• 0

    posted a message on Third Person Shooter (TPS) engine - Download if you need one
    Quote from martinolsson: Go

    Note: A lot of people experience loss of trigger and variable names (seems to output: Syntax error at line 21) when implementing the engine or opening the map. I have no solution for it, and I don't even know what's causing it - it might be the localization that messes things up. Final words

    What do you mean the localization?

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on create unit in random region

    @Molsterr: Go

    This? Also the highlighted line was "unit[3] gv_;"

    ================================================================================================== Generated Map Script Name: Ghost Commando Author: GeneralTalon ================================================================================================== include "TriggerLibs/NativeLib"

    -------------------- Library Initialization -------------------- void InitLibs () { libNtve_InitLib(); }

    -------------------- Global Variables -------------------- unit[3] gv_; fixed gv_; fixed gv_; bool[3] gv_; bool[3] gv_; bool[3] gv_; bool[3] gv_; fixed gv_; bool[3] gv_; int gv_; int[3] gv_; bool[3] gv_; bool[3] gv_; bool[3] gv_; unit[3] gv_; point[3] gv_;

    void InitGlobals () { int init_i;

    init_i = 0; while (init_i <= 2) { gv_[init_i] = null; init_i = init_i + 1; } gv_ = 4.0; gv_ = 1.1; init_i = 0; while (init_i <= 2) { gv_[init_i] = false; init_i = init_i + 1; } init_i = 0; while (init_i <= 2) { gv_[init_i] = false; init_i = init_i + 1; } init_i = 0; while (init_i <= 2) { gv_[init_i] = false; init_i = init_i + 1; } init_i = 0; while (init_i <= 2) { gv_[init_i] = false; init_i = init_i + 1; } gv_ = 0.8; init_i = 0; while (init_i <= 2) { gv_[init_i] = false; init_i = init_i + 1; } gv_ = 12; init_i = 0; while (init_i <= 2) { gv_[init_i] = gv_; init_i = init_i + 1; } init_i = 0; while (init_i <= 2) { gv_[init_i] = false; init_i = init_i + 1; } init_i = 0; while (init_i <= 2) { gv_[init_i] = false; init_i = init_i + 1; } init_i = 0; while (init_i <= 2) { gv_[init_i] = false; init_i = init_i + 1; } init_i = 0; while (init_i <= 2) { gv_[init_i] = null; init_i = init_i + 1; } init_i = 0; while (init_i <= 2) { gv_[init_i] = null; init_i = init_i + 1; } }

    -------------------- Global Function Declarations -------------------- void gf_Traceline (int lp_);

    -------------------- Trigger Variables -------------------- trigger gt_MapInitialization; trigger gt_SetEnemyUnitHeight; trigger gt_Victory; trigger gt_Defeat; trigger gt_RotateCamera; trigger gt_Shoot; trigger gt_CooldownAttack; trigger gt_Reload; trigger gt_PressRReload; trigger gt_Zoom; trigger gt_Unzoom; trigger gt_PressW; trigger gt_ReleaseW; trigger gt_PressA; trigger gt_ReleaseA; trigger gt_PressS; trigger gt_ReleaseS; trigger gt_PressD; trigger gt_ReleaseD; trigger gt_MovePlayerUnit; trigger gt_PressFFlashlight;

    -------------------- Global Functions -------------------- void gf_Traceline (int lp_) { fixed auto60E39A1C_as; fixed auto60E39A1C_ae; fixed auto60E39A1C_ai;

    Variable Declarations int lv_; fixed lv_; fixed lv_; fixed lv_; fixed lv_; fixed lv_; point lv_; region lv_; fixed lv_; unit lv_; fixed lv_;

    Variable Initialization lv_ = 100; lv_ = CameraGetYaw(lp_); lv_ = CameraGetPitch(lp_); lv_ = (WorldHeight(c_heightMapGround, UnitGetPosition(gv_[lp_])) + gv_); lv_ = 0.0; lv_ = 0.0; lv_ = null; lv_ = null; lv_ = 0.0; lv_ = null; lv_ = 0.0;

