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    posted a message on Random Enemy Unit Fight

    I actually started working on such a system about an hour ago, lol. My idea doing this was having two strings, one for storing unit groups (unit links of all units of the group) and one for storing the chances.
    This is how it currently looks like (not tested yet, but that's the basic idea):

    Group setup (for each region)

    Get random encounter based on setup

    The setup would then be used whenever a region is entered.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Random Path finding

    Not sure if that's what you are looking for, but you can get a unit's x and y coordinates with the functions "X of point" and "Y of point" with position of unit as parameter.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Get slot item trouble
            Unit Group - Pick each unit in (All items carried by Hero) and do (Actions)
                   pos = (Inventory Slot of Picked Unit) <Integer>
                   Dialog - Set Equipment Window.Inventory Buttons[pos] tooltip to (...) for (All players)
                   Dialog - Set Equipment Window.Inventory Image[pos] image to (...) for (All players)

    That way it does work for me. All items are shown at correct position.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Data Editor: Some Units Duplicate Differently?

    Not only the units have actors to show their visuals, the weapons have too. So when duplicating a weapon , make sure you also duplicate the actors used by them (or copy the weapons' actors and link them like you do with the units).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on The fate of being (RPG Campaign)


    I'm glad you like it :)
    Though I have more free time from next week on which I planned to put into this project, I guess it will take some more time than having a release "soon"...

    Regarding your Zerg hero suggestion, I don't think this would fit into the story, since Skivarr is designing "super-protoss" that would also be a huge threat to the zerg and I don't want to put one in just for sake of having a hero for all races. I was thinking about adding "temporary" heroes though, which help you through certain parts of the story or are related to a side story, and there could be situations where a zerg hero would fit, but those are just ideas for now.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on (Solved) Free-form Unit Placement?

    You should be able to place units without a footprint freely on the map, so removing footprints from those units should solve your problem.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on The fate of being (RPG Campaign)

    Hey guys, I wanted to show you a project I have been working on now for quite a long time. It's a turn based RPG campaign (like final fantasy if you want, but more based on other similar games since I never actually played FF myself). The campaign will be split into 3 chapters, while each chapter will consist of various maps.
    There are 4 main characters whose story you will follow, which focuses around the clone GLOW (see characters) and his personal "fate of being".

    The main characters (WIP)

    Skivarr (Protoss Scientist)
    Skivarr works as the lead scientist for Garet's company. His experiments usually focus around living test subjects. Besides his work for Garet his dream is to enhance all protoss and unleash their true powers which he believes lie deep within their DNA. In the last two years, he worked on his first "super-protoss" and against the excpetations of everyone else the testsubject slowly starts to gain lots of power.

    Garet (Terran Commander)
    Text in production...

    Cio (Terran Mercenary)
    As a provocative nature, Cio never misses a chance to get in trouble with almost everyone. After being hired by Garet, she watches over the test subjects and keeps them in control. Since she rarely met any protoss in her life which actually didn't immediately try to kill her, she has a special interest in Skivarr to learn how the protoss mindset works and how to manipulate it.

    Testsubject GLOW (Protoss Clone)
    Two years ago, GLOW was cloned by Skivarr. Since then he is being experimented on and spent most of his time in a cell on the research ship. GLOW, named after his light emitting skin, is the only test subject actually treated nicely by Skivarr, so he does not feel anger towards his creator. In fact, his thoughts mainly focus around the question of his purpose of life and his excpectations towards it.

    Chapter I: Consciousness

    (Map page)

    The first chapter focusses around introducing both the player and GLOW to the story, since GLOW basically has no idea of what is going on.
    After the research ship is attacked by protoss and the four heroes are kidnapped, GLOW can discover the world outside of his cell and the laboratory for the first time.
    When the group manages to flee from the protoss carrier and experiences the strength and (though limited) wisdom of GLOW, they decide to no longer lock him away and to treat him as a protoss rather than a testing subject.
    But still GLOW has to find out where his place in this universe lies...


    Here are some older videos showing gameplay of the tutorial map (sorry for bad quality, my pc and recording tool suck).

    Random Gameplay

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/yfrI62sra64?fs=1

    Boss battle

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/JCm9nWFtq98?fs=1

    And some more up-to-date screenshots:



    The project is still far from being finished, but I think after some time I can actually get this one done.
    I am planning to release this chapter-wise though (I excpect Consciousness to be the shortest, containing about 5-7 maps).

