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    posted a message on PLEASE TEST: Transcendence RPG (Video Included)

    Upload on EU and I will test the shit out of it. :D
    Really waiting for good ORPGs...

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on HotS teaser

    Now that you say it that is a possibility. Nova understanding the importance of Kerrigan surviving and going rogue. But I'd prefer if she stayed Dominion. We have enough side switching as it is.

    There are many reasons to be afraid of what Blizzard might turn the story into, looking at WoL and the leaked ending. I will try to be open-minded and hope for the best. Please no infested Tychus though. That would be the crown on the pile of shit that was his storyline.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on HotS teaser

    Tosh appearing in HotS would piss me off. Bliz said the side-arms of the WoL-campaign would have no future implications, therefore Tosh could be dead for the player. Same for Hanson (nobody would like to see her back though, i presume).

    While we are talking about Characters: Can anybody explain to me why you like Nova? I find her totally boring and a bad Kerrigan clone in blonde.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on HotS teaser
    Quote from greythepirate: Go

    @xSun: Go

    Those are definitely medics they're shooting, not war pigs.

    Medics with C14 Gauss Rifles and no red crosses or other specific signs guarding a facility. Sure.

    Quote from FuzzYD: Go

    Wut.. It looked like Kerrigan went bald. -_- Not too clear what was happening

    Huh? Oo
    Maybe it's because of low definition. She clearly has dreadlocks made to a bun.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on HotS teaser
    Quote from Tolkfan: Go

    Why is Nova leading a squad of spectres? Didn't she just destroy their base and kill Tosh? :P

    Maybe the Dominion renewed the Spectre program, this time being a bit more careful? Maybe the Ghost unit just got new masks? ^^

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on HotS teaser

    Oops, there's a thread already. :D

    My theory:
    Look at the marines being shot by Novas Ghosts. They look like War Pigs to me. Who employed them? The Moebius Foundation.
    My guess is that Kerrigan went to a Moebius Science Facility to find something out about herself or the dark voice ("Dr. Narud" anyone?), the Dominion got intel about that and we just saw a racing duel between Raynor and Nova who gets to her first.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Twitter thread

    I got a Twitter account just to follow the starcraft prominence so I don't miss streams and what not, and wondered how many mapmakers/teams are using twitter to stay in contact with their fanbase or are ready to try it.
    While I check the forums of the maps I'm interested in regularly, Twitter just makes it a lot easier, and for those who dont have a forum it would be a great opportunity to inform the masses about upcoming updates, future plans etc. with far less effort.

    So feel free to post your twitterID and/or discuss the matter. I will try to keep the OP updated if there it gets enough response. :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on AC130k - Ruins (Night feedback test)

    will be there for sure =)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Battle Planets - Beta Release

    Hey, nice to talk to you. :)

    I've made some advertisement on EU and played a lot of games this week, and actually ties happen quite often. The xp split is not the problem, it just seems kind of anticlimactic to not have a deciding extra round. Having you implement it would be appreciated. :)

    Maybe you're interested in some feedback regarding the weapons?
    Please do note that this is all in regards to Super Smash Planets, as this is the mostly played mode.
    From what I've experienced the number one weapon of choice is almost always the planet boost. Not only is it very potent on the offense, it saves your life quite often.
    Sometimes you see the occasional displacement field, which is even considered OP by some. It certainly has its moments (everybody's laughing when a player boosts at another and flys out of the system :D), but seems to be not as viable as the boost.
    Of course you see the tectonic launch quite often as it is the first weapon, but most players switch it for the boost as soon as they can and as they seen all weapons once. It can be fun though and needs no change.
    Anti-Matter is just not very powerful. But scaling it's strength upwards would be a delicate act, as it could become OP quite fast I think. Maybe put in the possibility to detonate it by clicking RMB again?
    Finally the singularity charge is fun, but rarely picked.

    I'm interested to hear how you see the weapons yourself? It certainly does not have to be problematic that some weapons are less popular then others, but maybe the boost is just too dominant. Anyhow I'm fine with how it is right now and just wanted to give you some feedback. :)

    Looking forward to more additions in the future.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Battle Planets - Beta Release

    Sorry for doublepost.

    You really need to add in a sudden death mode for when there is no winner after the 5/10/20 rounds. Just give everyone 250% from the beginning and the last survivor is the winner. :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Battle Planets - Beta Release

    Hey, keep up the good work, your map is so much fun, and it's fast paced gameplay makes for a great intermission between other maps or laddering. :>

    Unfortunately it is not as popular on EU as it deserves, so you have to play it with friends. If you enjoy the map too feel free to add me for a few rounds (bnet-ID to the left), or check the channel "Battle Planets".

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on [Release] Shape Wars - BlizzCon Contest Map

    This map is so much fun. :) But nobody plays it anymore.

    Add me online (bnet-ID to the left) or join the channel "Shape Wars" if you want to play.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Stranded on Korhal

    I'm sorry to bump such an old thread, but I really enjoyed the map back in the beta and would like to play it again, if possible. So plz reupload it on EU. :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Toy Soldiers anyone?

    Few things would make me party more than knowing that there is a Toy Soldiers-like map in the making.

    For people who might not know it: Toy Soldiers was a WC3 map that pretty much was counter-strike from a top-down view with extended weaponry.^^

    Here's a link to a forum post with some screenshots of a quite early version: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/toy-soldiers-105110/

    As I have zero mapmakingskills myself and neither the time nor the ambition to get them my hopes lie in you, dear SC2Mapster Community. ;D

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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