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    posted a message on Custom Unit Portrait

    I am making a custom unit from scratch and I have gotten to the part where I want to set its portrait. For simplicity, I tried using the same model for the portrait as for the unit itself. However, the model appeared way too large, making the entire portrait a solid color. So, I made another model (with the same .m3 file) but with the scale factor 10x smaller. Unfortunately this had no effect whatsoever.

    My suspicion is that you need a special type of model for portraits, maybe with a camera placed somewhere.

    Any ideas?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Custom Attack - Water Spray

    Well, I've decided to go back to Kueken's method of using only one (Invisible) missile and creating the WaterSplash models as it goes along. I think I'm satisfied now with the attack!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Animation Duration with Scale

    Currently, I can adjust the animation speed of my attacks with the AnimSetTimeScaleGobal actor event. I would like, however, to have the attack animation take a fixed length of time, scaled so that the whole animation plays in the given time. I see some events called AnimSetDuration and AnimTimeSetScale, but I'm not sure how to use them, and what I've tried so far hasn't worked.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Attack - Water Spray


    I've tried that too, with no effect.

    After a lot of experimentation, it seems that no matter what events I set up, the only thing that matters is the AnimSetTimeScale. If I use 2.0, then the water is continuous, but sparse. I would like to set it to something like 4 or 6, but when I do that I get the disappearing and reappearing phenomenon.

    Edit: Setting the range of my attack to something really high reveals what is actually going on. A short distance from the launch point, the water spray is dense (since the anim time scale is high, the water particles are being generated very quickly). Then the water disappears altogether for a distance, before reappearing. When it reappears, it is sparse, as if the anim time scale were reset to 1.0, but it no longer disappears for the rest of its trajectory (I've tested this with something like 60 range). There is a clear explanation for this. The water model's stand animation plays once with the adjusted time scale, and then replays forever with the default time scale, Nothing I've done in the actor events has changed this behaviour at all, except for the initial setting of the time scale.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Attack - Water Spray

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    I've tried that too, again with no effect. Maybe I am using the wrong actor events (AnimSetCompletion, AnimDone, AnimPlay). What events would you use?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Attack - Water Spray
    Quote from DrSuperEvil: Go

    @XPilot: Go

    Try the Play Forever flag under the animation playing actor event action.

    I've tried that, with no effect.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Attack - Water Spray

    Well, I guess I'm not quite ready for the actor test, because I have another problem. Namely, the missile won't play it's stand animation continuously. I've tried all sorts of actor messages, but haven't found anything that works. The result is that the missiles disappears halfway to the target and then reappears close to the target. Maybe this is a quirk of the WaterSplash model? My only idea is to attach another actor of the right type (for continuous animation) to the missile, but I'm too tired to try that right now.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How do I script?

    Yeah, you should never open the trigger editor, as that tends to reset MapScript.galaxy I just use the following MapScript.galaxy file:
    [code]<br> include "TriggerLibs/NativeLib"<br> include "Script"<br> void InitMap () {<br> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;libNtve_InitLib();<br> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;initScript();<br> }<br>[/code]
    which calls initScript() from my own script file. That means I only need to import Script.galaxy after I'm done coding (in Notepad++), and everything will work. This is better than just importing a file called MapScript.galaxy since the only way to do that is rename it to something else before importing and then renaming it back once it is imported, which is tedious. All of this is done in the Import Module. See [[http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/resources/tutorials/888-trigger-writing-code-in-pure-galaxy/#posts|here]] for MotiveMe's original tutorial on how to do this.

    I would also recommend using a language extension, as galaxy is pretty lacking. I still use Andromeda, but Galaxy++ is probably the way to go these days. You can find out more about Andromeda at sc2mod.com, and Galaxy++ has a page somewhere here on SC2Mapster.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Custom Attack - Water Spray

    Ok, I will have to look into these Event Macro actors. Currently, I am reusing events by making a generic actor with a bunch of events and using it as the parent of my other actors. Unfortunately, this is limited by only having one parent.

    Edit: What is this actor proficiency test? I still don't know how to do a bunch of things (like sounds, which are next on my list) but I think I understand enough of how actors work to figure things out by looking at the existing data.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Unit From Scratch
    Quote from DrSuperEvil: Go

    So solved?

    Yep! I am now working on the attack, but I'm using the other thread to ask about that.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Attack - Water Spray
    Quote from Kueken531: Go

    @XPilot: Go Quote:

    My next goal is to get a persistent effect working that shoots multiple missiles. Maybe Kueken has already tried this with the RisingTide attack, but did not get good looking effects?

    I am pretty sure, I use a persistent to launch multiple missiles. Are you saying it doesn't look good? :p

    Well, what I meant was replacing the way your missile creates a static model every 0.1 seconds with a periodic effect that launches a new missile every 0.1 seconds. Maybe I am wrong, but I thought you used the persistent effect in order to launch missiles in different directions, at fairly large intervals.

    Edit: I'm having trouble getting the periodic effect to do anything. I think I don't really understand how the persistent effect works, and what the PeriodicOffsetArray and PeriodicPeriodArray do.

    Edit 2: I finally made it work by changing the ImpactLocation of my LaunchMissileEffect to TargetUnitOrPoint from the default TargetUnit. However, I want my attack to be directed at a specific unit (not a splash attack like Kueken's Rising Tide). Is there a way to do this, or is the target unit lost when using a persistent effect?

    Edit 3: Fixed the previous problem by changing the TargetLocation of the persistent effect to TargetUnit. My last problem is applying the impact effects. I can't put these in the missiles anymore, since there many missiles per attack. The most obvious thing to do seems to put the impact effect into the persistent effect's expire effect. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work (for example, no damage is dealt).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (help) some units can't be group selected

    That worked quite nicely! Now I need to figure out how to adjust the various radii in order to have easy unit selection.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Attack - Water Spray

    Well, with some help from the Water Elemental map, I've finally gotten the offset to work! In the process, I think I've figured out (for the most part) how actors really work...

    I do have one last question regarding actors: with so many different actors, is there a standard way of setting up all of the actor creation events? Currently, I have each actor be created by its host. That is, my unit actor creates the (invisible) model actor, which creates the site actor. Ultimately, I want to maximize the reusability of my actors, but maybe there is another way that makes sense for reasons I am not aware of.

    My next goal is to get a persistent effect working that shoots multiple missiles. Maybe Kueken has already tried this with the RisingTide attack, but did not get good looking effects?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (help) some units can't be group selected

    I'm having the same problem with some custom units... has anyone found a fix?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Attack - Water Spray

    For Hosting - Host - Subject, what do you mean by the "model" I want to fire from? Using the unit's actor here seems to work.

    I'm still not sure how to create an offset from the specified attach point. Do I add more SOps to the Host Site Operations - Operations?

    Posted in: Data
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