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    posted a message on Disable/Hide Health Bars

    It is possible but I'm not sure if you can do it as an ability.

    The health bar display is controlled in the actor for the model you use. There are a bunch of check boxes regarding status display(options are health, shields, progress, etc) in I believe the UI tab. If you uncheck those boxes, it's bye bye health bar.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on how do i make my custom units have a build limit

    If you find the "Mothership Requirements" requirement in the requirements tab it will show you how to do this. You bascially just set up a requirement that depends on the queued or better unit count of your unit and then set it as the requirements for the build button of your unit.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Guardian Shield radius based on caster model?!

    You might also be able to do it by editing the radius field in the Goliath model to match the sentry's. That works for visual effects at the very least as I recall.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Help with Win condition

    How is ForcePlayerCount supposed to be set? I'm not sure picked integer works in the context you're using it and even if it does, all you're doing with it is copying the value at picked integer to the next cell up(which makes very little sense, it looks like you meant to decrement it). If you just delete all their stuff, the melee victory options should yield the correct behavior.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Release] Tower Offense - The Opposite of Tower Defense

    I've been working on this map for the past month or so and I think it's finally ready to release to the public.

    The basic premise is to be the opposite of a tower defense(hence the name). Instead of using towers defend your base against waves of enemies, you use them as your primary mode of attacking the other player. You get a phoenix that serves as a sort of turret drop ship with enhanced combat abilities to accomplish this.

    I have balanced the various turrets so that they are tactically interesting and fill unique roles so you don't just spam one type all day long. Those turrets are as follows:

    1. Photon cannons: These are your basic turret, their shots bounce like mutalisks' within a 90 degree arc(meaning that you get higher damage vs groups of turrets that lie on a line parallel to your line of attack and reduced damage if they lie on a line perpendicular to your line of attack).

    2. Missile turrets: These are basic AA turrets and also counter colossi. They are very effective against anything in the air(which makes them great at taking down Phoenixes).

    3. Perdition turrets: These are basically high health with moderate short range area of effect damage. They're very tough to kill and retian the burrow ability from the campaign but everything in the game outranges them. The phoenix can easily do "bombing runs" with them where you drop a number of perditions in range of the enemy turret lines and let them do their thing.

    4. Colossi: Obviously the ability to walk has been removed and the stats have been tweaked a bit. Colossi are long range area of effect damage. The damage they deal is quite substantial but they are rather frail so you have to protect them with other turrets.

    5. Stargates: These launch interceptors to fight for them. Interceptors function well as meat shields and at taking out specific targets making the stargate a sort of sniper turret.

    6. Obelisks: Obelisks heal your units and structures but can't heal each other. Their beams are capable of stacking. They're very useful for keeping your Phoenix, Nexus, and Pylons alive during fights.

    7. Sensor Towers: These work exactly like in the real game. You use them to detect and intercept your enemies.

    8. Detection Towers: These are your detectors, you need them to see cloaked stuff :P.

    9. Dark shrines: These have the cloaking field behavior but they don't cloak each other. They work well in conjunction with detection towers because you can nullify the enemy's cloaking field and keep them from focusing your detection tower down.

    10. Pylons: These collect resources for you when you place them near resource nodes. They have a fair amount of health(and a pylon by pylon upgrade to increase it further) but they can't attack.

    Here is a video of how it plays out when one player doesn't use hotkeys and the other has collected way too many resources because he wanted the video to be epic :P:

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/ibxY4aG8V-Y?fs=1

    For info on other aspects of the map, check out the tips in the help menu, they cover all the major mechanics.

    The map is normally played in 2v2 and the economy is calibrated around that.

    Try it with friends using the Create Game search function. It will be far too tedious trying to find it in the join game list.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Blizzard Reseted Popularity

    How do you guys know how many times your map gets played?

    Posted in: General Chat
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