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    posted a message on Function/Array/Struct References

    Is there any way to use function/array/struct references outside of the galaxy language? (i.e. in the trigger editor) If so, how?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trying to find a particular Battlenet image

    First of all, if this is the wrong section, I apologize; from what I could tell, this section seems to be the most appropriate for this question.

    Does anyone know the name(s) of the item(s) used to make the following dialog box (excluding the circle at the center)? I want to use it as a background to one of the dialogs in my map's custom UI, but I cannot seem to find the component(s) anywhere in the image listing.


    Just for reference, the above is found on the score screen shown at the end of every match.

    Thanks in advance.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Is there a way to loop a sound?

    CHUNK008, that works; however, I was originally looking for a data editor oriented approach. Thanks though.

    After some tinkering, I found out a data editor approach:

    1) Create a sound. 2) Double click on Sound Assets+. 3) Add a sound. 4) Within the sound properties window, set loop to -1 and loop min/max to the part of the track you want to loop. The min/max have to be specified in samples, so you're going to have to do some calculations.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Is there a way to loop a sound?

    (The title should have been "Is there a way to loop a sound from a certain point?" to be more precise, but anyways...)

    I have a 1 minute sound that I want to play entirely only once; after that, I want the sound to start looping from 30 seconds in (i.e. skipping the first 30 seconds of the sound every following loop). Is there a field in the sound data editor that sets this?

    I hope I do not have to resort to creating two sounds: one sound for the part that does not loop and one for the part that does, and set the latter to loop.

    Thanks in advance.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on A question about data tables
    Quote from KratsAU: Go

    There is only one data table afaik. Not sure if you can create more.

    Darn. I was hoping this was not the case.

    Quote from KratsAU: Go

    Also why are you using the data table for this? It's really only if you need to access variables by a string name, so if you're not using it for that you are better off using normal variables/arrays etc.

    Can arrays store more than one type of variable? I could not find a way to do this, so I looked into data tables (Sorry, I am not too familiar with the trigger editor yet).

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on A question about data tables

    For my map, I am trying to structure character skills using data tables. I made a preset data scope variable for each character skill; however, whenever I try to save data onto a new data table, the old data tables have their data overwritten by the new data.

    Why is this happening? Is there only one global data table? I am pretty sure this is not the case as the editor gives the option of creating new data scopes.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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