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    posted a message on Comparing two behaviors

    Hello, I'm having trouble finding a simple way to compare two separate behaviors to eachother. Basically, I have two behaviors, A and B. Lets say I have 3 stacks of behavior A. After casting a certain ability, I want to get 3 stacks of behavior B. I've found that it's possible to do this with switches, and several different effects and validators, but it is very obtuse and you need as many validators+effects as you have potential behavior stacks.

    I would like to add that I'm looking for a data-based solution, because obviously there is a very simple trigger-based solution, but I've been trying to code all of the unit effects in the data editor, if possible.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Actor] Firebat flames sometimes do not show up

    Okay, so basically what you're saying is the model for the attack isn't showing up? Well thats because this model comes with the flag "Ignorable". It basically says "it's not direly important that it shows up the first time around, so ignore it until it loads."

    How is this fixed? Go into the model section of the data editor, find the Firebat Attack Flame. Under flags you'll find a flag called "Ignorable" check-marked. Simply remove the check-mark and your firebat attack -should- show up 100% of the time.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Hiding text tags in fog of war

    I would like to know the answer to this question too. I've been tampering with it for about an hour now, and I plan on working on it today to try and find a work-around/solution. I'll let you know if I find anything!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Fine tuning a missile.

    I'm looking for the solution as well. I did notice that the Hellion's flamethrower attack bypasses this problem using "Launch Height" in the Site of Operations in the HellionBeamImpact actor... If you know anything about actors, you can probably find a way to use site of operations correctly, and keep the missile upright. Maybe you could try using Hellion Attack Beam and HellionBeamImpact as a reference.

    P.S. If you find a solution, either by figuring out the Launch Height site of operations, or by doing something else, let me know - because I'm having the same troubles D:

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Creating a Model on/attached to the ground...

    Okay, here's the idea. When the firebat fires his flamethrower (O_o), he sets units on fire that are hit by it.

    1. 1: Is it possible to set the ground on fire using this same model?
    2. 2: How can I space it out so that it doesn't set every square inch on fire?
    3. 3: Most importantly, how do I do this with actors?

    Thanks, RedFox

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Creating a Charge ability, and an aggro ability...

    Okay, so I have two "problems" here (and a bonus problem). Basically they're things I just can't wrap my head around, so I'm looking for some help/explain how this can be done.

    Problem #1, the Charge: I have an ultralisk that I want to have a charge ability that charges (duh) in a straight line, without turning, or attacking units (Note: the ultralisk already moves over all units except other ultralisks), and I want the spell to be un-interruptable, and I want it to end if there is a cliff obstructing its path. I would prefer (if possible) that the unit remains the same, instead of making a dummy ultralisk. I'd also like this ability to last X second, not until the Ultralisk reaches a point. I'm pretty sure this is do-able with data, if not, my mistake (sorry! D:) I can't figure out how to do this :|

    Problem #2, My unit has a low attack priority (For balance reasons). He has a hard time killing zerglings when they're following a Hellion around all over the place. I would like an ability that forces (or commands) all nearby zerglings to attack the caster. All I've tried is using a search function with an issue order to target to attack caster, and I failed miserably, so I'd like some help.

    Concept problem: it would be nice if somebody could explain the functions of "Source, caster, outer, and target"? I have a slight grasp but I'd like to know exactly how they function. Also if someone could explain what Markers are, that would be cool too :D

    Bonus problem (Doesn't have to be answered): I would like an ability that targets two points, and then create a persistant that makes a sort of "Airstrike" between the points. the airstrike part is tremendously easy (as far as I understand), but the whole "Target two points" thing is something I'm having trouble with. I -can- use triggers, but I find it hard to make a trigger/data hybrid, so making animations is kind of tough for the likes of me. I'd love it if I could make this a data only ability. If worse comes to worse I'll create a trigger that makes a dummy unit, and begins casting an ability at the first target point.

    Many thanks, RedFox

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Projectile question

    RedFox here, I was just wondering how to create (Using exclusively data if possible) a projectile that travels in a straight line till it collides with a unit. I haven't really tried much but all I can think of is modifying the mover for the projectile, and movers are one data item that I don't have a tight grasp on. S:

    Thanks - RedFox

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Need help with Variables, and Victory conditions

    EDIT: (Thank you very much for help with variables!) I seem to be having a problem making the Hellion selected as a unit when I'm doing actions. For example - the way I select the Hellion *under the unit section of a trigger. In the first two examples I use presets (I don't want to use those), in the following one, I don't (because I can't):

    Example 1: Unit - Hellion [18.61, 46.21] uses Hellion - <c val="FFFF00">C</c>harge Shields at Generic6 - Complete stage (Ignore shared abilities)

    Example 2: Unit - Hellion [18.61, 46.21] dies

    Example 3: Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Hellion - Land Mine units in (Entire map) owned by player 2 matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most 1) and do (Actions)

    It feels as though there is a better way of selecting this single hellion. Herein lies the question: Is there are least a better way to go about doing this? Or is this reallly the best way to do it?

    Problem 2 has been resolved! Thank you!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How do you reduce the game start countdown from 30 to 10?

    Have you tried changing the "Lobby Delay" in Game Varients under Map? Maybe that will help. (If it doesn't work, excuse me. I'm a noob)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Question concerning game speed

    Just wondering how I could change the game speed standard.

    Edit: Thank you Ludwigvan1 for your help, I'll try that (:

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Tutorial Request

    A tutorial on how to change a unit's weapons mid game would really help me out. I tried using triggers but I seem to need a turret. :|

    Posted in: Tutorials
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