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    posted a message on Can you beat the Very Hard AI 1vs1? Show me!

    @MTops: Go

    Thanks mtops. =)

    Well, I'm exploiting the AI's stupidity, like the thing about regrouping under the siege tanks fire (anything worse than that ? how about regrouping your workers there ?). There were a few flavors of different AIs for the original Starcraft, the best of which (that I knew of) was called "Raynor", part of some package called "BWAI". My brother and I played against 6 comps in the maps The Hunters and Orbital Death (non-cheaty maps). We were pretty good at exploiting bad AI, we refrained from using the trick where all their workers stopped working and followed your worked that had just poked their town hall, and we could beat them in less than 20 minutes when everything fell in place.

    We tried playing against "Raynor" and it had the same kind of problems, but the problems were just a bit different. They were easy to predict and we knew when they were going to attack and when they were going to go into "Sim City" mode (teching without building armies). Our best time for 6 Raynors was about 12 minutes.

    My point is, it'd be awesome if the real challenge was to beat one computer with equivalent ressources, because then one could train to play SC2 for real by playing against a computer (like in chess with a program). I don't know if you're serious about your project, but it sounds pretty cool.

    Kelv : I watched your replay also and you're very skillful with the Colossi. I watched it with perfect information (seeing both views) so it was hard not to say stuff like "oh come on, Red, take down that nexus with your stalkers, the AI isn't watching !". If you beat more than one insane AI like that I'll definitely watch your replays.

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    posted a message on Can you beat the Very Hard AI 1vs1? Show me!

    @iMisu: Go

    I don't remember what the achievements vs AI were, but if you have good replays of you taking on 2+ Insane AIs, post them here and I'll watch them.

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    posted a message on Can you beat the Very Hard AI 1vs1? Show me!

    @Anthius: Go

    It took a lot of time because I was playing against 2 insane AI and because it was my first time beating them. One is a different thing. It's completely ridiculous that they don't do their weapon/armor upgrades. They do go for Ultralisks, but not for Brood Lords. I don't remember if Ultralisks require the final "town hall" upgrade.

    It seems to me like the insane AI knows it has a lot of time before it needs to get an expansion, but they're just being silly about it. If they saved a bit their units instead of just wasting them like that, they could get expansions for almost nothing. It's not even much of a positional concept, it's just about being a bit less aggressive, and I guess they won't have any of it !

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    posted a message on Can you beat the Very Hard AI 1vs1? Show me!

    If a replay falls in a forest and no one watches it, does it still make a sound ?

    I did one more replay against 3 Very Hard AIs. No blatant AI exploits used, no running off to an island expansion and turtling up with turrets. I am kinda lucky that the AI was scared of my tanks like that. They come close, I'm ready for them (somewhat) and they keep retreating after wasting valuable units. Rinse and repeat. I'm exploiting the different levels of terrain to abuse tanks.

    Tell me what you think ...

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    posted a message on Can you beat the Very Hard AI 1vs1? Show me!

    Hey ! I recently tried to beat some AI and have had good success. Now, I haven't checked all the forums to see if I did something routine or if it was something epic, but I'll give you two replays.

    me as Terran vs 2 Insane Zergs

    me as Terran vs 3 Very Hard Zergs

    Cheese involved, to some extent. Long replays. Tell me what you think. The idea of the Fortress came from a pro replay that I saw where the Terran player had so much minerals that he didn't have anything to use it for. I kept blowing up my own buildings when I used them to block the ramps, so I tried to use a Fortress.

    Posted in: General Chat
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