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    posted a message on Spin a vertical disk like a wheel

    I have a custom model which is like a disk hanging vertically, I want to make it spin like a wheel, clockwise or not. How can I do this with data? It has no attachments, idk if I can make it so.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Showcase] Kailniris's Models
    Quote from Forge_User_57223486: Go

    I could not find a solution so I put together pieces of the video. Unfortunately it is not be used in StarCraft II.

    This is from stargate? If yes, I can understand this look of a wormhole. I was looking for some good wormhole model not for sc2 but for some 2D stuff I want to use it in. I recently watched the movie 'Interstellar' and I read about some discovery thanks to the artists' effects of how the light and the matter would behave in a wormhole. I think this effect is really good and more realistic.

    (wormhole travel effect should not be confused with hyperspace effect)


    (I wonder if just a glass effect with animated wormhole tail spinning on its axis (the 'pipe' that connects the two locations) and the glassy look on top of a skybox can make the stars around look funny and distorted. Or eventually if no glass/distorted by lens effect, just with some starry texture. Just ideas.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on War3 Mod(GA) Change Log & Future Plans

    @Renee2islga: Go

    Very nice, I was just looking at the war3 mod and couldn't even find some war3 trees. And since the mod in the patch is just models and textures, no unit data. your mod is a nice base to have it all ready with the unit data, terrain and such.

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on [Showcase] Taylor Mouse's Models
    Quote from TaylorMouse: Go

    Download the newest script here

    Import m3 Script


    Oh can this version finally import models that previously it couldn't ever since HotS came up? (as they gave some error and failed to import) Just tested and it can, that's great! No one could do anything without a working importer.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Cutscene editor features - how to

    @JacktheArcher: Go

    1, I created a new scene file saved at my main install folder. Moved it to my mods folder. It is greyed in the Cutscene editor when I newly open the editor and click 'Activate Scene' it displays as if I added the model for the first time, no view position has been saved. When I import the cutscene the team color has been saved but the position - not. So how do I save position?

    2. Well I get some way that works so it's fine. Numbers do get them too but - 1 Cloak Ally, 2 and 5 Cloaked Detected, 3 Cloak Enemy. 4. Uncloak. but they can crash the editor!

    String: Ally, Enemy, Detected, None

    I would say better use words, it never crashes.

    3. You see it under a blurry terrain but if I remove Ground I don't see him at all, wondering if I can see his contours without ground. Also how do you determine which portion of the terrain will be displayed in the cutscene? Also I want to remove the halo when he is selected in cutscene (the light underlining his edges)

    If a mod wants to, I don't mind moving the thread. I put it here cause Im not rly making a cinematic, just using some pictures out of it.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on You can submit bug/suggestion for my War3 Mod here

    I really want to see a recreation of war3 melee maps and everything from it and most importantly a battle net to have a ladder with it. Since it looks like what a CS mod was for half life, I wonder if Blizz go beyond that.and really do a melee mod out of it. Some say that when Blizz does this, they see if people like warcraft and can make a new warcraft. This is wrong. exactly adding these models are to satisfy our war3 needs so that they don't have to create a new warcraft...

    Your project looks really good, I'd love to play it but this should have been an official game release or mod by Blizzard, they should have made what you're doing instead of this 'Heroes of the storm' bs dammit!

    It's great but the fact that this is not a game, will really not feel like you're playing war3 again.

    On a side note.. how does unit pathing go ? Is this also made to be like in war3, wcause we know the death balls in sc2 arent a good pathing.

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on Cutscene editor features - how to

    Hi. Can I select some features to always stay, I am making images out of what I display in the Cutscene editor and I need that to stay. For example:

    1. When I assign team color to a model I am viewing in the cutscene and watching it in a certain view, I want next time I close the editor and open it to be able to browse the model in the same view position I last left it, same team color I selected. Is it possible? I saw some cutscene save files but I didn't see where to add them.

    2. How do you add or remove cloak to a unit in the cutscene? In the past there was a flag you click on the model, now I see you add Actor - Cloaking property, then you have to change one flag in Cloaking field of Properties to be 'Enemy' or 'None'. Is there any other flag or name I am missing?

    3. I want to make a cloaked model be seen in cutscene without terrain background. For example the blurry colorless body of a cloaked unit is seen on the background of a terrain but not on a pure color (no ground ). Any way to make it visible? Or how can I select the background for the Spectre?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Official - War3 Assets RELEASED!!!

    Great, when I first saw I thought only the heroes were released. Nice to see whole terrains. Unfortunately, that means Blizzard are not willing to make a new Warcraft official game, only - do it yourself.

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on Accessing Heroes of the Storm models and data
    Quote from TaylorMouse: Go

    however, the newest build (33353 or something ) does no longer support that :/

    But the old version still works. It really doesn't matter which one is used, right now I think there is no tool to replace files inside, unlike MPQ. Even Ladik's CASC tool is only view and extract, not delete/add like the MPQ.

    Nice models, 2nd is Tyrande's tiger in a new skin?