    Implementation auto60E39A1C_as = 0.0; auto60E39A1C_ae = IntToFixed(lv_); auto60E39A1C_ai = 0.1; lv_ = auto60E39A1C_as; if (auto60E39A1C_ai > 0 || (auto60E39A1C_ai == 0 && auto60E39A1C_as < auto60E39A1C_ae)) { while (lv_ <= auto60E39A1C_ae) { if ((lv_ < 90.0)) { lv_ = (Tan(lv_) * (lv_ * -1.0)); } else { if ((lv_ > 270.0)) { lv_ = (Tan((360.0 - lv_)) * lv_); } else { } } lv_ = PointWithOffsetPolar(UnitGetPosition(gv_[lp_]), lv_, lv_); lv_ = RegionCircle(lv_, 0.3); lv_ = WorldHeight(c_heightMapGround, lv_); lv_ = libNtve_gf_ClosestUnitToPoint(lv_, UnitGroup(null, 15, lv_, UnitFilter(0, 0, (1 << c_targetFilterMissile), (1 << (c_targetFilterDead - 32)) | (1 << (c_targetFilterHidden - 32))), 0)); lv_ = WorldHeight(c_heightMapGround, UnitGetPosition(lv_)); gv_[lp_] = null; gv_[lp_] = null; if (((lv_ != null) && (AbsF((lv_ + (lv_ - lv_))) >= 0.0) && (AbsF((lv_ + (lv_ - lv_))) <= UnitGetCustomValue(lv_, 0)))) { gv_[lp_] = lv_; return ; } else { if ((AbsF((lv_ + lv_)) <= WorldHeight(c_heightMapGround, lv_))) { gv_[lp_] = lv_; return ; } else { } } lv_ = lv_ + auto60E39A1C_ai; } } else if (auto60E39A1C_ai < 0 || (auto60E39A1C_ai == 0 && auto60E39A1C_ae < auto60E39A1C_as)) { while (lv_ >= auto60E39A1C_ae) { if ((lv_ < 90.0)) { lv_ = (Tan(lv_) * (lv_ * -1.0)); } else { if ((lv_ > 270.0)) { lv_ = (Tan((360.0 - lv_)) * lv_); } else { } } lv_ = PointWithOffsetPolar(UnitGetPosition(gv_[lp_]), lv_, lv_); lv_ = RegionCircle(lv_, 0.3); lv_ = WorldHeight(c_heightMapGround, lv_); lv_ = libNtve_gf_ClosestUnitToPoint(lv_, UnitGroup(null, 15, lv_, UnitFilter(0, 0, (1 << c_targetFilterMissile), (1 << (c_targetFilterDead - 32)) | (1 << (c_targetFilterHidden - 32))), 0)); lv_ = WorldHeight(c_heightMapGround, UnitGetPosition(lv_)); gv_[lp_] = null; gv_[lp_] = null; if (((lv_ != null) && (AbsF((lv_ + (lv_ - lv_))) >= 0.0) && (AbsF((lv_ + (lv_ - lv_))) <= UnitGetCustomValue(lv_, 0)))) { gv_[lp_] = lv_; return ; } else { if ((AbsF((lv_ + lv_)) <= WorldHeight(c_heightMapGround, lv_))) { gv_[lp_] = lv_; return ; } else { } } lv_ = lv_ + auto60E39A1C_ai; } } }

