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    posted a message on Carmageddon Reincarnation

    Thought we were talking about what happened in SoCal last year and again sometime later this year. But then I saw you are EU and this ridiculous looking video that I probably won't watch.

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    posted a message on Look at this amazing Zealot

    @zenx1: Go

    Possibly. Do all zealots have something that clamps on the back of their head things? I just feel the quality is pretty good, although I saw a baneling that was textured too and it looks amazing. I wonder if it was the same guy.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on DIABLO 3 IS DOWNLOADING - Sry had to get that out.

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    I NO RITE!!!


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    posted a message on Look at this amazing Zealot

    I'm not sure if it goes in general or off topic but off topic is always safe assumption.

    I'm not sure about you guys but amazing looking zealot is amazing.


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    posted a message on DIABLO 3 IS DOWNLOADING - Sry had to get that out.



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    posted a message on I'm back.... From Court!

    @Taintedwisp: Go

    I'm not sure if you're making that up or not.

    Anyways, just stories I hear from the south and people I've met from the south usually make the media stereotype seem correct. You just made me think of The Boondocks and I just realized, I don't think they ever mentioned kool-aid once. But they did have a whole episode dedicated to KFC or something like that.

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    posted a message on 10 Things A Gamer Must Have/Do - Not Literally

    @TheAlmaity: Go

    Skipped number 4. Are you just so mighty that you took it out of existence?

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on I'm back.... From Court!
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    @BasharTeg: Go

    yeah but its a rule that RARELY enforced,

    I know alot of people who have busted or had theirs busted by cars going downt he road with baseball bats, and no one even checks into it, Its just a dick cop wanted to be a dick to someone.

    I thought that just happened in the south and in movies.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Legend of Korra

    I kind of like the original better so far. It seems like things are unraveling too fast in korra. I don't see it lasting that long since she already knows all the elements. The only thing that is new to her is air which means that's all the new stuff we'll see. We started with air and had nothing else in the old one. It was a wacky journey to learn water but then the rest was really well done, earth was where it picked up, well the end of water. But for korra she doesn't have to go on an adventure and through various trials that we see for multiple elements, just air.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Map of the Week [Waiting new system before complaining]

    @RodrigoAlves: Go

    I saw on my facebook that picture but there was no one on and it was 20 minutes after it was posted.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on NA Map Night [Revival]

    @egodbout: Go

    The problem is that

    A) we were unorganized and had multiple streams
    B) we played the same map over and over
    C) there aren't that many people with maps to be tested, at least they didn't come
    D) modding doesn't seem to be as big as it is in EU, there are more EU friends doing map night than NA

    I'll be willing to start it up again, but I don't think I can stream and play at the same time. I might be able to but I doubt it.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Tonight on Sc2Streamster: TT 46 - FPS terrains

    Nice, I'll try to watch if I remember. I doubt I will, I'll probably be so disappoint when I fail my cmpsci test.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Who can do this?

    Sorry forgot part of the url. Updated the post.

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    posted a message on Who can do this?

    That is all

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    posted a message on Newbie Wednesday- Ask Questions!

    You've done so many, I'm not sure which ones you've gone over. Have you gone over everything in this thread? You should have kept a checklist of people's posts so you would know if you don't know. Anyways I'll throw this in just in case you haven't gone over it.

    I would like to know how to make a UI that tracks a hero's health, mana, and xp. Basically an RPG UI with the basic inventory stuff, shop, ect. stuff. I hope you understand what I'm saying if not I have another one you can try.

    Make a camera keep two players within the screen at all times. If they move far apart have the camera be focuses in the middle of the two but go farther out to a point. Kind of like a fighting game camera with how it zooms out a bit as the players move away from each other, except use it for a top down, kind of like how playing a DIablo style game on a console with friends on the same console would be.

    <sub>By the way you should try learning UDK so you can do tutorials on that =D</sub>

    Posted in: General Chat
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