@Repliquant: Go
Suggestion 1: Mulitplayer Multi-Tasking Simulator.
I'd like to see a map that is a newer more multiplayer oriented Multitasking Trainer. You could call it: Mulitplayer Multi-Tasking Simulator. It wouldn't have the probe being chased by a zergling or zealot like most of those maps. Instead it would actually require you to constantly scout the 4 primary base areas of a multiplayer map. If you're scout died or stopped moving for 15 seconds then you would star losing points. The goal would be scout constantly and you get so many points for each time you move from one base to another. It would be like, you need 100 points a minute or else you are not scouting properly. So every minute your points go up another 100 unless your are slow. The map would also star losing points if your mineral or gas gets over 600. So your goal would be to hit lets say, 30000 points for a 30 minute game.
I believe the old multitasking trainer maps are a waste of time, because you would never use that in a real game. It only helps you to a certain point, but it won't help your scouting or your actual multiplayer game play by just being able to keep a probe from dying.
Suggestion 2: Multiplayer Scouting Response Simulator.
This would be a much more difficult map to create. This map would have the same features as the Suggestion #1, but with a whole secondary set of triggers. This one would require you to pay attention to what you are seeing when you are scouting, and require you to begin the correct response to what you opponent is doing within 1 minute. Like if you see your opponent go forge first, and you are playing zerg, then you probably want to go hatchery first instead of pool. Or later on if you see him throw down a stargate, then you need to build an anti-air type building, hydralisk den, spore, spire, or produce units that are anti-air, queens etc.. This would be a very complicated map to create, and it would probably be best to make one for each race for the sake of simplifying the map. Like you would have a: Zerg Multiplayer Scouting Response Simulator. You could set what race you want to play against, and then you start the match.
BOTH OF THESE SUGGESTIONS ARE MEANT TO BE PLAYED VERSUS COMPUTER; UNLESS YOU THINK IT WOULD BE JUST AS EASY TO HAVE AN ACTUAL MULTIPLAYER VERSION. I would think that would be twice as hard because you would have to have it read what both players are doing and then provide a report at the end of the match showing if the person made the right responses to his scouting or not.
If you are publishing a normal melee or multiplayer map; you can just click Generate Defaults in the bottom left of the Game Variant menu which is located in the editor under MAP, at the bottom. This make it work perfectly for multiplayer, except for making it open to create a public game, which i don't you can do at this point in beta.
I now have created a working map that lets you select your race at the beginning of the match. The enemy bases are already built though, and it sends attack waves at you. It was super hard at first because the attack waves were too large. I have since weakened the attack waves, but the longer the game goes on the harder it gets to stop the attack waves. I'm trying to get it balanced out enough that I might actually win. I think part of the problem is that it's you vs 4 opponents, but I wanted the map to be more of a challenge than the computer on very easy mode.
Is there a way to set the race of the user interace after map has initialized? I have my map setup to give you a dialog window that lets you choose your race, then it spawns the starting units for that race. The only problem with it is that it randoms the user interface and it's stuck with that interface through the entire match. I would like to be able to tell it which interface to use after the user has selected their race from the dialog window.
I can't seem to find any regular starcraft 2 maps. Does anyone have any plain maps that are versus the computer? Without any changes to the units? Or could someone throw up a couple for download? Like maybe where when you first launch it you can choose what race you want to be and then you control that race vs the other 2 races? And maybe throw in a early rush from the AI, a mid game rush, and a final push at end game? The bases/defenses could already be built, except for the race you choose, which will be wiped clean except for your starting headquaters/minerals/workers. This way you can build up your own base, and your enemies bases will be built up already since the AI is normally way too easy.
Basically, I'm looking for a couple maps that can simulate mutiplayer games on battle.net without too many bells and whistles that change the game play. Since Beta ends may 31st I'd like to have a couple maps to practice on until beta comes back online. I want the units to be all current units and not modified in anyway.
I think I could probably create a simple map like this but it would take me much longer to do. I have created a similar map but it's only protoss vs terran, and there are no attack waves, and no AI. It's basically a slaughter fest.
