I want to make a map thet use the warcraft races
The main ide is thet you have a main biulding for ewry race and build youre armi whit the armi you can captur teritoris
The races thet I will are:
Races from aliance
from Horde
and the humanoid races also demons
i cant do it >< pls help I must use my moms old pc it has windows xp
Can I also get the models ? they are so good
only the 7.0.6 is crashing try the 70.5 klient it works for me good
all player start whit one stone thet you can upgrad to the main building of the choosen race
I want to make a map thet use the warcraft races The main ide is thet you have a main biulding for ewry race and build youre armi whit the armi you can captur teritoris
The races thet I will are: Races from aliance from Horde and the humanoid races also demons
I have problem by the importing in the 3ds max it sais thet one texture is mising the NoTehture what can i do now?
I want to make a hero map whit warcraft 3 models but i stupid to convert them to sc2 could anyone help me?
I'm also new here :D so hi I'm learning also from the other here and they are helpfull and friendli (Bad english ) :D
I will make a missil attack but it will be good to know how to make all type of weapons
Can anyone writhe me a tutorial or something how to make a waepon for units?
I don't know thet anyone have said thet but Stukov could used for hero unit for the Infested Terrans