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    posted a message on Map of the Week [Waiting new system before complaining]

    So when will we be voting on maps? Do you have a timeplan in mind or something?
    Also, plz give us at least two votes.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Suggestion for Blizzard(Test Private Map)
    Quote from RodrigoAlves: Go

    Let's please not give any new suggestion to Blizzard.

    First, they fix the broken system. New features later.

    Oh come on! You know that even if they will fix it, it will take time. Why not improve smaller things in the meantime?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Battle Planets - Beta Release

    That sounds really good, can't wait. :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Battle Planets - Beta Release

    Plz make a Arrakis style (desert) planet. :)

    Regarding the Singularity charge: The thing is that sometimes it looks ridiculously overpowered, sometimes it doesn't do shit. I would like to see how it would play out if you would buff the pull on planets, but take out the force on the little rocks. This way it's effect would be under direkt control of the player and the weapon wouldn't seem so random anymore. Dunno if this is possible tho.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Map of the Week [Waiting new system before complaining]

    First map: Sexy Gamequiz! :D

    jk jk it's a great idea, I will help to promote.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [NSFW] Sexy Gamequiz is coming!

    Can't you upload it in privatemode so we play a couple of rounds, and nobody can report it?

    Haha the video got put down. Reupload it to youporn! :D

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Before you flame Blizzard. . . again. . .
    Quote from Mephs: Go


    SC2, 16,000 viewers worldwide. Prize pool: $11k euro.

    League of Legends, 200,000 worldwide viewers. Prize Pool: $100,000

    Yah man, SC2 is totally the e-sport of e-sports.

    Just saw this one.
    You realize that SC was divided into I believe more than 5 streams, while Riot implemented the stream into the LoL launcher so that every player counted as an viewer?
    But I guess if you WANT to see SC2 as unsuccessful you take what you get.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Tonight on SC2Streamster: The Popularity system!

    The guy that thinks SC2 is a shitgame and has no success outside of Korea? :D
    Well, MLG is on, so I probably won't tune in today. Have fun, mapsterinos! :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [LoadingScreen] Hell vs Heaven

    Don't! That way you have more time for FishCraft. :)

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on GOKU - Development thread

    You're not online. :D

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Before you flame Blizzard. . . again. . .
    Quote from Mephs: Go

    Okay but the fact is that SC2 is really not that great of a game overall. It has very low worldly appeal outside of Korea.

    That is extremely untrue, sc2 exploded outside of SK with tons of tournaments and huge viewer numbers. I have no idea how you come to say this.
    It is already more accepted outside of Korea than in Korea, where its predecessor still has the larger fanbase. But with the deal Bliz and Kespa negotiated that is about to change.
    Again, you couldn't be more wrong, SC2 is taking over in the west. Tune in to MLG, the starcraft fans double the number of the console game fans easily.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on 1 Year of Starcraft. What Blizz brought to us...

    +1 for what Mozared wrote.

    I like, no, I LOVE Starcraft for all it's aspects: The singleplayer, the multiplayer (I watch hours of competetive starcraft every day) and UMS. With the release approaching I thought of all the countless hours of fun I had with WC3's custom maps and presumed a glorious future was upon me.
    Soon after I came to hate battlenet 0.2 as much as the next person. Besides the popularity system there were just plain out pathetic issues like no countdown reset when someone leaves (which has no been fixed one year after release, yippie).
    That is all well known, so the constant whining now annoys me almost as much as the issues themselves.

    With what I'm about to say I probably will make some enemies.
    That you now not only hate on Blizzard but on the players as well, calling them dumb, is just stupid. There were dumb players in WC3 as well, but I still had fun. Why? Because there was an ocean of good maps to swim in.
    In Starcraft there is not. Most maps just suck or have low replayability. And don't tell me I don't find them because of the popsys, I lurk here every day.

    Rodrigo, as you are so outspoken I will take a look at your maps. Plz don't take this as hostile.
    1. Debates: Funny map, I like to play it (after waiting over half a year I think for it to be published on EU) once in a while. With parties. It is so nichy, you can not really have thought that it would be very popular?
    2. Nexus Word Wars: First I'd like to mention that every other company would have banned it as well for the words that were in it, the Blizzard hate is here just not justified. Other than that, again a fun map, but nothing that you play longer than a week, with popsys or without. Did you picture NWW clans and communities when you made the map? Nobody would have played Raynor Party as well if there was only the typing game. And it was a satirical map after all, wasn't it?
    3. Banana Cheaters: Now that map was just awesome. As I wrote in it's thread, it was the first map in SC2 that was so captivating that I just had to beat it. Then I beat it. Haven't played it since (and not because of lack of players).
    4. Nexus Hindrance Wars: I won't write much here, as I just didn't enjoy it and don't know how popular it is.
    But I think you get my point.

    Other than that I have not played one good RPG in SC2. I remember friends messaging me "hey, let's try this map here" and then - swoosh - it's frickin' 4 in the morning. Has not happened in Starcraft 2 yet. Although I'd like to put out an honorable mention for "Storms Keep" (I think that was it's name) which was quite entertaining, as well as "Stranded on Korhal" back in the beta, which chase scene in the city was just awesome. :D Both singleplayer tho.
    I have to say I was a bit pissed to see so much effort put into DotA maps like SotiS, that would never ever come even in quality to the original or LoL, HoN or probably DotA2. Waste of talent in my eyes.
    So the maps that have replayability are maps that had it in WC3 as well. I liked Legion TD, so I play Squadron TD (not much, but still). And I'd be happy if there were a Tropical Tower Wars port.

    Now, do I whine? Maybe a little, ye. But as I've written in another thread, I'm keeping my hopes up for the maps to come. People are not dumber than they were 9 years ago. Maybe some are more casual oriented, but I don't believe they are the ones that rule over the popularity system. They will stick with their consoles and LoL-shit.

    Sorry for wall of text. Live long and prosper.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on 1 Year of Starcraft. What Blizz brought to us...

    Four threads on practically the same problem in 24 hours, and now you say that you're out?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Will Element TD disappear forever?
    Quote from RodrigoAlves: Go

    This is mostly due to people's perception. The majority of players tend to ignore flaws when the map is popular while they force their eyes to see flaws when the map isn't popular anymore.

    I'm the first one to rant about the popularity system, but now you're really overanalyzing things.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Tradedy in Oslo, Norway

    What is intelligence?
    Maybe the guy has a quite high IQ. What does this say about his standpoints? Nothing.
    Many people who fall under mainstream definitions of intelligence fall for ideologies that are just laughable from a critical point of view.
    That is why I think that the human mind is too complex to be described with the terms intelligent or unintelligent, and that that word should rather just be used to describe the abilities of non-humans (may they be animals or artificial intelligences).

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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