    I would love to get some feedback on this, what you think, why you (dis-)like it, and if you have any suggestions that would also be great :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Help! Find Unit Group of Unit

    Since a unit can be part of multiple unit groups at once you will have to work your way around for this.
    If you saved your unit groups as an array, you could save the index of the group your unit belongs to as one of it's custom values when you add it to the group.
    (add unit to group[i] -> set unit custom value 0 to i).
    Then you can get the group of your unit back by group[Integer(custom value 0 of unit)] (needs real to integer conversion since custom values are saved as reals).

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Randomness of Order in which units are put into Unit group

    In my map I am using a save/load system, which requires to save the states of several doors (open/closed) so I can load saved states when I restart the map.
    For this, I put all relevant doors into a unit group at map init, and afterwards save/load this group by indexing through that group (save: store unit type of unit i from group as i in bank / load: replace unit i from group by type stored in bank as i).

    Usually this works properly, however in some rare cases this just completely gets messed up, loading completely wrong doors (wrong angle, wrong state). But since I did not place/remove any units in the editor before and the group is initialized only on map init and not changed afterwards (loading and saving also only appears after this setup), I wonder if it could happen that the order in which units are put into the unit group/ the internal indexing of the group can vary between games? And if so how could I fix my doors to have always the same order inside the unit group?

    EDIT: I am stupid and did not read hint text of "replace unit"... just remove this...

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to select both friendly and enemy units?

    Looks like you are giving player 2 control of player 1's units. Have you tried swapping both players?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Layout throwing error when used in mod

    In my map, I am using HotS dependencies, but I wanted to have back the WoL-styled World tooltip (white-colored font except of brown), so I cloned the "HotS_WorldTooltip" layout and replaced the text style value by the one I found in "WorldTooltip".
    So far so good, works properly, no errors. But now, I transferred that new asset into a mod file since I want to use it for multiple maps. The fix does still work, BUT everytime I test the map, i get the following error:

    UI: File [TooltipFix.SC2Layout] Line [2] Column [1]. Attempting to add a desc named [TooltipFix] to [] with the same name as an already existing child.

    However, when I do not close the game window and restart the game, that error won't pop up.

    Anyone knows what could have gone wrong here and how to fix it?

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Break while loop or stop trigger

    How about adding a "Turn current trigger off" at the beginning and "Turn current trigger on" at the end of your trigger?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Arcade TD/TW] Shape War

    Beta is now Playable on EU ("Shape War")! If you played it tell me what you think about it!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Arcade TD/TW] Shape War


    Shape Wars is designed to be a pretty straightforward acrade game.
    It is a very simple (versus-) TD in terms of style and complexity. There are just a few towers with basic tower concepts and also just a few enemy types.
    There are 70 waves, but chances are high that you will die before reaching it.
    Mainly this game is about hunting highscores and achievements.
    And of course it is about shapes!


    Both towers and units can have different colors in this game.
    Each wave you gain one gas which can be spent to change the color of one of your towers, which grants it various stats like +damage, speed or range. Enemies have different colors each wave and they get bonuses like life and speed for it. You can even color the towers of your opponents to grant them unfitting bonuses! (But keep in mind you only get one gas per wave.)


    Another main aspect of this game is the randomness you have to adapt to.
    There are 3 things randomized and different each game you play:

    • You will get a unique maze each time you play
    • After wave 5, enemy types are random per wave
    • After wave 5, enemy colors are random per wave


    If you like achievement hunting, you will spend a lot of time in this game. There are lots of achievements you can get, and each achievement also unlocks a portrait you can use. However, there are some basic achievements that you will probably unlock by playing a few times, but most of them are designed to be quite tricky or hard to get.

    The Tower wars part AKA PVP challenge (optional)

    Achievement and Score hunting are the one thing you can have a lot of fun with, but if you want some real challenge, you can also play wars mode. In this mode, after wave 5 you can spawn your own shapes in your enemies' grids. This works just like in usual tower wars: You decide unit type and color, pay some minerals and get some income for it. But to not make things too easy, you still have to deal with the additional wave spawing until wave 70.

    Some Screenshots

    TL;DR AKA Will I play it?

    Shape wars is a simple TD, which is easy at the beginning but gets INCREDIBLY hard at the end!
    Do you like challenge? Do you like score hunting against other players?
    Or are you just a huge TD/TW fan?
    Then the only option you have is: Go play Shape War now!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Actor: UnitDeath message can not trigger for specific models?

    So the last days I was trying to add a death animation for a shape unit (Tetrahedron). So I added a

      Create KarassPsiStormImpact

    to the tetrahedron's actor. However, when a Tetrahedron dies, this actor is not created. The strange thing is when I send a "ModelSwap" message to it via triggers (to Shape O in my case), the new actor is created when the modified Tetrahedron dies. Why won't it trigger if I don't swap the model and how could I fix that?

    Posted in: Data
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