    Posted in: Heroes of the Storm
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    posted a message on Accessing Heroes of the Storm models and data

    How can I use local files? What about the offline / leaked version, is this local files? It hardly uses bnet to repair itself but I don't see how I can replace any textures.

    Posted in: Heroes of the Storm
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    posted a message on Accessing Heroes of the Storm models and data
    Quote from Triceron: Go

    I suppose you could use the snow textures from HOTS and use them for... God damn you blizzard for making these names so confusing.

    Yes they are... for example for the Raven's map I found these are the terrain textures: storm_ravencourt_1.dds to storm_ravencourt_8.dds. These are the diffuse.

    I think they are the same way in SC2 cause I also had difficulty changing or recoloring them in sc2: they are invisible, one has to change their transparency level to see what terrain texture they are.

    The problem is that CASC viewer can only view them, there is no tool that can add or remove data. Is there a way I can replace the textures in the data like it was done with MPQ?

    Posted in: Heroes of the Storm
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    posted a message on Accessing Heroes of the Storm models and data

    It's winter, there is snow, this is offence to not have a snow map now and I love snow <3_<3

    Does any1 know if textures are accessible and what corresponds to some specific terrains so we change them into snow and ice? I was thinking of the Cursed hollow replacement.

    Posted in: Heroes of the Storm
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    posted a message on Warcraft: Armies Of Azeroth

    This is perfect! I am not a custom games player as I am a multiplayer/melee player, and yet I would play this! That says a lot since among any other things that I am not really interested in, I am willing to participate. Why?

    - Because I am bored with SC2 and how things go there lately
    - because War3 was my RTS game for many years, not broodwar and I am missing these good old war3 times and was thinking Blizz should go for a new Warcraft RTS.. due to its more fun melee and micro playing than SC2..
    - because when I see your Turtle Rock map, besides design wise I see that this is made with knowledge about war3 and how things are there

    I am not sure if the game mechanics, speed will be as they should be, you can work on that but it will be nice to play!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] SC:BW Replacing wav in MPQ, sound not heard

    Why, why do I waste time with such stupidities? In such a time MPQ editors should never waste your time, I tried Ladik MPQ Editor it didn't wanna import anything cause of 'Wrong parameter'!!! MPQ Master that seems to be Ladik's knockoff managed to import some files but somehow I still didn't hear the music, maybe cause I was naming it after the File Names without list like Unknonw0007.wav or File000012.wav or because MPQ Master didn't import them properly.

    In the past, e.g in Warcraft 3 I've used WinMPQ to import stuff when I had Vista in 2009, now it didn't want to work on Windows 8.1. But after downloading the DLL and OCX files it was missing, I made it work!

    This program is the real deal for MPQ, WinMPQ ! It didn't fail me in the past, didn't fail me again. Not only does it import without a problem but when I added a (list) to get names for the files, and then when I replaced the files with the same names as in the list, e.g title.wav or protoss1.wav or terran 2.wav, when I tried in game - it worked!

    And no need to compress them to make them work, they work at 44.1 KHz (I used 22 KHz to save size, though), 32 bit, Stereo you save a WAV file - used Audacity and under 1 hr I changed all I wanted! Why did this have to take 5 hrs to work, and when it worked it took me the expected not more than 45 mins..

    Could be also because SCBW's MPQ unlike War3's and others files are not named and hard to figure out the names. In War3 you have this tidy tree where you know where all is. The best MPQ editor for browsing it in order remains War3 Model Editor but it cannot open too large files (like SC2 Assets), on the other hand, Ladik's MPQ Editor that fails so hard with SCBW MPQ can do the job with large MPQs and as far as I remember does not give 'parameter errors' for SC2 or War3.. but not 100% sure,

    @xcorbo: Go

    There is a cut version of SCBW on the internet, just 100MB, I found it weird that it was so small, then I realized it is ICCUP version - they cut the campaign and all Music data, I got no music ingame, made me think my phone didnt wanna play sound. Then I took 1GB game, it was full and music played.

    Just get the game from anywhere or your own copy (installed), get Winulator android app, copy your SCBW folder to your phone, use the Winulator and there you go. On Galaxy S4 Mini it runs smoothly. My next tries will be EE, Diablo 2, War3, windows 95 if it requires Win OS.

    yay! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] SC:BW Replacing wav in MPQ, sound not heard

    Can anyone help with that thing?

    I sometimes play SCBW on my smartphone and I decided to give it a more SC2 feel by replacing some sounds. As you know all the sounds in SCBW are WAV files. So I took the race sounds that are WAVs, opened them in Audacity and pasted SC2 music in addition to these sounds, keeping them 22 KHz 32b etc.

    Then I used Ladyk MPQ, deleted the original WAV files and started importing the new files nut Ladyk MPQ gave me 'parameter error'. So I used MPQMaster that imported them without error but when I entered the game and I heard nothing for the WAVs that I replaced, no sound

    How can I make the sound work? I use same frequency for the sound

    Posted in: General Chat
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