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    posted a message on [Contest] Melee AI

    Well, if we make one using the galaxy files and all of that... can people even use them without a loader?

    Would something like this: http://sc2.nibbits.com/articles/view/10/writing-your-own-starcraft-ii-ai work?

    I would really like to use the ai stuff built in to sc2, and do it all in galaxy... but it seems to me that you can't just include it in a map, you have to use a loader to have starcraft let you choose the ai for a melee game.

    Now, if we use triggers, then this is solved. However, it looks to me like the triggers for AI are really meant as a supplement to the galaxy based built in ai. Am I wrong?

    Ready to get started on this... just not sure what my options are.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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