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    posted a message on Genuine 3PS controls using galaxy editor

    @miheinen: Go

    This wouldn't accomplish anything though, this would only move the unit without playing the animation. The problems aren't solved.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Genuine 3PS controls using galaxy editor

    I am making a 3PS function for a new kind of map, however the editor seems to be restricting me with the controls. For now I am able to turn the unit using a semi-mouselook function. Meaning that I can turn the unit with the mouse, but there is a slight delay since I am using the function "Make Unit face (Current camera yaw of player P) over 0.0625 seconds".

    The problem is that if the seconds are set to 0, the unit is set to this new facing, every update, however the camera seems to be updating much more fluently than the unit order, so the unit is now moving in chunks. I will try to post a movie sample of the problem later.

    What I am missing, is more control over the unit's property (Ie. facing angle, position) while avoiding using orders (since I am assuming these are the cause of the small delay). This would enable strafing as well, if I could move the unit without just ordering the unit to walk towards camangle + degree.

    I've seen a few takes on this, but all of them seem to contain the same flaw. The unit turn order is delayed compared to the camera, and there is no strafing. Instead the unit seems to walk "out of the screen" instead of staying at the center of the camera.

    The feel of the controls I am working towards is the same as the free browser game "Battlefield Heroes" (see for example of controls), however I am worried that the editor may prevent me of this.

    I will keep posting my updates as I progress, but any feedback or ideas are more than welcome

    Posted in: Triggers
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