    -------------------- Trigger: Map Initialization -------------------- bool gt_MapInitialization_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    GameSetSpeedValue(c_gameSpeedNormal); TriggerExecute(gt_SetEnemyUnitHeight, false, false); gv_[1] = UnitFromId(4); gv_[2] = UnitFromId(401); libNtve_gf_SetPlayerGroupAlliance(PlayerGroupActive(), 1); if ((PlayerStatus(1) != c_playerStatusActive)) { UnitRemove(gv_[1]); } else { } if ((PlayerStatus(2) != c_playerStatusActive)) { UnitRemove(gv_[2]); } else { } PlayerGroupLoopBegin(PlayerGroupActive()); while (!PlayerGroupLoopDone()) { VisRevealerCreate(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), RegionPlayableMap()); PlayerGroupLoopStep(); } PlayerGroupLoopEnd(); UIDisplayMessage(PlayerGroupAll(), c_messageAreaSubtitle, StringExternal("Param/Value/9EC610A6")); PlayerGroupLoopBegin(PlayerGroupActive()); while (!PlayerGroupLoopDone()) { CameraForceMouseRelative(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), true); CameraSetMouseRotates(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), true); CameraUseHeightDisplacement(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), false); CameraUseHeightSmoothing(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), false); CameraPan(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), UnitGetPosition(gv_[PlayerGroupLoopCurrent()]), 0.0, -1, 0, false); CameraFollowUnitGroup(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), libNtve_gf_ConvertUnitToUnitGroup(gv_[PlayerGroupLoopCurrent()]), true, false); CameraSetValue(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), c_cameraValueYaw, UnitGetFacing(gv_[PlayerGroupLoopCurrent()]), 0.0, -1, 10); CameraSetValue(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), c_cameraValuePitch, 0.0, 0.0, -1, 0); CameraSetValue(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), c_cameraValueDistance, gv_, 0.0, -1, 0); CameraSetValue(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), c_cameraValueHeightOffset, gv_, 0.0, -1, 0); libNtve_gf_HideGameUI(false, PlayerGroupAll()); libNtve_gf_DisplayBossBar(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), "Assets
    icon-health-protoss.dds", StringExternal("Param/Value/60D72290"), 100, PlayerGroupSingle(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent())); libNtve_gf_SetBossBarBoss(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), gv_[PlayerGroupLoopCurrent()], true); libNtve_gf_SetBossBarRace(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), 0, true); libNtve_gf_MoveBossBar(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), c_anchorTopLeft, 20, 20); libNtve_gf_DisplayBossBar((PlayerGroupLoopCurrent() + 2), "Assets
    icon-gas.dds", StringExternal("Param/Value/86E28E3A"), 100, PlayerGroupSingle(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent())); libNtve_gf_SetBossBarMaximumValue((PlayerGroupLoopCurrent() + 2), gv_, true); libNtve_gf_SetBossBarCurrentValue((PlayerGroupLoopCurrent() + 2), gv_[PlayerGroupLoopCurrent()], true); libNtve_gf_SetBossBarRace((PlayerGroupLoopCurrent() + 2), 0, true); libNtve_gf_MoveBossBar((PlayerGroupLoopCurrent() + 2), c_anchorTopRight, 20, 20); libNtve_gf_DisplayScreenImage(1, "Assets
    btn-border-protoss-normal.dds", c_triggerBlendModeAdd, 32, 32, c_anchorCenter, 0, 0); PlayerGroupLoopStep(); } PlayerGroupLoopEnd(); return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_MapInitialization_Init () { gt_MapInitialization = TriggerCreate("gt_MapInitialization_Func"); TriggerAddEventMapInit(gt_MapInitialization); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Set Enemy Unit Height -------------------- bool gt_SetEnemyUnitHeight_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    UnitGroupLoopBegin(UnitGroupAlliance(1, c_unitAllianceEnemy, RegionEntireMap(), UnitFilter(0, 0, (1 << c_targetFilterMissile), (1 << (c_targetFilterDead - 32)) | (1 << (c_targetFilterHidden - 32))), 0)); while (!UnitGroupLoopDone()) { if ((UnitGetType(UnitGroupLoopCurrent()) == "Zergling")) { UnitSetCustomValue(UnitGroupLoopCurrent(), 0, 0.5); } else { if ((UnitGetType(UnitGroupLoopCurrent()) == "Baneling")) { UnitSetCustomValue(UnitGroupLoopCurrent(), 0, 0.7); } else { if ((UnitGetType(UnitGroupLoopCurrent()) == "Hydralisk")) { UnitSetCustomValue(UnitGroupLoopCurrent(), 0, 1.5); } else { if ((UnitGetType(UnitGroupLoopCurrent()) == "Ultralisk")) { UnitSetCustomValue(UnitGroupLoopCurrent(), 0, 6.2); } else { } } } } UnitGroupLoopStep(); } UnitGroupLoopEnd(); return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_SetEnemyUnitHeight_Init () { gt_SetEnemyUnitHeight = TriggerCreate("gt_SetEnemyUnitHeight_Func"); TriggerEnable(gt_SetEnemyUnitHeight, false); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Victory -------------------- bool gt_Victory_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Conditions if (testConds) { if (!(((UnitGetOwner(EventUnit()) == 15) && (UnitGroupCount(UnitGroupAlliance(c_playerAny, c_unitAllianceEnemy, RegionEntireMap(), UnitFilter(0, 0, (1 << c_targetFilterMissile), (1 << (c_targetFilterDead - 32)) | (1 << (c_targetFilterHidden - 32))), 0), c_unitCountAlive) == 0)))) { return false; } }

    Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    Wait(1.5, c_timeReal); PlayerGroupLoopBegin(PlayerGroupActive()); while (!PlayerGroupLoopDone()) { GameOver(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), c_gameOverVictory, true, false); PlayerGroupLoopStep(); } PlayerGroupLoopEnd(); return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_Victory_Init () { gt_Victory = TriggerCreate("gt_Victory_Func"); TriggerAddEventUnitDied(gt_Victory, null); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Defeat -------------------- bool gt_Defeat_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Conditions if (testConds) { if (!((EventPlayer() != 15))) { return false; } }

    Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    Wait(3.0, c_timeReal); PlayerGroupLoopBegin(PlayerGroupActive()); while (!PlayerGroupLoopDone()) { GameOver(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(), c_gameOverDefeat, true, false); PlayerGroupLoopStep(); } PlayerGroupLoopEnd(); return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_Defeat_Init () { gt_Defeat = TriggerCreate("gt_Defeat_Func"); TriggerAddEventUnitDied(gt_Defeat, UnitRefFromVariable("gv_[1]")); TriggerAddEventUnitDied(gt_Defeat, UnitRefFromVariable("gv_[2]")); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Rotate Camera -------------------- bool gt_RotateCamera_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    PlayerGroupLoopBegin(PlayerGroupActive()); while (!PlayerGroupLoopDone()) { UnitSetFacing(gv_[PlayerGroupLoopCurrent()], CameraGetYaw(PlayerGroupLoopCurrent()), 0.2); PlayerGroupLoopStep(); } PlayerGroupLoopEnd(); return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_RotateCamera_Init () { gt_RotateCamera = TriggerCreate("gt_RotateCamera_Func"); TriggerAddEventTimePeriodic(gt_RotateCamera, 0.1, c_timeGame); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Shoot -------------------- bool gt_Shoot_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Conditions if (testConds) { if (!(((UnitIsAlive(gv_[EventPlayer()]) == true) && (gv_[EventPlayer()] == false) && (gv_[EventPlayer()] > 0) && (gv_[EventPlayer()] == false) && (gv_[EventPlayer()] == false) && (gv_[EventPlayer()] == false) && (gv_[EventPlayer()] == false)))) { return false; } }

    Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    gv_[EventPlayer()] = true; TriggerExecute(gt_CooldownAttack, false, false); gv_[EventPlayer()]=gv_[EventPlayer()] - 1; libNtve_gf_SetBossBarCurrentValue((EventPlayer() + 2), gv_[EventPlayer()], true); if ((gv_[EventPlayer()] == 0)) { gv_[EventPlayer()] = true; TriggerExecute(gt_Reload, false, false); } else { } libNtve_gf_PlayAnimation(libNtve_gf_MainActorofUnit(gv_[EventPlayer()]), c_animNameDefault, "Attack", 0, c_animTimeDefault); gf_Traceline(EventPlayer()); if ((gv_[EventPlayer()] != null)) { UnitCreateEffectUnit(gv_[EventPlayer()], "C10CanisterRifle", gv_[EventPlayer()]); UnitIssueOrder(gv_[EventPlayer()], OrderTargetingUnit(AbilityCommand("attack", 0), gv_[EventPlayer()]), c_orderQueueReplace); } else { if ((gv_[EventPlayer()] != null)) { UnitCreateEffectPoint(gv_[EventPlayer()], "C10CanisterRifle", gv_[EventPlayer()]); } else { SoundPlay(SoundLink("Ghost_AttackLaunch", -1), PlayerGroupAll(), 100.0, 0.0); } } return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_Shoot_Init () { gt_Shoot = TriggerCreate("gt_Shoot_Func"); TriggerAddEventMouseClicked(gt_Shoot, 1, c_mouseButtonLeft, true); TriggerAddEventMouseClicked(gt_Shoot, 2, c_mouseButtonLeft, true); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Cooldown Attack -------------------- bool gt_CooldownAttack_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    Wait(AbsF(gv_), c_timeReal); gv_[EventPlayer()] = false; return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_CooldownAttack_Init () { gt_CooldownAttack = TriggerCreate("gt_CooldownAttack_Func"); TriggerEnable(gt_CooldownAttack, false); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Reload -------------------- bool gt_Reload_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    Wait(3.0, c_timeReal); gv_[EventPlayer()] = gv_; libNtve_gf_SetBossBarCurrentValue((EventPlayer() + 2), gv_[EventPlayer()], true); return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_Reload_Init () { gt_Reload = TriggerCreate("gt_Reload_Func"); TriggerEnable(gt_Reload, false); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Press R (Reload) -------------------- bool gt_PressRReload_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Conditions if (testConds) { if (!(((UnitIsAlive(gv_[EventPlayer()]) == true) && (gv_[EventPlayer()] > 0) && (gv_[EventPlayer()] < gv_)))) { return false; } }

    Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    gv_[EventPlayer()] = 0; libNtve_gf_SetBossBarCurrentValue((EventPlayer() + 2), gv_[EventPlayer()], true); TriggerExecute(gt_Reload, false, false); return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_PressRReload_Init () { gt_PressRReload = TriggerCreate("gt_PressRReload_Func"); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_PressRReload, 1, c_keyR, true, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_PressRReload, 2, c_keyR, true, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Zoom -------------------- bool gt_Zoom_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Conditions if (testConds) { if (!(((gv_[EventPlayer()] == false) && (gv_[EventPlayer()] == false) && (gv_[EventPlayer()] == false) && (gv_[EventPlayer()] == false)))) { return false; } }

    Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    gv_[EventPlayer()] = true; CameraSetValue(EventPlayer(), c_cameraValueDistance, 1.0, 0.3, -1, 10); return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_Zoom_Init () { gt_Zoom = TriggerCreate("gt_Zoom_Func"); TriggerAddEventMouseClicked(gt_Zoom, 1, c_mouseButtonRight, true); TriggerAddEventMouseClicked(gt_Zoom, 2, c_mouseButtonRight, true); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Unzoom -------------------- bool gt_Unzoom_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Conditions if (testConds) { if (!((gv_[EventPlayer()] == true))) { return false; } }

    Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    gv_[EventPlayer()] = false; CameraSetValue(EventPlayer(), c_cameraValueDistance, 4.0, 0.55, -1, 10); return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_Unzoom_Init () { gt_Unzoom = TriggerCreate("gt_Unzoom_Func"); TriggerAddEventMouseClicked(gt_Unzoom, 1, c_mouseButtonRight, false); TriggerAddEventMouseClicked(gt_Unzoom, 2, c_mouseButtonRight, false); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Press W -------------------- bool gt_PressW_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    gv_[EventPlayer()] = true; libNtve_gf_ClearAnimation(libNtve_gf_MainActorofUnit(gv_[EventPlayer()]), c_animNameDefault); TriggerExecute(gt_Unzoom, true, false); return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_PressW_Init () { gt_PressW = TriggerCreate("gt_PressW_Func"); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_PressW, 1, c_keyW, true, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_PressW, 2, c_keyW, true, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Release W -------------------- bool gt_ReleaseW_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    gv_[EventPlayer()] = false; return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_ReleaseW_Init () { gt_ReleaseW = TriggerCreate("gt_ReleaseW_Func"); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_ReleaseW, 1, c_keyW, false, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_ReleaseW, 2, c_keyW, false, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Press A -------------------- bool gt_PressA_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    gv_[EventPlayer()] = true; libNtve_gf_ClearAnimation(libNtve_gf_MainActorofUnit(gv_[EventPlayer()]), c_animNameDefault); TriggerExecute(gt_Unzoom, true, false); return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_PressA_Init () { gt_PressA = TriggerCreate("gt_PressA_Func"); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_PressA, 1, c_keyA, true, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_PressA, 2, c_keyA, true, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Release A -------------------- bool gt_ReleaseA_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    gv_[EventPlayer()] = false; return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_ReleaseA_Init () { gt_ReleaseA = TriggerCreate("gt_ReleaseA_Func"); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_ReleaseA, 1, c_keyA, false, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_ReleaseA, 2, c_keyA, false, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Press S -------------------- bool gt_PressS_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    gv_[EventPlayer()] = true; libNtve_gf_ClearAnimation(libNtve_gf_MainActorofUnit(gv_[EventPlayer()]), c_animNameDefault); TriggerExecute(gt_Unzoom, true, false); return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_PressS_Init () { gt_PressS = TriggerCreate("gt_PressS_Func"); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_PressS, 1, c_keyS, true, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_PressS, 2, c_keyS, true, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); }