@Repliquant: Go Suggestion 1: Mulitplayer Multi-Tasking Simulator. I'd like to see a map that is a newer more multiplayer oriented Multitasking Trainer. You could call it: Mulitplayer Multi-Tasking Simulator. It wouldn't have the probe being chased by a zergling or zealot like most of those maps. Instead it would actually require you to constantly scout the 4 primary base areas of a multiplayer map. If you're scout died or stopped moving for 15 seconds then you would star losing points. The goal would be scout constantly and you get so many points for each time you move from one base to another. It would be like, you need 100 points a minute or else you are not scouting properly. So every minute your points go up another 100 unless your are slow. The map would also star losing points if your mineral or gas gets over 600. So your goal would be to hit lets say, 30000 points for a 30 minute game.
I believe the old multitasking trainer maps are a waste of time, because you would never use that in a real game. It only helps you to a certain point, but it won't help your scouting or your actual multiplayer game play by just being able to keep a probe from dying.
Suggestion 2: Multiplayer Scouting Response Simulator. This would be a much more difficult map to create. This map would have the same features as the Suggestion #1, but with a whole secondary set of triggers. This one would require you to pay attention to what you are seeing when you are scouting, and require you to begin the correct response to what you opponent is doing within 1 minute. Like if you see your opponent go forge first, and you are playing zerg, then you probably want to go hatchery first instead of pool. Or later on if you see him throw down a stargate, then you need to build an anti-air type building, hydralisk den, spore, spire, or produce units that are anti-air, queens etc.. This would be a very complicated map to create, and it would probably be best to make one for each race for the sake of simplifying the map. Like you would have a: Zerg Multiplayer Scouting Response Simulator. You could set what race you want to play against, and then you start the match.
BOTH OF THESE SUGGESTIONS ARE MEANT TO BE PLAYED VERSUS COMPUTER; UNLESS YOU THINK IT WOULD BE JUST AS EASY TO HAVE AN ACTUAL MULTIPLAYER VERSION. I would think that would be twice as hard because you would have to have it read what both players are doing and then provide a report at the end of the match showing if the person made the right responses to his scouting or not.
If you are publishing a normal melee or multiplayer map; you can just click Generate Defaults in the bottom left of the Game Variant menu which is located in the editor under MAP, at the bottom. This make it work perfectly for multiplayer, except for making it open to create a public game, which i don't you can do at this point in beta.
I published my Super BGH map! Super Big Game Hunters! Just do a map search on battle.net for "Super BGH" and check it out!
I now have created a working map that lets you select your race at the beginning of the match. The enemy bases are already built though, and it sends attack waves at you. It was super hard at first because the attack waves were too large. I have since weakened the attack waves, but the longer the game goes on the harder it gets to stop the attack waves. I'm trying to get it balanced out enough that I might actually win. I think part of the problem is that it's you vs 4 opponents, but I wanted the map to be more of a challenge than the computer on very easy mode.
Is there a way to set the race of the user interace after map has initialized? I have my map setup to give you a dialog window that lets you choose your race, then it spawns the starting units for that race. The only problem with it is that it randoms the user interface and it's stuck with that interface through the entire match. I would like to be able to tell it which interface to use after the user has selected their race from the dialog window.
I tried this and when i click test map it loads then gives me the error: Unable to Open map.
What am I doing wrong?
I can't seem to find any regular starcraft 2 maps. Does anyone have any plain maps that are versus the computer? Without any changes to the units? Or could someone throw up a couple for download? Like maybe where when you first launch it you can choose what race you want to be and then you control that race vs the other 2 races? And maybe throw in a early rush from the AI, a mid game rush, and a final push at end game? The bases/defenses could already be built, except for the race you choose, which will be wiped clean except for your starting headquaters/minerals/workers. This way you can build up your own base, and your enemies bases will be built up already since the AI is normally way too easy.
Basically, I'm looking for a couple maps that can simulate mutiplayer games on battle.net without too many bells and whistles that change the game play. Since Beta ends may 31st I'd like to have a couple maps to practice on until beta comes back online. I want the units to be all current units and not modified in anyway.
I think I could probably create a simple map like this but it would take me much longer to do. I have created a similar map but it's only protoss vs terran, and there are no attack waves, and no AI. It's basically a slaughter fest.
Thanks! Sickill.