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    posted a message on [Feedback] Custom building

    yeah, its just a raised korhal man made cliff that ive added doodads to, i wanted it to look like the plaster / render had fallen away.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on [Feedback] Custom building

    Hi, this is a building i threw together, looking for some feedback, was thinking of using this and similar styles for a project im working on.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on How to rescue unit by non-preplaced unit? [SOLVED]

    @Terhonator: Go

    Hi there, i did something similar to this with a Thor, but i added cargo to the thor so the trigger became when a unit loads cargo. if u do a search my old thread should have the details. ill look too, will edit this if i find it first.

    Found it. hope it helps.

    Hi all, thought id share something i did with the editor as i found it quite cool, may have been covered by other authors / threads, apologize if thats the case. I wanted to have a pilot for my thors, and have them neutral when not piloted.

    First of all i added the medivac Load.Unload ability to my Thor and the unload button on the command card. Then to make it a single seater, i edited the medivac load/unload ability to be a 1 cargo count and because i want my thors to be neutral when not piloted, i had to tick the neutral box on the ability panel. So far this gave me the ability to load a marine into a neutral Thor.

    Now the triggers, was quite simple i created 2 triggers, one for load and one for unload. Unit loads cargo is the event with the action being unit change ownership (triggering unit) to player 1 and change color and Unit unloads cargo is the second event and Action unit change owernship (triggering unit) to player 0 and change color. sorry for no screenshots.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #8: Mar Sara Blues

    This weeks attempt :D

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Trigger to spawn drop pod with units

    @zeldarules28: Go

    Thanks for the tip Zelda, was trying to do something similar for my own map, and the campaign trigger library had the perfect drop pod trigger in it :D

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #7: A Place of Worship

    sorry for poor screen shots this time around, my video card died and im using a backup one. My theme is an infested place of worship, with the loss of Kerigan they look to someone else as their new god and sacrifice accordingly.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #6: Bridging the Gap
    I really like this one, will be cool to see what ppl come up with based on the same map :D second pic is "R & R at a small town"
    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #5: Under the Mountains!
    wanted to create one of those spooky moments, let me know how i went.. i call this one "Smell something boy?"
    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #3: These Dead Streets
    I know im like 2-3 weeks late with this, but liked the topic, so here's my pic
    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Making zergling jump down from a ledge
    @Doc543: i was playing with adding models to units and found that adding the baneling coccoon model to marine heads gave it an awsome "ahh my face" look!
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [ShowCase] From the beginning [Zervelat]
    @Zervelat: Nice work, nicely fleshed out, Pic 2 - you can see the hard edge on the water just need to adjust the terrain there a little. perhaps use some vines on the temple walls and a few smaller plants to give it a little of an overgrown feel and break up the cliff textures a little. other than that it all looks pretty good to me, i am by no means an expert though, just my thoughts.
    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Creating a model animation on a unit via trigger?
    @coronbale: all good, while i was playing around, found an arrow model, attach it overhead and it points right down at the target, perfect for what u need i think.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Help me please.
    @PurpleFantum not an expert at all so my reply is more general thoughts not specific help. Thermal vision - maybe a lighting setup to create the effect, then ability trigger to switch it on/off Artillery strike - perhaps the nuke ability adjusted would give a similar affect but with triggers to turn the units. no idea on the last one, hope this helps even a little.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Trigger] Creating a Trade Caravan, can I store a local variable on a unit?
    @Zackreaver: What you are asking is well beyond my knowledge, but browsing the actions tab, i saw "Bank" as an option and the description sounds a little like the gamecashes u mentioned in your post, also noticed the data table tab references the bank as well. hope this helps even just a little.
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Creating a model animation on a unit via trigger?
    @coronbale: Untitled Trigger 001 Events Unit - Any Unit acquires a target Local Variables Conditions (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 1 Actions Environment - Execute Corruptor - Corruption (Launch Missile) on (Acquired Target) from (Triggering unit) not sure if this is what you were after, this works when the marine targets another unit, just have to find the effect you like. continued playing found the active crystals u mentioned. Untitled Trigger 001 Events Unit - Any Unit acquires a target Local Variables Conditions (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 1 Actions Actor - Attach Active Crystals to Head on (Acquired Target) working on the code to remove the model when u switch targets now lmao.. couldnt help but laugh when this one worked.. could be useful for disguise type quests in a rpg perhaps Untitled Trigger 002 Events Unit Selection - Any Unit is Selected by player Any Player Local Variables Conditions (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 1 Actions Actor - Attach Spore Crawler to Head on (Triggering unit) Having problems with the removing of the effect on target switch, if the unit dies its no problem, just thinking if you switch targets before one died..
    Posted in: Triggers
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