• 0.93715487772811

    posted a message on Changing the cost value of Units and structures


    Firstly, beware posts that are pre-release, as a lot changed in the editor. Infact distrust old posts in general.

    The resource menus have been moved from the train abilities' functions, to the units themselves.

    In the data editor, you will need to bring up units, either by tab or by selecting units from the 'data type' drop down box.

    Select the unit you want to augment.

    On the right of the editor, there should be a lot of data for each unit, tab to 'Cost' at the top.

    And here, finaly, is the new location of the resource options!

    The cost catagory works out how the spent resources add into a player's score. If you want to have units cost different amounts from different train buildings, just post again and I'll walk you through that.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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