attack point order, which orders the unit to attack that target first then attack-move to the point. So the unit originally has 1 order: attack point, and now it has 2 orders. The same thing happens when a unit has no order, and then a target enters its range, the unit suddenly gains 2 orders: attack the target and move back to its original position.

    The problem is these order are issued by the game, and in my trigger, I need to remove them. How to do that? I can get all the orders on a unit, but how to tell whether they are issued by the game or a user? Also, I want trigger issued orders to be left untouched as well.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to store an order queue? Or remove an order from the order queue of a unit?

    How to store an order queue? Or remove an order from the order queue of a unit?

    Edit: Never mind, you can use an order array... didn't see that array checkbox...

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Auto-casting ability that replaces existing order?

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    Great, got it. It's working. Thanks a lot!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Auto-casting ability that replaces existing order?

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    I want to, but I don't have the skill. Can you give me some specific instructions on how to create a behavior that detects banelings within the range of 4? Thanks

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Auto-casting ability that replaces existing order?

    @deleted_4934777: Go

    I can't seem to find Flag - Automatic in the ability's tab. Which type of ability did you use? I'm using Effect - Taget

    @TheAlmaity: Go

    I've been trying to create a behavior but haven't been successful, can you give me some specific instructions on how to create such a behavior? I would really appreciate it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Auto-casting ability that replaces existing order?

    @OneSoga: Go


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Auto-casting ability that replaces existing order?

    @OneSoga: Go

    Well, I use it to detect if certain target is in range, and flee from that target. So it should detect all the time.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Auto-casting ability that replaces existing order?

    @DrHu: Go

    it did make the ability able to be casted while moving, but the auto-cast still does not happen while moving. Is there something else need to be set?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Auto-casting ability that replaces existing order?

    I use an auto-casting ability as a detector, but the problem is if the unit is moving it does not auto-cast the ability, therefore no detection. How to fix this?

    Posted in: Data
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