    -------------------- Trigger: ReleaseS -------------------- bool gt_ReleaseS_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    gv_[EventPlayer()] = false; return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_ReleaseS_Init () { gt_ReleaseS = TriggerCreate("gt_ReleaseS_Func"); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_ReleaseS, 1, c_keyS, false, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_ReleaseS, 2, c_keyS, false, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Press D -------------------- bool gt_PressD_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    gv_[EventPlayer()] = true; libNtve_gf_ClearAnimation(libNtve_gf_MainActorofUnit(gv_[EventPlayer()]), c_animNameDefault); TriggerExecute(gt_Unzoom, true, false); return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_PressD_Init () { gt_PressD = TriggerCreate("gt_PressD_Func"); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_PressD, 1, c_keyD, true, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_PressD, 2, c_keyD, true, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Release D -------------------- bool gt_ReleaseD_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    gv_[EventPlayer()] = false; return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_ReleaseD_Init () { gt_ReleaseD = TriggerCreate("gt_ReleaseD_Func"); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_ReleaseD, 1, c_keyD, false, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_ReleaseD, 2, c_keyD, false, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Move Player Unit -------------------- bool gt_MovePlayerUnit_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Variable Declarations int lv_;

    Variable Initialization lv_ = 0;

    Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    PlayerGroupLoopBegin(PlayerGroupActive()); while (!PlayerGroupLoopDone()) { lv_ = PlayerGroupLoopCurrent(); if (((gv_[lv_] == true) && (gv_[lv_] == false) && (gv_[lv_] == false) && (gv_[lv_] == false))) { UnitIssueOrder(gv_[lv_], OrderTargetingPoint(AbilityCommand("move", 0), PointWithOffsetPolar(UnitGetPosition(gv_[lv_]), 0.5, CameraGetYaw(lv_))), c_orderQueueReplace); } else { } if (((gv_[lv_] == false) && (gv_[lv_] == true) && (gv_[lv_] == false) && (gv_[lv_] == false))) { UnitIssueOrder(gv_[lv_], OrderTargetingPoint(AbilityCommand("move", 0), PointWithOffsetPolar(UnitGetPosition(gv_[lv_]), 0.5, (CameraGetYaw(lv_) + 90.0))), c_orderQueueReplace); } else { } if (((gv_[lv_] == false) && (gv_[lv_] == false) && (gv_[lv_] == true) && (gv_[lv_] == false))) { UnitIssueOrder(gv_[lv_], OrderTargetingPoint(AbilityCommand("move", 0), PointWithOffsetPolar(UnitGetPosition(gv_[lv_]), 0.5, (CameraGetYaw(lv_) + 180.0))), c_orderQueueReplace); } else { } if (((gv_[lv_] == false) && (gv_[lv_] == false) && (gv_[lv_] == false) && (gv_[lv_] == true))) { UnitIssueOrder(gv_[lv_], OrderTargetingPoint(AbilityCommand("move", 0), PointWithOffsetPolar(UnitGetPosition(gv_[lv_]), 0.5, (CameraGetYaw(lv_) + -90.0))), c_orderQueueReplace); } else { } if (((gv_[lv_] == true) && (gv_[lv_] == true) && (gv_[lv_] == false) && (gv_[lv_] == false))) { UnitIssueOrder(gv_[lv_], OrderTargetingPoint(AbilityCommand("move", 0), PointWithOffsetPolar(UnitGetPosition(gv_[lv_]), 0.5, (CameraGetYaw(lv_) + 45.0))), c_orderQueueReplace); } else { } if (((gv_[lv_] == true) && (gv_[lv_] == false) && (gv_[lv_] == false) && (gv_[lv_] == true))) { UnitIssueOrder(gv_[lv_], OrderTargetingPoint(AbilityCommand("move", 0), PointWithOffsetPolar(UnitGetPosition(gv_[lv_]), 0.5, (CameraGetYaw(lv_) + -45.0))), c_orderQueueReplace); } else { } if (((gv_[lv_] == false) && (gv_[lv_] == true) && (gv_[lv_] == true) && (gv_[lv_] == false))) { UnitIssueOrder(gv_[lv_], OrderTargetingPoint(AbilityCommand("move", 0), PointWithOffsetPolar(UnitGetPosition(gv_[lv_]), 0.5, (CameraGetYaw(lv_) + 135.0))), c_orderQueueReplace); } else { } if (((gv_[lv_] == false) && (gv_[lv_] == false) && (gv_[lv_] == true) && (gv_[lv_] == true))) { UnitIssueOrder(gv_[lv_], OrderTargetingPoint(AbilityCommand("move", 0), PointWithOffsetPolar(UnitGetPosition(gv_[lv_]), 0.5, (CameraGetYaw(lv_) + -135.0))), c_orderQueueReplace); } else { } PlayerGroupLoopStep(); } PlayerGroupLoopEnd(); return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_MovePlayerUnit_Init () { gt_MovePlayerUnit = TriggerCreate("gt_MovePlayerUnit_Func"); TriggerAddEventTimePeriodic(gt_MovePlayerUnit, 0.04, c_timeGame); }

