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    posted a message on Made my First Android Game!

    Ive looked at this stuff a bit. Ive always wondered, it seems there are actual companies making alot of these games, yet the vast majority of these games are free or make basically no money. So why are software companies investing the money in making these things when they dont make money off of it, or are they making money in a differnt way. I would think the cell phone game market would of basically crashed.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Canceled

    @AirFlareSC2: Go

    First off good luck in your endeavor. Thought id say a few things after reading over this a little bit. If your going to have tons of these new models and animations to go along with them that is definitly a stand alone role. In fact doing all of these models/animations/textures would probably take more work than all of the other roles combined, including your own. Of course that depends on the quality of the models and the skill of the modeler. Just something to consider, i found it interesting that modeling as well as the other things in that modeling role description where to be tacked onto another entire role as you said 1 of the 4 should be able to do this.

    Also i would think there would be alot of overlap with both triggers and modeler/texuterer in regaurds to UI. Most custom UI is created via triggers, or maybe its changed since i last used GE but w/e. And if you wanted to make your UI fit the theme of the game that would require the texturer to create some images to be used with the UI.

    The forums part also does not make sense to me. Ive seen some people make forums for their up and coming mods and do dev diarys and stuf flike that, most of these forums are completly empty and get no traffic. This is a SC2 mod made by a person/team no one has heard of and hasnt done anything, not some major upcoming game release. Having 2 people dedicated to forums, a job after set up would require no work given theres no one to moderate is questionable. Why not have those 2 people do somethign usefull and help with the project.

    Another thing ill say is this. I like the fact that your plannign so much, its good and its what you should be doing. Just take into accont, that htings change alot during game development, your not going to be able to come up with the perfect plan and see it all the way through, things change alot especially in complex games. A good game designer wil be able to tell during development, when they come across a flaw in their original design and be able to make the proper adjustments. Also in terms of the time it takes to make a game, if there is anything ive learned is its difficult to accuratly estimate how long a game will take, projects I have started all ended up taking way longer to complete than i had anticipated. You dont realize how much work it is and how long it takes until you actually complete a game from start to finish.

    Finally the biggest concern i think i have aside from your lack of experience in completing games (almost every game that is ever started is not completed), is your skill set. Having a team is nice but when it comes down to it, as the group leader you cannot depend on anyone to help you finish a project. That doesnt mean they wont, but its quite likely people will fall out and you will have a hole that needs to be filled, this will probabbly happen alot if your claiming a 2 year development period. As the group leader you need to be able to full-fill any role on your project team at any time. If a trigger guy leaves you cannot sit around and do nothing waiting for a trigger person to come and finish your project for you. You need to be able to step up and fullfill that role until a replacement is found. And if one isnt found you need to be able to finish the job yourself.

    This is your project, the only one who might be fully invested in it is you, and even that is pretty unlikely given the project completion rate, especially amongst people who have never actually completed one. As the team leader you need to be able to put the team on your back and carry it if need be. Some would say you should do that anyways just for the sake of leading by example. I hope your project goes well but its a huge red flag when someone is trying to make a game or do a project that they are incapable of doing themselves.

    Just some harsh advice for you. Also your game sounds like it would take 2-3 hours or even more to play a game, which imo is way to long but ya.

    At any rate good luck with this hope you can build a team.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Question on the old popularity system

    With the old popularity system did it count hours played like if there where 10 people in a game and they played the game for an hour then the game has 1 hour played, or would it have 10 hours played, counting the time for each player?


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Two questions on sound

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    I was able to find the sounds, but they dont show up on the units info or the weapons info, if i remember correctly i think they did at one point i remember seeing marine impact sound but i dont see it under sounds anymore, i wonder if i accidently did something that hid it or something.

    So ya basically i have to know the name of the sound in order to change the values that i want, i cant find them on (linked to) the actual unit or weapon.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making it so player cannot see outside of playable map area

    Ok thanks for the input guys.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Making it so player cannot see outside of playable map area

    I have a map with a playable map area, but i can still see some of the part that is not playable, how do i use triggers to set line of sight so they cannot see outside of the playable map area?


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on End game for computer player (solved)

    Hi, im testing a map in the editor, i have a few slots set to computer, but when i end game for one of the computer players via triggers the game triggers freeze up and the game timer stops. Why is this, does the fact that i have a computer slot mean that there is actually a computer player in game when im testing?


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Two questions on sound

    If i wanted to change the sound of the marines rifle firing where would i do that, also i dont want a sound to go off when a certain building is destroyed, i deleted all the sounds but the sound sitll goes off, where do i go to turn that off? Thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Medic Heal beam sound

    Hi, im using the medic heal ability but i want to remove the sound that sounds off when the healing starts and sounds again when it ends. I cant find it anywhere. Thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Question on testing

    Hi, so for example say i have a custom UI for all 5 players in my game, how can i test that the UI works for the other 4 players without going onto battle net and getting people to come in and test it. I think the code is right, but how do i get into the position of player 2 or 3 to make sure that there stuff works as well. Dont know if this is in the right place but ya. I was thinking just make myself player 2 under player properties, but if there are no other players dont i automatically become player 1?


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Selection Radius/ Selection circle

    Hi, for some reason a unit i have been altering doesnt have the green circle taht comes up when you select it. Is there any reason this would happen i have the selection radius or w/e its called at an appropriate size so i dont think its that.


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make it so you can walk through building

    I found that if i got rid of the footprint and changed the spawn locations by .5 then everything would line up properly.

    Thanks for the help guys.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make it so you can walk through building

    @secondsmth: Go

    Ive tried that, if i do that when i try to spawn the building in via triggers it ends up in a random location becuase it has no footprint so it doesnt know where or how to put it down.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make it so you can walk through building

    Neither of your suggestions worked.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Change model animation when casting spell

    Hi, a long time ago i had made a unit that could cast a healing spell, and when it did that it would do its healing animation. I have since forgotten how to do this and cant seem to figure it out again. I had asked here originally how to do this but no one seemed to know, but any help would be appreciated.


    Edit: Nevermind found it again.

    Posted in: Data
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