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    posted a message on Tassadar/Preserver Glow using buffs/triggers?

    I'm trying to change the tint of a unit and/or add a glow to it, similar to the glow of the Tassadar unit in the WoL campaign. The problem is, I wish to apply it to all units in the vicinity, and it seems inelegant and impractical to add the texture to all units in my map then send a behavior event. Do you have any ideas?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Recreating Black Hole aka Vortex with Damage?

    Hi, I've been trying to recreate black hole by adding a damage effect to Vortex Search. It works reasonably, however whenever it kills a unit (let's say a mutalisk), the mutalisk dies and explodes, instead of going all the way into the black hole's center. I wish to improve the realism of the ability.

    Is it possible that, whenever a unit dies while within the black hole, it doesn't die but is instead sent to a "limbo" state, and thus continues falling into the black hole, but when the black hole ends all units in limbo are destroyed? (Using the "Remove" animation if it is near the center) Is it possible to do it purely in the data editor and not with scripts? How do I achieve this?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Help adding Damage effect to Vortex ability

    Hi! I need help creating a duplicate Vortex ability that more closely resembles the beta's Black Hole ability. I want units being sucked in to take damage over time. Most units shouldn't survive the journey into the black hole. How do I accomplish this?

    I really can't figure out how the behavior of Vortex works. It gives some broodlord ability to the unit???

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Custom Hotkeys and Targeting reticle using Custom UI buttons

    I'm making abilities using a custom UI with a custom skillsbar. How do I assign hotkeys to them? I have heard many complaints of lag using the "player presses key" event. Also, using the custom UI, is it possible to create a targeting reticle as in regular abilities? I want something like the Ion Cannon or Chronoshift in C&C / RA series.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Pre-programming records?

    I am creating a map that uses custom ability/unit data which relies heavily on the use of records. Instead of creating a trigger that fires on initialization to set all the records, is there a way to preprogramme it so that the values are loaded before the map begins?

    I.e. define the initial value of this record, for one of many custom abilties:

    Ability X Adrenaline Cost Required Str Required Dex Required Int SpellCan'tBeCountered

    are all stored in a record. But right now I have to wait till map initialization then fire a trigger for each of my abilities to set those values, slowing down the game considerably.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Using Images in tooltips?

    I'm trying to create custom tooltips for my dialog buttons. Say, something that reads:

    Psionic Blast 150 Energy Blah blah blah.

    I wanna replace the word "Energy" with <img path="Assets\Textures\icon-energy-protoss.dds"/> but the size is 64 x 64 which makes the whole tooltip really ugly. Is there a way to resize the image automatically so that it looks like a blizzard ability?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Trigger, Record] Need help with records/structs

    @Berrala: Go

    Ok I figured it out. Thanks!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Trigger] Limit on arrays?

    I think I accidentally hit the limit for the use of arrays. When that happens, all triggers stop working entirely. Unfortunately I've only done like 1% of my map triggers-wise.

    I thought the cap was eliminated, or at least raised significantly from Warcraft 3.

    Is anyone aware of the actual limit? Or is there a workaround for this?

    How does Blizzard expect us to create decent creative maps that exploit the new editor's powerful functionality over warcraft 3 if we are supposed to work with such tight budgets on resources?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Trigger, Record] Need help with records/structs

    Ok I don't really understand records... I've created a record using the GUI, but don't know how to reference them. How do I reference a variable inside a record? The "variables" list don't list any variable inside the record, nor does it show the record itself in the functions list. I couldn't figure it out even after watching the video tutorial... Is there something changed since the beta?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Need help with records/structs

    Ok I don't really understand records... I've created a record using the GUI, but don't know how to reference them. How do I reference a variable inside a record? The "variables" list don't list any variable inside the record, nor does it show the record itself in the functions list.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Question on custom triggered abilities


    I'm creating a whole bunch of custom abilities. Because I'm not using the command card at all but rather a completely custom UI, I cannot use the abilities functions and instead have to script everything from triggers. My question is, how do I efficiently insert my abilities into the map?

    I.e. I need to give each ability its Name, Mana Cost, Icon, Recharge, Cooldown (yes they are different things), Tooltip, OnFinishCasting, etc. Hopefully a partial list is loaded when the game starts, i.e. Name, icon, description and then a longer list when a unit learns the ability i.e. OnFinishCasting, IsAnUltimate, Projectile since there are a lot of abilities which will undoubtedly strain the loading.

    Back in warcraft 3 I used the gamecache to store all the attributes of the ability into the map. Then I could have functions like "GetManaCost(1001)" where 1001 is the identifier of the ability and I can easily reference it out. The gamecache is rather slow and bogs down once I get 100s of abilities but that used to be the neatest and cleanest solution I knew of.

    What should I use this time? I'm looking at Records but I'm not sure. Essentially I wanna create a database inside my map.


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How do I add/remove/move around abilities via triggers?

    @Beasttamer: Go

    Wow how is this possible?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How do I add/remove/move around abilities via triggers?

    I.e. remember games like spellcraft/custom arena where you get to pick abilities for heroes?

    My first impression check of the map editor suggests that the command card of each unit is fixed and cannot be amended by triggers... you can enable or disable individual buttons but cannot swap them out with another. Or is there a way?

    I don't wanna create one hero for every ability combination possible...

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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