    -------------------- Trigger: Press F (Flashlight) -------------------- bool gt_PressFFlashlight_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Variable Declarations int lv_;

    Variable Initialization lv_ = EventPlayer();

    Actions if (!runActions) { return true; }

    if ((gv_[lv_] == false)) { gv_[lv_] = true; UnitBehaviorAddPlayer(gv_[lv_], "Flashlight", lv_, 1); } else { gv_[lv_] = false; UnitBehaviorRemovePlayer(gv_[lv_], "Flashlight", lv_, 1); } return true; }

    -------------------- void gt_PressFFlashlight_Init () { gt_PressFFlashlight = TriggerCreate("gt_PressFFlashlight_Func"); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_PressFFlashlight, 1, c_keyF, true, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); TriggerAddEventKeyPressed(gt_PressFFlashlight, 2, c_keyF, true, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore, c_keyModifierStateIgnore); }

    -------------------- Trigger Initialization -------------------- void InitTriggers () { gt_MapInitialization_Init(); gt_SetEnemyUnitHeight_Init(); gt_Victory_Init(); gt_Defeat_Init(); gt_RotateCamera_Init(); gt_Shoot_Init(); gt_CooldownAttack_Init(); gt_Reload_Init(); gt_PressRReload_Init(); gt_Zoom_Init(); gt_Unzoom_Init(); gt_PressW_Init(); gt_ReleaseW_Init(); gt_PressA_Init(); gt_ReleaseA_Init(); gt_PressS_Init(); gt_ReleaseS_Init(); gt_PressD_Init(); gt_ReleaseD_Init(); gt_MovePlayerUnit_Init(); gt_PressFFlashlight_Init(); }

    -------------------- Map Initialization -------------------- void InitMap () { InitLibs(); InitGlobals(); InitTriggers(); }

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on create unit in random region
    Quote from EpicurusDarwin: Go

    I get this when I try to save

    Script failed to compile: Syntax error (See Trigger Editor for more details) line 21

    with this highlighted:: region[9] gv_;

    I have gotten the same problem and still cant figure it out

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Third Person Shooter (TPS) engine - Download if you need one

    I, am trying to make a multiplayer map using ur multiplayer version and i wanted to add some of my own code on to it but it whenever i make a new trigger it messes it up and i cant save/test. Is there a way i can add my own triggers? Whenever I modify or add any triggers and then try to save or test u get this error "Script failed to compile: Syntax error (See Trigger Editor for more details)" then in the script compile errors thing it says "1 syntax error line 21 generated"

    Any help would be appreciated

    Posted in: Triggers
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